
Ancestor System : Creating a Family From Scratch

[100%] .... .... .... [Congratulations, Host. You successfully completed hidden requirements] .... .... [System bound successfully] .... [Ancestor System Started] .... ... .. . So, I had a system all this time, huh? This is my first novel, or first try writing a novel I should say. I'm not native in English so there'll be mistakes.

NightTheFox · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Shocked by The System

"Aaaghhh!!!! You fucker! What are you doing? Come here now!" Jia'er was yelling at me. She was in pain, so much pain that she used her cultivation to bring me down to her level, held me close and bit my hand, just to stop screaming.

I was nervous, and scared, this pain was nothing, and I wished nothing but to take her pain away from her. My hand was bloody, she was at a higher realm than me so she could hurt me easily. Her teeth reached my bones and thankfully, she didn't break my hand, or just tear it off. Our kid was coming out. My master was here too, she was sitting on the other side of the room, looking at me and smirking.

After what felt like forever, I could feel Jia'er relax, followed by a thunder like cry.

I looked at Jia'er, she looked exhausted, but she had this expectant look in her eyes, she was curious.

"She's a girl madam, master. Please wait for a minute while I clean her."

"No, no need, please give her to me. I want to hold her." Chen Jia said to the old midwife.

She looked at our baby and looked at me.

"She's so beautiful, looks like she didn't get anything from you." I guess she was still resentful that she had to suffer this pain.

"Hahahaha, you're right!!" My master laughed so hard that she almost fell from her chair.

I rolled my eyes at my master and looked back at Jia'er

"Baby, are you alright? Do you have any discomfort?"

She looked back at me and smiled, it was so sweet that my legs felt wobbly.

"Husband, I'm fine. You should hold her too." She gave our child to me.

"Hey there, little girl, let me think about what I should call you. Hmm, alright, from now on you're called Yin Xiu."

Chen Jia looked at me, baffled.

"Hoho, I never realized my husband could give such a nice name to our daughter, I was scared for a moment, you know." She giggled.

"Disciple, give her to me now, I'll clean her up and dress her. I'll check her spirit roots while I'm at it."

I nodded my head and Little Xiu to my master. She left the room and came in after a couple of minutes. She looked surprised that she couldn't talk for a couple of minutes.

"This… Wow…" She looked at me, then looked at Jia.

"This kid has 3rd Tier Spirit Roots."



Jia'er and I replied at the same time.


[System has detected Hosts first child. Completed Hidden condition. Initiating System.]

[System is bound now.]

Suddenly, three screens appeared one after the other.When I looked around, everyone seemed to be frozen in time.

"Why did this happen after so many years?"

[Ancestor System has been chosen for host when he died.]

[The Ancestor System is designed according to your deepest desires, such as becoming a father and having loved ones to cherish.]

[Dear Host, there will be several functions you can use immediately. System will correct its functions and it will fix bugs automatically if it come across one. For the time being, you can only use the "Status", "Shop", "Family", and "Quest" functions.]

[It is detected that host has a wife and a kid. They'll be shown under 'Family ']

[Ancestor System has one main purpose. It exists to create the strongest family, backed by the strongest ancestor in existence. Please work hard to achieve this.]

"But why, why do you reveal yourself to me now? I could've started a family years ago if you just decided to inform me."

[System understands the host's frustration, even though its main purpose is to make the host the strongest being in existence, host had to fall in love with another woman and create a family willingly for the system to boot up properly. If host decided to seek immortality without creating a family, system wouldn't show itself and die with the host after he failed]

"Okay, okay… So system, please show me my status."

[ Status ]

[ Name: Yin Ming ]

[ Spirit Roots: 8th Tier Spirit Roots ]

[ Cultivation: Qi Condensation 3rd Stage ]

[ EXP : 1350/10000 ]

[ Occupation: None ]

[ Physique: None ]

[ Cultivation Method : Drunken Breathing Method (Lv. 2) ]

[ Skills : Mediation (Lv. 3), Farming (Lv. 7), Spirit Farming (Lv. 4), Iron Boar Fist Arts (Lv. 4), Drunk Immortal Arts (Lv. 1) – Drunken Steps (Lv. 2) , Intoxicating Breath (Lv. 0) ]

[ Ancestor Points : 0 ]

"Ok, please show me other tabs too."

[ Store Lv. 1]

[ Rejuvenating Potion: 100 AP ] [ Rejuvenating Potion : This potion is specially made for woman, it takes their fatigue away, hastens regeneration process.]

[ Body Tempering Pill: 100 AP ] [ A person can only take 10 in their lifetime, more than that, and medicinal effect will be wasted ]

[ Soul Forging Pill : 100 AP ] [ A person can only take 10 in their lifetime, more than that, and medicinal effect will be wasted ]

[ Low Grade Yang Pill: 50 AP ] [Increases Yang Qi in body, used before dual cultivating with a partner. It is advised to take before to increase chances of impregnation.]

[Low Grade Ying Pill: 50 AP ] [ Increases Yin Qi in body, used before dual cultivating with a partner. Increases sensitivity.]

[ Yin-Yang God Art : 200.000 AP] [ Dual Cultivation Art created by Yin-Yang Immortals. They created this Dual Cultivation Art and used it to reach godhood. It requires a special physique to learn but after learning, minor version of this art could be taught to cultivation partners.]

[Store will update itself according to hosts needs.]


[ Chen Jia : Wife ] [Expand]

[ Yin Xiu : Daughter ] [ Expand]

Family tab was simple enough for now. It showed members of my family and you could easily expand to see information about them.

"System tell me about quests"

[Host, quests are pretty straightforward, you can check on the quest tab later. You already completed your first quest and will be rewarded after the time-freeze stops. You've already checked the basic functions of the system so I'll stop restricting time and space.]

When the system realized I had checked every tab it had for the time being, it re-adjusted time and space, and everything began to move again.

For now, I'll try to post about 1000 word chapters every day. Thank you for reading until now.

NightTheFoxcreators' thoughts