
Ancestral Throne : Building The Strongest Empire In Another World

History tells us that powerful people come from powerful places. History was wrong! Powerful people makes places powerful. ___________________________________ Alexander The Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, Cyrus The Great, Attila The Hun. All these people were powerful people who made their countries powerful. ____________________________________ Nexus Astaseul possesses everything that many could only dream of having in a lifetime: a wealthy father and the love of the only person who truly cares for him in the world,his mother. Despite living a life of luxury each day, he learned that life can be unpredictable. At the age of eighteen, he was involved in an accident that resulted in the loss of both of his legs. Despite his father being one of the wealthiest individuals on the planet, his legs were unable to be restored, and tragically, he also lost his mother in the same accident. Nexus father did not have a close relationship with his mother, as their marriage was based on the benefits it brought to their families. His father's infidelity, even while his mother was alive, strained their family dynamic and contributed to his mother's unhappiness. Following the loss of his legs, Nexus's life took a dramatic turn. His father provided him with a small villa outside the city to reside in. Nexus had a passion for reading from a young age, and he cultivated a vast library in his home. His collection spanned various genres, including politics, business, management, and history. The sheer volume of books in his possession rivaled that of a university library, if not surpassing it in size. He sought solace in his extensive collection of books to alleviate the anguish of losing both his legs and his mother. However, fate seemed to have a cruel sense of humor. At the age of twenty-two, a fire engulfed the villa where he resided. On that fateful day, his caretaker was away visiting her family, leaving him helpless to flee the flames with his immobile legs. Tragically, he perished in the inferno. In the aftermath of his presumed demise, Nexus awoke to find himself in a new and completely different world where his vast library of knowledge resided within his mind. In a world where kingdoms and empires stood tall, conquest reigns supreme. Nexus gazed upon this magnificent world and made a solemn vow to become the greatest conqueror and emperor to have ever existed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 100 PS = 1 Bonus Chapter 200 PS = 2 Bonus Chapters 300 PS = 3 Bonus Chapters 1 Golden Ticket = 2 Bonus Chapters 2 Golden Tickets = 3 Bonus Chapters 3 Golden Tickets = 4 Bonus Chapters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can join my discord server: https : // discord. com/invite/c7hm7hVf

Mysterious_Ghost · Fantasie
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56 Chs

Chapter 34 : Mysthaven Army

Nexus eagerly opened the book, his eyes lighting up with excitement as he began to flip through the pages. His smile was infectious, almost splitting his face in two with joy.

" The War God Art is supreme cultivation technique that is suitable for soldiers . The War God Art is divided into two cultivation techniques : War SoldierBattle Art and War General Battle Art, which appeared to be a specialized branch of the main cultivation technique known as the War God Art " Jade said while shaking her head with a nonchalant expression.

" The implications of mastering such a technique were profound, promising unparalleled power and mastery over the art of war ". Jade continued.

Nexus could hardly contain his excitement, when he heard what Jade said and as he continued to delve deeper into the Cultivation technique he was really excited.

The cultivation techniques known as War Soldier Battle Art and WarGeneral Battle Art were considered miraculous and perfectly complementary.

The War Soldier Battle Art could be cultivated by soldiers to the Body Integration Realm, while the War General Battle Art could be cultivated to the True Void Realm. The levels of cultivation were clearly defined within the system.

In addition to the cultivation techniques, the book contained detailed records of various battle formations and strategies. This comprehensive overview of the art of war made it a divine scripture of warfare.

Nexus snapped out of his excited state and took a deep breath and closed the book again. This Cultivation technique could be said to be a great treasure.It was a supreme technique that could allow ordinary soldiers to cultivate to the to the Body Integration Realm and even reached the True Void Realm.

The War God Art is a Eight Star Sky Rank Cultivation technique.In the Heavenglow Continent , it could be said to be a supreme and divine art. If news of this spread, who knew how many Kingdoms would break their heads and die for it.

And the most important part is the War God Art is divided into parts and this War God Art Nexus is currently holding is just the first part of the complete Cultivation technique.

The battle techniques inside all existed for war.

With one cultivation technique as the main cultivation technique, one could also cultivate another cultivation technique as an auxiliary one. It would not cause any conflict.

For the current Mysthaven Kingdom, the value of this War God Art was even more immeasurable. This was the most systematic cultivation technique that the Mysthaven Kingdom warriors can cultivate

With this cultivation technique, it was enough to completely construct and perfect the entire military system in the Mysthaven Kingdom.

Nexus was thrilled at the idea of the War God Art. This cultivation technique seemed to relieve some of the pressure on his shoulders. With the War God Art, the soldiers of the Mysthaven Kingdom could quickly improve their cultivation and better protect the kingdom.

"Okay, since you found what you were looking for, hurry up and leave. I need to get back to what I was doing before you interrupted me," Jade said, waving her little hands impatiently with a cute look on her face.

Nexus woke up suddenly and chuckled softly as he looked at Jade. "Am I the Tower master now or are you the Tower Master?"

"Who cares if you're the Tower Master aster? Just go away, you're wasting my time," Jade replied, turning around and climbing the bookshelf she had been sitting on.

Nexus watched as Jade struggled to climb the bookshelf. "Do you need help? I can give you a boost."

"I don't need your help, just get out of here" Jade said, her voice floating down as she finally reached the top of the bookshelf and sat down, panting faintly.

Nexus smiled and with a thought, he disappeared from the first floor of the Origin Tower. Jade looked up in a daze at the spot where Nexus had vanished before returning to her reading of the large black book.


Early the next morning, Nexus woke up feeling refreshed. He quickly took a bath and ate a simple breakfast prepared by Nyx. Afterward, he made his way to the Main Hall, as today was the day he was going to meet with the army.

A few minutes later, Nexus appeared in the hall, where Kassius, Lexx, and Tyler were already waiting. As soon as Nexus entered, all three of them bowed and greeted him "Your Majesty."

Nexus nodded in acknowledgment and turned to Kassius," Grandpa Kassius let's go". With a regal air , Nexus turned and exited the hall.

Kassius quickly responded, "Understood, Your Majesty."

They quickly made their way out of the palace and towards the army barracks located on the western side of the Capital City, closer to the main gate.

This area was strictly off-limits to civilians without proper authorization or affiliation with the military. As they approached the barracks, Nexus observed the lack of security measures in place, shaking his head in disappointment.

Upon entering the barracks, Nexus was met with a scene of disarray.

The sprawling complex, equivalent in size to three football fields, was in a state of neglect with collapsed structures and overgrown vegetation.

Despite the chaos, a thousand soldiers stood in formation in a clearing, awaiting their leader.

Kassius guided Nexus to an elevated platform, wirh Lexx and Tyler. As Nexus surveyed the troops, the soldiers turned their attention towards him.

A burly soldier at the front of the formation bellowed, "Greetings, Your Majesty," prompting the rest of the soldiers to follow suit.

"Arise ", Nexus commanded with authority in his voice.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," the soldiers responded, rising to their feet.

They gazed at Nexus with respect and admiration, having witnessed firsthand his heroic efforts to save the Kingdom from the clutches of the Nobles and criminal forces. While they had previously served under the Nobles' command, they now found themselves under the rule of a new King, and their loyalty shifted towards Nexus.

As Nexus surveyed the soldiers standing before him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. They lacked the qualities of true soldiers, with frail bodies, pale complexions, and outdated leather armor. Some were even without proper proper armors and weapons. Nexus shook his head in disbelief, realizing the extent of the Nobles' neglect towards their own troops.

Stepping forward, Nexus addressed the soldiers of Mysthaven Kingdom. "My name is Nexus Astaseul, the King of this Kingdom. Some of you may be familiar with me, while others may not. Three days ago, we successfully overthrew the Nobles and liberated our Kingdom from the brink of destruction. We are now free, and our lives will never be the same. While we may have suffered losses at the hands of the Nobles, we must look towards the future and leave the past behind us."

Pausing to gauge the soldiers' reactions, Nexus continued, "You are the protectors of this Kingdom. Our strength may be lacking, and we face threats on all sides. But together, we can defend our Kingdom, safeguard our future, and rise above our current weaknesses. Stand with me, and let us protect our Kingdom as one."

Nexus's powerful words resonated with the soldiers, igniting a fire within them. They felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination, ready to stand united under their new King's leadership.

"Rise up and protect the kingdom," commanded Nexus, as all the soldiers clenched their fists and raised them in the air, shouting with fervent expressions on their faces. Nexus raised his hand to silence the crowd.

"I can see the determination in your eyes. I am confident that you can protect the kingdom now and in the future," Nexus said with a serious expression. He then dismissed the soldiers, instructing the General of the army to stay behind.

As the soldiers saluted and left, a burly man remained standing at the front. Nexus approached him and asked, "What is your name, soldier?"

The burly man quickly replied, "Your Majesty, my name is Brutus Lockwood ".

" Brutus is there an office here "Nexus asked intrigued

" Yes Your Majesty ".

Brutus led him to a small building, the only structure in good condition in the army barracks. Inside, there was only a table and chair in the room.

Nexus sat down, his expression serious, as he looked at the people in front of him.

Brutus briefed Nexus on the current state of the army. Nexus listened intently as Brutus explained, "Your Majesty, the soldiers are in poor shape. They've been mistreated by the Nobles, leaving them weak. We lack resources to boost our strength - no weapons, armor, or even proper structures. It's a mess ".

Nexus pondered the dire situation. With only a thousand soldiers, inadequate equipment, and rundown barracks, the army was in bad shape.

Kassius chimed in, " Your Majesty we need to act quickly to reorganize and strengthen the military before any threats arose ".

Nexus agreed with a nod, realizing the urgency of the situation.

"Okay, I've thought about it. We need to boost the strength and number of our soldiers as soon as possible," Nexus stated, glancing at the group. They all nodded in agreement, their expressions serious and determined.

" Brutus, please take note: within the next six months, I aim to increase the number of soldiers to three thousand. I am requesting that a military recruitment notice be issued immediately, with the conscription process beginning in one month. Any individual who meets the necessary requirements may be recruited. Currently, we are in need of three thousand soldiers, so please begin the necessary preparations " Nexus turned to Brutus and said with a solemn expression.

" Understood Your Majesty " Brutus nodded.

"Grandpa Kassius, how is the recruitment of the construction team going?" Nexus inquired, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Your Majesty, everything is proceeding smoothly. Following our discussion yesterday, I have instructed the black armored guards to disseminate the news throughout the Kingdom. I am confident that by the end of today, we will see some progress," Kassius promptly reported.

Nexus nodded, " Immediately you recruit about a hundreds people send them here to reconstruct the barracks you must rebuild the barracks according to the highest standard that we can currently do " .

Nexus said," And also make arrangements and transfer large amount food especially meat and a few cooks here ". Nexus added.

" Yes Your Majesty" Kassius responded.

Turning to Brutus again Nexus said," Brutus in six months I want a proper army, don't worry about the resources ".Nexus eyes narrowed as he said.

With a wave of his hands a stack of papers appeared on the table," Here, follow the training instructions on written in here, let the soldiers trained according what is written on it ".

Brutus was shocked seeing a stack of papes appearing out of nowhere but he quickly snapped out of it and took the papers.

" Understood Your Majesty " Brutus said respectfully.

" Ok dismissed, go and carry on with the task currently on hand, report to me regularly about the situation " Nexus said while standing up from the chair.

Sorry for the late update. Please more powerstones.


Ok I got a surprise for you guys, if we are able to reach fifty powerstones this week, I will release three bonus chapters. Looking for to it.

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