
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime und Comics
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123 Chs


Chapter 179: Breaking Out of the Cocoon

"Spider Woman!? Do you still remember me?" Gordon exclaimed in surprise and joy.

"Yes, I remember you. We faced the Lizard together," Gwen replied as she landed gracefully.

"So, why are you here now?"

She had just arrived following coordinates provided by Jarvis, expecting to encounter another symbiote, but instead found her former classmate.

"Uh... I..." Gordon's words stuck in his throat.

Despite Swallow's advice to contact the world's superheroes, facing a real superhero made him nervous. He struggled to find the right words and settled on,

"The weather is really nice today."

Swallow internally groaned, wishing he could facepalm Gordon.

"What are you doing!!!" he roared silently.

Gwen blinked, looking up at the sky. "Yes, it's quite nice."

She sensed Gordon's unease and tried to ease the tension. "Have you seen... anything slimy, perhaps something alive?"

"Sorry, of course not, slimy? Yes, absolutely trustworthy," Gordon babbled, unsure of whom to trust or what to say.

Narrowing her eyes, Gwen asked, "Gordon?"

"Yes!" Gordon nervously replied. Before Gwen could say more, dark fluid emerged from his body, coalescing into a tall figure. "Forget it, let me handle this, Spider-Man?"

"As expected," Gwen muttered as Swallow emerged, taking a defensive stance.

"Yes, Spider Woman," Swallow corrected himself, mentally asking Phantom about Gwen's identity.

"Swallow, we're fortunate; he's one of us. Gwen, let me handle this!" Phantom reassured.

"Okay..." Gwen had no objections. Then, Phantom spoke through Swallow,

"It's me, Swallow."

"Phantom? Seems you're one step ahead of me," Swallow quickly caught on.

"Just lucky."

"Where are the others?" Swallow inquired.

"Venom and Riot's locations are unknown... Ice Blue has been found, but Green Whip... Green Whip was absorbed by Carnage."

"Is that why he changed so drastically?"

"You've encountered him?"

Gwen seemed suspicious. "Then you..."

"Of course, I'm fine. In fact, I've grown an extra pair of wings!" Swallow joked, though he had just narrowly escaped.

More concerned about the hosts than the symbiotes, Gwen turned to Gordon. "Are you okay? How did you end up with a symbiote?"

Swallow retracted slightly, allowing Gordon's head to emerge. "I'm fine. It's a long story... Are they really okay?" Gordon asked worriedly.

Gwen struggled to explain to Gordon, especially with a new development unfolding.

Suddenly, her spider sense tingled, and Swallow immediately reacted, ducking.

A shadow loomed overhead—Carnage was flying directly above them.

"Damn it!" Swallow and Gwen leaped apart as Carnage descended. His wings folded like petals.

Gwen evaded the initial attack, but her spider sense intensified, signaling a greater threat. She swiftly distanced herself.

Devour wasn't as fortunate. Within seconds, Carnage's wings unfurled into barbed feathers, transforming into sharp stingers that pierced Swallow relentlessly.

"Ah!" Swallow couldn't dodge the second assault, multiple stingers embedding into his form.

Slowly rising, Swallow managed, "I'll manage..."

The symbiote's regenerative abilities began closing the wounds.

Glancing back at the alley, Gwen saw Carnage forming a massive axe with his hand, slowly advancing.

"What do we do?" Swallow asked.

"Hold him off," Gwen instructed, steeling herself. "Mr. Stark and the others are on their way. You're from another universe..."

"Yes, I've met someone from another universe, Stark."

Devour's claws extended, barbs bristling. "Hope they arrive soon. Carnage isn't easy to handle."

He charged at Carnage like a wild beast, primed for battle.

Peter, wielding the power of Carnage, swung his axe at Swallow. Unexpectedly, Swallow bit down on the axe with his entire body, a nearly suicidal move.

Devour's torso morphed into a beast's head, crushing the axe.

With a click, the axe shattered, Devour escaping Carnage's grip. The beast's head continued to assail Carnage's form.

Peter sensed a loss in Carnage's power post-bite.

"It's intriguing."

This ability would've posed a challenge for Carnage.

The axe regenerated, but Peter swiftly struck Swallow with a backhand blow.

Gwen seized the moment, weaving her spider silk swiftly. Utilizing the alley's structures, she crafted a cocoon around Carnage.

Strands connected every side, resembling a tightly wound silk nest.

"Wow, you're amazing, truly exceptional," Swallow exclaimed, awed by the massive structure. "I've seen another Spider-Man in another world, but your technique is unmatched."

Relieved that Carnage was temporarily ensnared, Gwen replied modestly,

"It's nothing."

She knew her proficiency with spider silk owed much to Peter's web-shooters.

But danger loomed. Gwen's spider sense screamed again, warning her just as she attempted to retreat.

But it was too late.

The cocoon ruptured, a hand seizing Gwen before she could react.

In desperation, Gwen turned to fight, but more hands—tentacles, really—ensnared her, overpowering her struggles.

The tentacles' force broke Gwen's resistance, suspending her mid-air.

The once-impressive cocoon collapsed, revealing Carnage within...
