
An Unnamed story

Our main character is in a strange world that he doesn't recognize at first, but later he finds out where he is. He continues his adventure only with a single goal in mind, to survive. (This is my first work, I'm sorry for the mistakes you find.)

Kitto33 · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Episode 2 Realization(1)

[Boy, what's your name?]

What was my name?

Why can't I remember that? What was the reason I lost my memories?

I didn't know.

I wanted to know what happened to my mother and why I came to this place.

The reasons were unclear.

No matter how much I wanted to know, no matter how much I thought, there wasn't a single thing that could answer these questions at the present time.

As I thought about it, that woman silently waited.

She patiently waited for my reply, as if understanding me, she closed her eyes.

No matter how calm and patient she looked, she was dangerous. I've already seen her strength first hand and more demonstration of her strength will mean certain death for me.

But if she gave me time than that means there's something she too is curious about. If so, then I should start to answer her.

But before that I thought about the blue holographic window.

Thinking back on the blue windows content, it said I possess 7% of my original memories.

But what did the blue window mean by me having only 7% of my memories? They weren't related to me nor anyone I knew. I knew my mother a little and nothing about myself. So there was only one person left. The one person I can't stop thinking about.

I can use his name.

[My name...it's]

The only person I remember and the only person who can save me from this catastrophe in front of me.

[It's Kim Suho.]

Kim suho, the main character of the game called,

'Real life Apocalypse,'

I couldn't remember anything else about that game except that guy and who he was, but I was confident he could save me.

After telling the woman my false name, she turned her head away. It's understandable.

Who would think of trusting someone who needs time to remember his own name? But this wasn't really what caught my attention, what really caught my attention was, why was this woman so calm unlike before?

The woman slowly rose up and started walking towards me. She murmured something on the way here.


It was very vague but I could hear some words. They didn't make sense, so was she talking about me? But to whom, maybe herself?

As she came closer and closer, I quickly started to think about several things all at once

At this moment several thoughts troubled me. Will she kill me? Or will she do something worse? Something that I couldn't think of may happen.

The distance between us wasn't very long, infact it was only about fifteen steps, but why did it seem like those feets were covering several meters?

She then stood next to me.

Not staying cautious of me anymore, she sat down at a close distance and spoke as she if had given into the despairs of this world.

Just telling her my name gave birth to this much trust? No definitely not, something like this won't work on this woman unless there was something wrong with her.

She then spoke...

[My name is Alice, nice meeting you.]

That name.... I've heard it somewhere before, but.... what the hell do you mean by 'Nice meeting you' after almost beating me to death.

I was angry but I knew well that I could've been killed by her if she wanted, so I sat quietly.

I had to try the best I could not to show any hostility towards her.

Now gulping down, I slowly started to raise my voice. I spoke in a tone which she could hear clearly.

[Umm..... yes nice to meet you too.]

It was a stupid reply. Because of this the awkwardness between us grew more and more.

But I didn't have any other words that could be spoken right now.

She stood up after a while looking as if she had decided what to next.

[Get up, we're leaving.]

[What? Where?]

[We first have to some find clues to complete your quest.]

Clues? But how? She didn't exactly know what the details of my quest were and I can't think of any potential places that'll give us hints related to my quest.

I spoke to her this time...

[The quest also mentioned that I'll get a hint whenever I'm close to completing it]

After hearing my words, The woman's beautiful face became grim. I could tell just by looking at her that she was confused.

Sorry but I don't think I can tell you more in detail about it.

As both of us became quite and thought about it.

Suddenly then...

A creature which seemed to be a gorilla fell from the broken roof and into the house.

The creature seemed to have the ability of understanding, as he was analysing his surroundings.

He had two horns and two enormous wings, his height almost reached the broken cieling and his physique was looking awfully strong.

[[A grade 9 mutant monster has appeared, it shows killing intent towards you.]]

I saw the same blue window as before but now with different content.

Maybe he heard Alice and me talking, so he came here to prey.

His jump from the broken roof caused a dust cloud to appear, When the dust cloud caused by the mad gorilla cleared up, I was stunned far beyond my own imagination.

Alice was holding me in her arms.

This practically showed just how strong she was.

- Wait a second, shouldn't our roles be reversed?

Nontheless she saved me before the mad gorilla could harm me.

Maybe she now fully devotes herself to m-


Alice released me from her arms making me fall towards the floor.

Just when I thought that you were nice, you do this to me. Maybe I couldn't think straight because of the condition my body was in, so I reluctantly looked at Alice but she didn't look at me, but stared at the gorilla in front.

Alice looked like a cute girl more than a formidable person in front of the gorilla.

The gorilla roared as if declaring Alice his prey.

It was now a showdown between two mad gorillas. Who would win?

Alice has unimaginable strength, and the monster also shows some formidable aura.

But what's this?

Suddenly red lightning started to circulate around the gorilla. His surrounding aura changed and I could see his horns growing in size.

I could feel chills running down my spine.

The gorilla now looking more dangerous than before starred at us.

It was getting worrisome.

What if this fight results in Alice being badly injured or maybe even worse?

I have to stop her. If she dies here then that means I'll die too. I quickly started thinking of several ways to distract the gorilla so we can run.

While I thought, something else happened.

[[⬛⬛, Alice has activated the skill Sword trajectory']]

The blue window appeared again, describing the current situation, but what was ⬛⬛?

While I thought about it, an aura which resembled that of the gorilla. Soon surrounded Alice. The energy coming from Alice soon overpowered that of the gorilla.

Then with a shwoop sound Alice's sword cut through the gorilla's middle leaving him into two pieces.

What she did was a horribly sick thing just now. But why isn't there any change in her reaction?

After seeing Alice now, I was forced to believe just how dangerous this woman is.

[I have to get on her good side somehow.]

I murmured to myself.

Alice came to me and said.

[I think I know what the hint to your quest may be.]

She suddenly said, after taking care of the gorilla, no word of comfort came out of her mouth.

But how did she figure out that there was a hint?

Did she guess it?

Or she read my mind?

I doubt it was the latter.

let's see what she has to say.

[Let's go]

I don't know where she was going to take me, but I know she hadn't figured out what the first hint is.

It's good if she doesn't know.

[Yes let's go]

But, where were we going?