
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

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123 Chs


Chapter 161: Farce

Ares laid eyes on Peter and immediately fixed him with a piercing gaze. "Black Superman!" he bellowed, the echo reverberating through the temple.

His humiliation at Peter's hands was unforgettable.

The sudden outburst startled everyone else. Aphrodite, sensing Ares' agitation, gently ran her hand across his chest. "What's wrong, dear?" she inquired softly.

Apollo, ever the provocateur, chimed in with a playful tone. "Got a bone to pick? Need a hand teaching him a lesson?"

Ares shot Apollo a disdainful look. "No need for your theatrics. I'll handle this myself," he replied cryptically, concealing the true cause of his ire.

He swiftly turned his attention to Diana, holding her staff aloft, and feigned surprise. "Look, isn't that Diana?"

Most of the gods, unaware of the truth, turned their focus to Diana.

"Is that Diana?"

"Our new sister?"

"Diana, just in time!"

Meanwhile, the gods noticed the unusual scene at Hera's temple—the gaping hole in the roof, the shattered heavens on the ground. Those in Hera's inner circle knew the significance of these events, finally understanding the cause of her earlier outcry.

Though ignorant of the specifics, they were all too aware of Hera's jealousy.

The appearance of yet another of Zeus' illegitimate children only added fuel to the fire. It was audacious for her to be so shameless.

Moreover, given the emerging threat, many felt Olympus needed Diana now more than ever, setting a tense atmosphere.

Hera's plan to manipulate was thwarted, and now she found herself in an unexpected predicament.

"Why are we waiting!? They've desecrated my temple and shattered the sky mirror! Seize them at once!"

But the gods hesitated, avoiding action.

Hera's heart sank.

Then, Apollo stepped forward, much to Hera's relief, hoping for an ally.

Unexpectedly, Apollo spoke up, addressing Hera directly. "Dear Queen of Heaven, is there perhaps a misunderstanding here?"

This intervention further complicated the already fierce rivalry between Apollo and Ares for the throne. Hera seized the opportunity to influence the power struggle for the throne.

Just then, another threat emerged, adding to the internal and external pressures.

Apollo viewed the newcomer as both a threat and an opportunity. The ongoing deadlock between him and Ares stemmed from their inability to decisively outmaneuver each other.

If he could lead the gods to neutralize this new threat decisively, it would bolster his claim to the throne.

Defeating this newcomer, his beloved sister Diana, was crucial.

Hera unwittingly provided Apollo with a chance to gain favor. He couldn't afford to collaborate with Hera, given her self-serving nature.

Hera's disbelief at Apollo's stance was palpable. She turned to the gods behind her, who exchanged knowing glances and murmurs.

"Queen, consider the bigger picture!"

"In this situation, cease tormenting Diana."

"You've gone too far."

Hera was bewildered. Why were the gods, once so deferential, now challenging her so brazenly?

What had she done wrong? How had it come to this?

Feeling unjustly accused, Hera's eyes welled up, nearly spilling tears.

She hadn't caused the destruction of the sky mirror, yet she bore the blame. Betrayal from one's own kin was the most bitter pill to swallow.

It was a karmic backlash for her past misdeeds.

Frustrated and angered, she cried out, "Kill him! Whoever slays that man shall ascend the throne of the God King!"

Her sudden declaration stunned all present.

Were her words a sign of madness?

Indeed, Hera was consumed by rage, her fury palpable as she bared her claws like a lioness.

Finally, someone responded to her call.

Ares, fixated on Peter, was driven by relentless fury. Upon hearing Hera's decree, he couldn't resist.

"Hahaha, Queen Hera, so be it!" he exclaimed, charging toward Peter.

He intended to show Peter the full extent of his strength, exacting a hundredfold revenge for the humiliation he suffered.

But before Ares could reach Peter, a figure clad in black and purple intercepted him—Apollo, the sun god.

"What are you doing, Apollo!?" Ares roared in defiance.

Apollo maintained his composure, a smile playing on his lips. "Must I explain? Surely not," he replied calmly, elegant and composed.

He refused to allow Ares and Hera to collaborate.

"In that case, I'll take you on as well!" Ares declared, launching into a clash with Apollo.

As the two main gods of Olympus, their strength is naturally similar, otherwise they would not have been able to maintain a stalemate in the battle for the throne for so long.

Suddenly, Peter and Diana, who were at the center of the whirlpool, were strangely ignored by everyone.

The attention of the gods was focused on the battle between Ares and Apollo.

"What's going on?" Diana subconsciously stuck to Peter and asked.

Seeing Hera go crazy, she became extremely nervous and worried about how this matter would end.

Unexpectedly, Ares and Apollo started fighting again.

Peter was frowning at the two people who were fighting together,

"I'm a little surprised too."

It can only be said that the gods in Olympus, who are drunk and meaty, are really a group of pigs that have been raised rotten.

The years of comfort and boredom have turned most of them into incompetent waste.

Diana looked at Peter's expression and suddenly burst into laughter.

Peter turned his head and looked at her doubtfully.

"Ahem," Diana cleared her throat to stop her laughter, but still joked very interestingly:

"I just didn't expect you to have an unexpected day."

After all, during this time, the Black Superman seemed to be forever in her eyes. He looks like he is sure of victory.

The lower limit of this group of gods is really too low...

Peter glared at Diana.

Diana actually didn't flinch, but looked straight back.

Peter could only look away.

This made the smile on Diana's face even wider, like a cat that had caught fish.


A violent crashing sound came, interrupting Diana's thoughts.

Ahead, the battle between Ares and Apollo seems to be intensifying, and they have begun to demolish the temple of Hera.

The gods couldn't get enough distance to watch the show, and some even had to retreat outside the temple to watch.

Little did they know that Apollo was secretly complaining in his heart at this moment.

Originally, he only planned to stop Ares and win over Diana.

Unexpectedly, today, Ares was beserking . He was so powerful that he had no intention of holding back.

This also resulted in him having to deal with it all.

But in this way, things seem to be out of his control...

In fact, the root cause of this series of farce is that the gods know too little about Peter and have no idea how Black Superman behaves.

The stereotypes of the past made them subconsciously think that Hera was making things difficult for others, and then Diana had to fight back.

Of course, there was more or less the intention of taking the opportunity to retaliate. Hera's usual diva style was not easy to deal with.

Also, Apollo underestimated the anger of Ares.

He didn't know the harm that Superman had done to Ares , and the unlucky substitute had to bear Ares's wrath.

Of course, since it is a farce, it will eventually end.

At the foot of Mount Olympus,

a strange persy has stepped on this strange yet familiar land, looking up,

"Wait, you bunch of corrupt maggots, I'm here to put an end to you."