
(9) Short Story: Food

At the moment I was in Keria's workshop. It's great to finally have someone to talk to, even if that "someone" pesters you with questions all the time.

-Hey, Axie, can I ask you something? I already understand that you recharge with energy and don't get tired. But don't you feel hungry?

-Well,I no longer have a "physical hunger". But I have a "psychological hunger".

-So, do you still feel like eating?


-I know what you're feeling...Eating and sleeping are the things I miss the most after I lost my body.

-Do gods eat?

-We don't need, but we can. Like you.

-Ho...so I'm a god? Maybe a god of darkness?

- Leaving your joke aside...yes? Gods are beings made of energy and concepts. Your soul after the modification literally became pure energy whose concept is darkness...If you don't get cocky about it, you might even be a god of darkness,fufu.

-Well, I think that to play the role, I would have to have big battles with the God of light. Is there a god of light?