
Ancestral Throne : Building The Strongest Empire In Another World

History tells us that powerful people come from powerful places. History was wrong! Powerful people makes places powerful. ___________________________________ Alexander The Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, Cyrus The Great, Attila The Hun. All these people were powerful people who made their countries powerful. ____________________________________ Nexus Astaseul possesses everything that many could only dream of having in a lifetime: a wealthy father and the love of the only person who truly cares for him in the world,his mother. Despite living a life of luxury each day, he learned that life can be unpredictable. At the age of eighteen, he was involved in an accident that resulted in the loss of both of his legs. Despite his father being one of the wealthiest individuals on the planet, his legs were unable to be restored, and tragically, he also lost his mother in the same accident. Nexus father did not have a close relationship with his mother, as their marriage was based on the benefits it brought to their families. His father's infidelity, even while his mother was alive, strained their family dynamic and contributed to his mother's unhappiness. Following the loss of his legs, Nexus's life took a dramatic turn. His father provided him with a small villa outside the city to reside in. Nexus had a passion for reading from a young age, and he cultivated a vast library in his home. His collection spanned various genres, including politics, business, management, and history. The sheer volume of books in his possession rivaled that of a university library, if not surpassing it in size. He sought solace in his extensive collection of books to alleviate the anguish of losing both his legs and his mother. However, fate seemed to have a cruel sense of humor. At the age of twenty-two, a fire engulfed the villa where he resided. On that fateful day, his caretaker was away visiting her family, leaving him helpless to flee the flames with his immobile legs. Tragically, he perished in the inferno. In the aftermath of his presumed demise, Nexus awoke to find himself in a new and completely different world where his vast library of knowledge resided within his mind. In a world where kingdoms and empires stood tall, conquest reigns supreme. Nexus gazed upon this magnificent world and made a solemn vow to become the greatest conqueror and emperor to have ever existed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 100 PS = 1 Bonus Chapter 200 PS = 2 Bonus Chapters 300 PS = 3 Bonus Chapters 1 Golden Ticket = 2 Bonus Chapters 2 Golden Tickets = 3 Bonus Chapters 3 Golden Tickets = 4 Bonus Chapters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can join my discord server: https : // discord. com/invite/c7hm7hVf

Mysterious_Ghost · Fantasie
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Chapter 36 : Rapid Progress

Five days later, Kassius successfully recruited two hundred individuals to join the construction team. While the number may seem small, it marked a promising start. Given the vast expanse of the Mysthaven Kingdom, news of the recruitment would take time to reach all corners.

The kingdom boasts numerous mountainous regions and forests, yet settlements are scarce due to the influence of greedy nobles. Currently, there are only two cities, ten towns, and several scattered villages within its borders.

Upon recruitment, Nexus promptly assigned the two hundred individuals to begin construction of the kiln. Split into two teams of one hundred, they, with the guidance of Thorgrim, commenced work on the project.

Nexus envisioned a kiln of unprecedented size, one hundred times larger than those found on Earth. Despite initial challenges and mistakes, the construction team gradually corrected their errors and followed the blueprint. Thorgrim provided valuable assistance, while Nexus actively participated in guiding the team and offering insights.

The construction of the kiln held immense significance for Nexus, as it would enable the production of bricks essential for future structures and buildings.

As word spread of the construction team's recruitment, a wave of able-bodied individuals, particularly the youth, flocked to the capital seeking employment. Kassius successfully enlisted an additional five hundred people, bringing the total number of the construction team to an impressive seven hundred.

Kassius was able to recruit a large number of individuals due to Nexus's directive to provide each construction worker with ten copper coins per day.

This incentive attracted many people to join the construction team, resulting in the addition of five hundred individuals. As a result, the construction of the kiln progressed at a much faster pace, with three huge kilns being completed within a month.

This achievement was particularly impressive considering that the workers were ordinary individuals without exceptional strength, yet they managed to construct kilns that were significantly larger than standard ones.

Back on Earth, the ability to construct large buildings quickly was typically associated with Asians, particularly the Chinese. For instance, the Chinese were able to build sixteen temporary hospitals in just sixteen days, showcasing their remarkable construction abilities. They were capable of erecting tall buildings and structures within a matter of days, earning them a reputation as construction experts.

Upon the completion of the three kilns, Nexus promptly ordered the construction of the Army Headquarters in the western area, leading to the demolition of existing buildings in the army barracks.

During the kiln construction phase, Kassius was tasked with sourcing materials for brick production. The discovery of a mountain stone, ten times harder than standard stones, proved to be an excellent material for brick production outside the Capital City.

Additionally, Nexus identified a material similar to limestone that, when turned into powder, transformed into a clay-like substance that hardened quickly, akin to cement but with a faster setting time of ten minutes.

With these two valuable materials at their disposal, the construction team immediately began producing bricks that were ten times larger and taller than standard bricks. The team was divided into three smaller groups to efficiently carry out the production process.

One team was tasked with mining the mountain stones and limestones, while another team was responsible for producing the bricks, and a third team was in charge of the actual construction of the buildings.

Horses and carriages were utilized to facilitate these construction processes. Kassius was able to add an additional three hundred people to the construction team, bringing the total number of team members to one thousand.

This significant increase in manpower propelled the construction progress forward, prompting Nexus to instruct Kassius to cease recruitment once the team reached one thousand members.

After another month had passed, the Army Headquarters was halfway completed thanks to the collective efforts of the one thousand workers. They successfully erected a massive dormitory, a training area equivalent to five football fields, as well as other training facilities, offices, and additional buildings.

During this period, Brutus began training the existing soldiers according to the guidelines provided by Nexus. With the ample food supply provided to them, the soldiers were able to gain weight, develop muscles, and significantly improve their physical condition through rigorous training. They were no longer the emaciated soldiers they had been just a few months prior.

In addition to training the current soldiers, Brutus followed Nexus's instructions to recruit new members to expand the army. Over the course of two months, Brutus successfully added another one thousand individuals to the army. With the completion of the training grounds, Brutus was able to properly train the new recruits.

Meanwhile, the farming competition organized by Nexus was gaining widespread popularity throughout the Kingdom.

The news of the King hosting a farming competition, where participants would receive various seeds and farming tools for free, attracted numerous individuals and families. The allure of a reward of one hundred gold coins, to be presented by the King himself, further motivated participation in the event.

A farming frenzy has swept across the Kingdom, as many individuals and families have begun reclaiming land and cultivating crops. The competition, which commenced two months ago, has yielded various satisfying results.

There are individuals overseeing the competition and meticulously recording the progress of each participant. Some farmers are cultivating rice, while others are tending to corn, wheat, and various other crops.

Additionally, some are focusing on growing vegetables, while others have delved into animal husbandry, raising a variety of domestic animals such as chickens, goats, geese, pigs, and rabbits. It is evident that animals capable of reproducing quickly are a top priority.

What Nexus found particularly intriguing is the presence of familiar farm products from Earth in this Astheria World. Here, where everything is powered by Spirit Energy, the vegetables are notably larger and more vibrant than their earthly counterparts. For instance, tomatoes in the Astheria World are ten times larger and more luscious than those found on Earth.

Similarly, other vegetables exhibit impressive growth, and domestic animals are notably larger as well. A typical chicken here is the size of an ostrich, rabbits are ten times larger, and pigs are the size of calves. Thanks to the influence of Spirit Energy, the meat of these animals is not only more nutritious but also more flavorful.

As the competition progresses, some crops are nearing harvest, and the deadline is fast approaching.

With only one month remaining, many farmers are eagerly anticipating the outcome.

Their determined expressions reflect their hopes of emerging victorious in the competition. Despite the looming deadline, these individuals continue to work diligently, fueled by their desire to succeed.

Furthermore, Kassius managed to recruit a few individuals who possessed the ability to read and write, despite their lack of experience in government and management.

This was a step in the right direction, as they could learn on the job. With the addition of these talented individuals, the burden on Nexus and Kassius was lightened.

Kassius and a few others took on various tasks related to government and management, while others were assigned to supervise the farming competition, lead the construction team, conduct surveys to identify issues within the Kingdom, or join the army.

During this time, Sora and Nyx who were entrusted with the responsibility of recruiting maids and cooks for the Royal Palace, they successfully attracted a number of individuals with the promise of an attractive salary.

The Palace, once deserted, was now bustling with activity as the new maids and cooks carried out their duties diligently. Sora and Nyx maintained strict standards, ensuring that everything was executed flawlessly.

Progress was evident on all fronts - the Army Headquarters was nearing completion, the army was expanding and growing stronger each day.

The farming competition promised to alleviate the food shortage in the Kingdom by its conclusion.

The efforts of all involved were contributing to the overall success of the Kingdom's development.

More powerstones please. Thank You

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