
Chapter 1 - Exfil

The only thing louder than my heart right now was the whir of helicopter blades. "1-1 this is 10-66, almost reaching exfil location". The noise of my commander on the radio awoke me from my daydreams, time to get back to reality. "Ok soldiers" Fan, my captain said. "We have almost reached the Exfil. When we land, be prepared for any anomalous appearances. We are tasked to find and contain all anomalies on this island. Our mission is to reach this red barn," he said, pointing to a map on the interior of the helicopter. "Once you reach the barn, you will meet up with units in Alpha 3 and Alpha 5. This is an important mission, not a run-along that we are usually assigned. This order has come straight from the 05, no silly business." We all understood, always had.

Soon it was time. I jumped out of the helicopter, Gun in hand, and activated the parachute. We all landed in a plain near a dense forest. "This is helicopter 11-36 responding from above. We are watching your every move. over".We moved through the forest like ghosts. Years of training, all prepared to raid an island that was not on any radar, GPS, or map. People had begun to go missing on this island, and we had heard reports of people's bodies HANGING in the sky. But we are here to find out why, how, or what was doing this. Fan put up a fist, the sign to stop. We all froze, guns at the ready. "this is 10-66, we have found an unnatural hole in the ground" "this is 11-35, how deep is it" "testing now" Fan through a glowstick into the whole and looked down. "this is 10-66, it is unable to see" "roger that, move on" We started trekking through the dense jungle until one of our members stopped moving. "hey!" Fan yelled, "Why'd you stop!" no response. We all followed his gaze and our mouths dropped. floating people.... there limp bodies seeming to hang from the sky like jagged rocks against your pant leg. The sightings were true.

"This is 10-66! we have found the anomaly!" "Where are you located 10-66" "At the edge of the wooden fence in the restricted personnel area!" "Roger that, units responding" Now we were on edge. Guns raised, sweat beading off our foreheads, we had been through a lot. From gunfights to public killings, you would think this was nothing. But it struck a nerve, we were praticly squirming in our pants. And soon we would be even more scared..... soon... soon