
An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and ends up in the MCU with the powers of the Retconned Osmosian from the Ben 10 series Follow his journey as he navigates his new world filled with aliens, monsters, and gods. Note: This story is an AU, since it will not be strictly MCU but will also include the X-men films, the early F4 films, and all of the Spidreman films from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield MC/Laura Kinney/Emma Frost

ArifuretaForever · Anime und Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 70: Three Years

Boy how time flies.

In the blink of an eye three years have gone by and it's now 2008.

I am now 23 years old.

In the past three years several events have taken place.

First, the Umbrella Academy has been established and is up and running.

The school is a big success.

A place where young metahumans can come to not only learn to control their abilities, but also how to live in society.

It's one of my greatest achievements in my personal opinion.

Second, I brought Dr. Octavious, his wife Rosalie, and Dr. Connors in on my secret as Sentinel. I told them about my plans for the future, and even introduced them to the Guardians and the Parkers.

Since after they had worked for me for so many years I felt I could trust them.

Turns out my trust wasn't misplaced.

The three of them were shocked at first of course, but after some time they came to accept the situation.

Especially after they learned the truth about why Richard and Mary Parker were in hiding.

Dr. Connors in particular was just happy his friend and colleague wasn't a thief and lier like people had been saying about him.

It was a touching moment to watch as the two men reconnected.

Third, Ben Grimm has been making progress in the mystic arts. Not only that my relationship with the Fantastic Four has become really good.

Though most of the time they are content to be explorers we have teamed up to drop some criminals on several occasions.

Me and Johnny in particular.

He's actually a pretty cool guy.

I can safely say we've become bros.

Fourth, SHIELD has been constantly trying to get into contact with me.

I say trying because I've been making sure they haven't had any success in their efforts.

When I'm ready to speak with them I will.

Besides it's fun, trolling them.

If Fury had hair I'm sure he would be pulling it out given he can't get a meeting with me.

Well sorry Fury, my schedule is full.

So when I can work you in I will.

Fifth, Abstergo Industries has been continually growing.

It's now listed at one of America's top ten Fortune 500 companies, and yours truly has had his face plastered all across the entire world.

I've done interviews, and even had magazines write articles about me.

As well as Emma.

Who is still my CEO, along with my girlfriend in the eyes of the general public.

Which brings up the sixth matter I wish to discuss.

My relationship with both Emma and Laura is going well.

Those two haven't had any issues with each other.

Really, things have been great.

But now that 2008 has begun I know things are about to pick up once more.

Though that's alright.

Since I am more than ready.


[Berkeley, California]

Sitting in the back of the lecture hall I watched as Dr. Bill Foster gave a lecture to his graduate class.

[Insert Image of Bill Foster Here]

Which I listened to intently.

Since it was very interesting stuff.

As the class came to an end I got up out of my seat and approached Dr. Foster after all his students had left.

"Hello Dr. Foster. Might I have a moment of your time?" I asked him.

"Well, what does one of the youngest founders of one of the world's fastest growing companies want with me?" He retorted.

"I'm a big fan of your work. Especially what you did with Hank Pym-"

"No." Foster interrupted me. Getting an angry and annoyed expression on his face.

"Come now Dr. Foster. No need to be so hostile. You don't even know what I was going to say."

"It doesn't matter, the answer is still no." Bill replied.

"Even if I can help Ava Starr find a cure for her affliction?" I questioned.

When I mentioned this Dr. Foster stopped in his tracks and got a look of utter surprise on his face. One which he quickly got rid of, but he was too slow.

Now I know he knew exactly what I was talking about.

"I, don't know what you mean. And I don't know an Ava Starr. Now leave." Bill said.

"No." I replied. "And you know exactly what I'm talking about Dr. Foster. Ava Starr. Currently a slave to SHIELD due to her special powers that are slowly killing her." I said.

"I...How do you know that? Who are you?" Bill asked.

"To answer your first question Dr. Foster I know many things. I know about Ava, and about project GOLIATH. I even know the Ant-Man is real and not just a tall tale. As for who I am, I am just a man who wants to offer both you and Ava and opportunity to put your abilities into actually making the world a better place."

"And if I, no we say no. What will you do then?" Bill questioned me.

"I'll leave and you'll never hear from me again." I said. "But let me tell you Dr. Foster not taking up my offer would be a mistake. SHIELD is not what it seems. You worked for them after all, so you know what I'm talking about. Given Ava's powers do you really think they'll ever stop dangling the carrot of a cure in front of her? Think about it." I said.

I then took out a business card and handed it over to Dr. Foster.

"When you have made your decision call the number on that card." I spoke.

I then left before Bill could say anything else.

Now the ball is in his court.

Let's see what moves he makes.


Two days after my meeting with Dr. Foster I got a call from him, and he asked for a meeting.

So I met him at the designated location.

The same cabin from the Ant-Man and the Wasp film.

Entering I found Dr. Foster inside.

Along with Ava Starr aka Ghost.

[Insert Image of MCU Ghost/Ava Starr Here]

Wearing her specially designed suit she faced me.

"So I take it this means you want to accept my offer?" I asked.

"We do." Bill said. "But there will be ground rules. First, you start working on a cure for Ava immediately. Secondly, you force Ava to do anything against her will we're out."

"Sure. No problem." I replied. "That's what I intended to do from the start anyway. Now all that's left is for you both to sign the contracts." I spoke.

"Contracts?" Bill questioned.

"Yes, contracts." I replied.

Using Blinks powers to open up a portal to the Command Center.

Shocking both Ava and Bill.

"Step into my office and we'll discuss things." I said. A grin on my face.

Bill and Ava looked at each other for a moment before coming forward and stepping through the portal I opened.

I then stepped through behind them and closed it.

Having just secured two more allies in my book.