
An Uchiha With A System.

Read the Journey Of Kaiten Uchiha, a prodigy whose mother died during the kyuubi attack, he was a cold hearted and ruthless shinobi, but things take a turn when he receives a system that helps with alot of things.... Read this to find out what happens. Open for suggestions.

sPenK_XD · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

The infamoue copy ninja was reading a book named 'icha Icha tactics', Kaiten looked at him with an empty and unmused stare, Kakashi looked at Kaiten, "You must be Kaiten, I am Kakashi Hatake, I'll be your Jounin-sensei, Now in normal circumstances, we would be a squad but since you are a special case, we will be a duo, now." Kakashi stood properly from his leaning position, "Let's have a spar so i can gauge your skills, meet me at training ground 3." With kakashi disappeared in a shunshin and Kaiten did the same. 

Kakashi was impressed, the kid knew shunshin at such an early age. Kakashi put his book in his pocket (he isn't that perverted here to read porn while fighting), "Aight brat, come at me." 

Kaiten narrowed his eyes as his silver orbs turned into the sharingan, he quickly rushed towards kakashi making three lightning clones, a clone went forward and aimed to kick kakashi's head but kakashi dodged the kick and another fireball which came from another clone, kakashi quickly ducked a flurry of shurikens infused with kunai went over him. 

The real kaiten rushed up to him from behind and engaged him in taijutsu as kakashi dodged and deflected kaiten's attacks and even threw out some of his own attacks which were either blocked or dodged by kaiten, 'This kid's crazy fast and strong'. 

Kaiten's spar with Kakashi intensified as they exchanged rapid blows and dodged each other's attacks. Kakashi was impressed by Kaiten's agility and speed, but he could sense that the young Uchiha still had much to learn.

As the spar continued, Kakashi decided to test Kaiten's Sharingan abilities. With a swift hand seal, he cast a genjutsu, attempting to trap Kaiten within an illusion.

However, Kaiten's Sharingan activated in response, and he quickly dispelled the genjutsu with his newfound genjutsu skills.

Kakashi's visible eye widened in surprise. 

"Impressive, Kaiten. You've got the basics of genjutsu down. But can you handle this?"

Kakashi activated his own Sharingan, causing his single eye to spin with the three tomoe.With a subtle glance, he attempted to ensnare Kaiten in a more complex genjutsu.

The world around Kaiten began to distort, but the young Uchiha, fueled by determination, pushed through the illusion and broke free.

Kakashi nodded, acknowledging Kaiten's resilience. "Well done. You're a quick learner."

The spar continued for a while longer, but it became evident that Kaiten, despite his impressive abilities, was not yet on par with Kakashi. Eventually, Kakashi halted the fight, satisfied with what he had seen.

"Alright, Kaiten," Kakashi said, catching his breath. "You have potential, but you still have a long way to go. We'll work on honing your skills. Welcome to Team Kakashi."

Kaiten nodded, his Sharingan still active, reflecting his determination. "I'm ready to learn."

Kakashi Got into a thinking pose, "Hmmm, Kaiten, I have a jutsu that would perfectly fit you, you see, it's a jutsu i made and it can only be used by sharingan wielders for some reasons, it's called chidori."

Ding! Quest Alert! 

Learn Chidori. 

Rewards :

12000 EXP

+500 Reputation With Kakashi. 

Two Random Lightning Jutsu Scrolls. 

Failure :

-100 Reputation With Kakashi. 

Accept Or Reject. 

Indra quickly clicked accepted and looked at Kakashi, "Let's get to learning, Kakashi."

Kakashi nodded in response to Kaiten's eagerness to learn the Chidori. He was intrigued by the young Uchiha's potential and determination.

"Very well, Kaiten," Kakashi began. "The Chidori is a high-level lightning technique. It's a powerful and deadly jutsu. But before we proceed, I need to explain the risks associated with it."

Kakashi proceeded to brief Kaiten on the dangers of the Chidori, emphasizing the need for precise control over lightning chakra to prevent injury. He explained how the technique got its name, "Chidori," which means "One Thousand Birds," because of the chirping sound it makes when used at high speeds.

Ding! Quest Alert!

Master the Chidori under Kakashi's guidance.


Chidori Jutsu Unlocked

+500 Reputation With Kakashi

Advanced Lightning Chakra Control


Kaiten accepted the quest, ready to embrace the challenges that mastering the Chidori would bring.

Under Kakashi's meticulous guidance, Kaiten began his training in the Chidori. They started with lightning chakra control exercises, focusing on shaping and molding the chakra to a razor-sharp point. Kaiten's Sharingan proved to be a valuable asset, allowing him to see the flow of chakra more clearly.

Days turned into weeks as Kaiten practiced relentlessly. He made steady progress, gradually forming the chakra into the shape of a bird's head. Kakashi watched with a critical eye, providing guidance and correction whenever necessary.

- One Week Later, Hokage's Tower -

Kakashi and kaiten just finished their recent mission, in these 5 weeks, they had done over 120 D rank missions using their speed and clones, tomorrow they will be getting a c rank mission, the reason it took them so long to get a C rank was that they were a duo instead of the regular squad. 

Kakashi and kaiten left the Hokage tower after getting their payment, "Ma, I'll see you tomorrow at the village tomorrow for the mission, apparently we got a B rank mission from what this scroll says, we have to assasinate a rogue shinobi."

Kaiten simply nodded and left for the uchiha district. 

-Uchiha District-

As kaiten walked through the uchiha district, he watched the crowd and ongoing uchihas, everyone he walked past nodded to him or waved at him, after all he was quite famous in the uchiha clan. 

But suddenly he stopped and his sharingan started spinning wildly and he focused on the area where a flicker of a shadow could be seen and his eyes narrowed. 

He immediately dashed and moved at blinding speeds, he quickly moved through the building and quickly caught the sight of three shinobi wearing the kumo headband and jounin outfit. 

"What are kumo jounin doing here in the Uchiha district? Especially with a uchiha captive." Said Kaiten as his sharingan swirled ominously. 

The Left most Jounin looked at him, "Tch, kid, you think you can beat us just because you have those fancy eyes? Guys, I'll handle this kid and make him a captive as well." Said the Jounin as the other two nodded and quickly left. 

Kaiten's sharingan moved even faster, "Oh no, you are not getting away." In an instant, kaiten broke the Jounin's leg and jumped and kicked the Jounin's neck instantly breaking it and killing the Jounin, without stopping he sprinted towards the direction where the other Jounin left. 

He quickly caught up to them where they were running through a forest clearing, one Jounin stopped to fight him but his throat was immediately slit by kaiten as he continued to chase the remaining jounin. 

Kaiten quickly caught up with him and threw a kunai towards him but the Jounin just deflected it and left the captive on the ground and rushed towards Kaiten aiming to kick his head, Kaiten quickly jumped behind and did some hand signs, "Fire Style : Fire Dragon!", Indra fired a huge dragon made of fire towards him and the Jounin barely dodged and got some burns on his skin. 

The Jounin slammed his hands on the ground, " Earth Style : Earth Bullets!" He yelled as big chunks of earth flew out and shot towards Kaiten, Kaiten quickly jumped up narrowly avoiding the bullets, Kaiten quickly rushed towards the jounin and landed a kick but the Jounin unsheated his sword and sliced up at Kaiten, Kaiten closed his left eye and jumped back as a cut formed on his left eye, the only reason it was not destroyed was because he closed his eyes in the right time.

Kaiten landed on a tree branch and looked at the Jounin, "I guess you are not useless like the other two." Kaiten said and smirked as he lowered his right hand, "You know, I've been wanting to try this out on a actual human and you just gave me the chance to do so."

Lightning started crackling in his hand, "Chidori!" He yelled and dashed down at the Jounin at the speed of light, aiming for his heart, he was very close when his eyes widened as the Jounin aimed his sword at his head and he barely moved intime to avoid his head getting pierced by the sword but the sword pierced his shoulder but his chidori had completely destroyed the man's face, as his body slumped, Kaiten quickly took out the sword from his bloody shoulder and quickly freed the captive and grabbed the two jounin's body and quickly got the third one's body as well and went to the hokage tower to report this. 

-Hokage tower-

Kaiten shunshined in front of the hokage tower and the chunnin guards almost fell down from shock when they saw the bloody figure of Kaiten carrying three dead kumo jounin. 

Kaiten walked through the door and without talking to the woman at the counter, started to walk towards the hokage's office and opened the door. 

Hokage Sarutobi looked at Kaiten and the bodies with a mixture of surprise and concern. "Kaiten, what's going on here?" he asked, his tone more gentle than stern.

Kaiten proceeded to explain the situation in detail, recounting how he had intercepted the Kumo ninja and eliminated them. He also mentioned that they had been attempting to capture an Uchiha clan member.

Sarutobi listened attentively, and his expression grew more serious as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. "You've done well, Kaiten. Your quick thinking and skill have averted a potentially dangerous incident," he commended.

Kaiten nodded in acknowledgment but maintained his composed demeanor.

Sarutobi leaned forward, his aged eyes meeting Kaiten's. "Rest assured, I will investigate this matter further and ensure the safety of the Uchiha clan. You've earned our gratitude today."

With that, Kaiten left the Hokage's office, leaving the Hokage to handle the aftermath of this unexpected intrusion into the Uchiha district.