
Chapter 8: The Welcome Ball

We barely made it home before dark. I went to my room to get ready for bed. I just got settled when I heard a knock on my door. (Knock Knock) "Come in." I said. It was uncle Leo the King. "Hey uncle what's up?" "Not much. How are you feeling?" "Fine why? I took a shower and got ready for bed. I already ate. Uh did Sean and Ryker tell you how I was saved before? I went to their house and I thanked them for saving me. I hung out there pretty much the half the day there. We ate dinner." "Oh that's good. How is your condition? Your mom wanted me to check up on you since she wasn't feeling well." "Oh is she ok?" "Yeah just trying to get over everything." "Yeah." "Oh yeah! My date with Hazel is tomorrow isn't it?" "Haha yeah. Uh just to let you know dress casual and hair ruffled." "Yeah I know. Thanks Uncle. Cyan and Kiran told me." "Oh yeah they would know. Oh and just be yourself. She can sense when you are faking who you are." "Thanks for the advice. Uncle." Then he left and I laid down thinking about my date with Hazel.


It was finally the time I'm supposed to meet Hazel. I was told to met her at the bar. I sat on the stool waiting for her. Since I don't know what she looks like I did as I was told. It was loud and rowdy for awhile until all of a sudden it got quiet. I was afraid to even look back. Then a heard a woman voice say. "As you were everyone." Then they went back to their normal rowdy voices.


"So you're crown prince Cace. Oh my bad temporary crown prince." "Y-Yes." I said nervously. "Haha your cute. I see you have got tips on what to wear from a few people I know. Its ok no need to be nervous around me. I'm not going to eat you. Don't worry I won't spell you. At least not right now anyway. I had a lecture from mom about that. I was just having fun. Mom wanted me to apologize so I'm really truly sorry. I was just experimenting on my powers and spells. I went too far. How is your vision?" "Oh Its weird. According to the palace witch it should have been back now. Its ok though. These glasses help a lot." Well it does make you cute with them. Lets see you without them." I took off my glasses like she said. "Wow you look cuter without them. Actually I have a spell that can make the glasses invisible. Don't worry you can still see with them just other people won't see them." "Uh what are the side affects?" "Haha don't worry. You will be fine." Then she just pointed at my face and I shut my eyes tight. "OK done." "Huh?" I opened my yes and it didn't feel like anything happened. "Are you ok?" "Y-Yeah." "Good. So lets talk. So first question. Just out of curiosity. Why did you want to meet me?" "Oh that uh. Well after thinking for awhile I went to my uncle Leo and asked about when arrange marriages started. Then he said he can arrange someone for me unless I had someone I was interested in. When I remembered that day I was spelled and the which told me a girl my age did it, I was curious myself. So I told him about the young witch who spelled me. He told me your name was Hazel Starr. I was wondering why uncle had a strange face. I knew nothing since I was an orphan before so he told me your family was famous and that someday if we work out our kids will be as well and if I can handle it. I told him I would figure it out. I also told him it was going a little too fast I hadn't met you yet." "Haha oh Leo. What am I going to do with that guy? He really needs a woman." "Uh he does. She came over a month ago for some business. They didn't mention marriage yet though." "Oh interesting. I have something to finally talk to him about now. So Another few questions. Actually I have an idea. Hey Bartender! You got a pen and paper?" "Yes just a minute." Then he came back with a feather pen and paper to write on. "I'm going to write questions. On these two pieces of paper. One for me and another for you. Our likes and dislikes. Also what we do for fun. So do you have any questions for me?" "Uh well. I was wondering. Why is everyone afraid of you? I mean I was more nervous as you said because I was meeting someone I never met." "Ah yeah that." She chuckled. "Well I'm sort of famous for causing trouble around here with my powers." "Ah that makes since. Sigh. Well the only way I can make trouble is by getting animals in here. I recently found out I can talk to them. Also I have night vision." "Oh really? That's awesome! I can only spell myself to have knight vision. As for the talking to animals part, well lets talk somewhere more private about that next time." Then I spoke nervously again. I cleared my throat. "Hazel? You know the welcome ball for me is coming up right?" "Yes I do. What's up?" "W-Well I was-I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" "Say that again? I didn't quite hear that." "Would you go to the ball with me Hazel Starr?" "With a cute guy like you? I was going to ask you myself. Sure. What color is your tux or tie going to be?" "Well they are wanting me to wear my prince attire. I will be wearing that for a time then my tux is going to be light blue with a purple tie." "Ok cool." So we hung out until late then I walked with her to the castle and she went home from there.


I yawned since it was a long day. I was so tired I was walking a little wonky to my room. I didn't have the energy to change so I just plopped on my bed and fell asleep.


There was a knock on his door. (Knock Knock) He didn't hear it because he was out. the door creaked a bit and Sean came in to make sure he was ok. Sean touched Cace's head and knew he was just tired and was relieved. "Good. You're just tired. Sigh. Come on. Lets get you changed." I woke up when I felt someone moving me. "Sean. What is going on?" "Woah relax man. I'm just helping you change." "Put me down please." He did just that. I took off my glasses and blew on them and they showed back up again like before. She told me to do that and they will show up. We talked on the way back. "I can get ready by myself. Plus its Nova's job. I hate it when he does it for me. Oh uh I have something I have to do after I change." So I quickly got changed and got my paper and started answering the questions on the paper Hazel made for me. After awhile I was done. I put it away and laid down to sleep. Time has gone by. The day of the ball is today. I was told Hazel was about ready. So I went upstairs and headed to her room.


I got to Hazel's room and knocked on her door. (Knock Knock). I waited for someone to answer it and…" Wow! Your…gorgeous. Beautiful!" "Aww thanks. You're handsome yourself." "Shall we?" I asked her giving her my arm. "We shall." She grabbed my arm and we walked to the ball room. We talked all the way to the ballroom. We seemed to work out just fine.


When we got there, we were announced then we joined everyone. Now we were we were just waiting on my mother. apparently it wasn't only a welcome for me but mom as well for a welcome back.

After awhile mom came in and They announced her. Then Uncle went up to the podium. "Hello ladies and gentleman lords and ladies. Please settle down. I have an announcement to make. First I would like to bring up my nephew Cace and sister in law Raina." I went up with my mom and smiled at her. "Now as many of you know this is a welcome ball for my nephew Cace but it is also a welcome back for my sister in law Raina. Now that we have made the announcement! Let us let the mother and son dance! Then the First dance of the Welcome party!" I took moms hand and went to the middle of the floor and waited for the music. Once it went, I danced with my mom.


After the song ended, I bowed then gave mom a hug. Then it was time for me to dance with Hazel. I put out my hand and bowed. "My lady Hazel. May I have this dance?" "Of course your highness." The music played and she was shocked at what played. It was her favorite song. "How did you know?" "Well I asked around. Ok I asked the palace witch and she asked your mom." She rolled her eyes and we continued to dance.


Once that dance was done, I went to go change then came back in to meet with Hazel. "Sorry I'm back." "Wow. You look pretty handsome in anything." "Haha thanks. You look pretty in almost anything as well." I saw her blush. "Is that a blush is see?" I joked with her. "What if I say it is?" "Well its cute on you." "Thank you your highness." We took a break then went to eat some food. We ate food and mingled with the others I saw some people from my orphanage and introduced them to Hazel who said it was nice to meet them. I mingled with them as much as I could with Hazel then I had to go talk to important people and apologized to them. Told them I would make it up to them. So Hazel and I went to mingle with the important people.


After we were done mingling, we went to go sit down for a break outside. Luckily the ball was in the day time. I leaned back on the bench and closed my eyes for a bit. "Are you ok?" I heard her worried voice. "Yeah I'm fine. Just a little tired from talking to all those boring important people I will have to deal with soon enough. I have a question for you Hazel. If I did decide to become king, what would you think?" "Well I just met you. I see you are good at keeping your emotions at bay, but in my honest opinion I don't think you should become king." "I kept thinking the same thing. I don't know what my sister is like so if I do turn it down it would be up to her or maybe to one of uncles or my moms siblings. I think they should get it to be honest." "Sigh. Cace. My silly little friend. You don't have to be down about it. When this ball is all over, tomorrow we can go to your uncle Leo and talk about it." "What do you mean we?" "Sigh. You haven't figured it out my weird friend have you? I like you idiot." "W-What? You like me?" "Yes! Now I assume you like me?" "Y-Yeah of course I do. I just didn't know when or how to tell you." "Well you can tell me now. So?" "OK fine. I like you Hazel Starr." "I like you too Cace. Oh mom finally showed up. She is a little late. Are you ready?" "A little nervous." "No need. You will find out soon."


"Hey mom." "Oh there you are Hazel. Oh is this him?" "Yes. Hello my name is Cace. Pleased to meet you. Thank you for letting me take your daughter as my date for the ball." I bowed slightly. "Oh wow a polite young man." I rolled my eyes. This is my mom Rita. I grabbed her hand and kissed it. I saw her blush. "Lady Rita." "Oh well thank you. Aren't you a handsome man." "Thank you Lady Rita." "Oh just call me Rita." "Rita." "Mom go mingle with your friends now. You've met him." "Yes Hazel." Once she left Hazel spoke. "Yeah see why you didn't have to worry about her. I was more worried for you." I chuckled. "She was nice enough." "Anyway we will make a time to meet her later. Are you well enough for another dance?" "Yeah lets go." Then we went to dance with another song.


Finally the ball was coming an end. I took Hazel to her room. "Hazel. How long are you staying?" "Probably about a week. I'll let you know more about it tomorrow. I had fun. Oh and come get me around noon tomorrow in front of my bedroom door. We are going to meet with your uncle. Also I had fun tonight. The most fun I have had in a long time. Thanks." "Sure. I'll see you tomorrow." "Yeah see you tomorrow." I went to my room to take a shower. After my shower I got ready for bed. I almost instantly fell asleep after my head hit the pillow.


The next day at noon I met Hazel at her door like promised. I knocked on the door. (Knock Knock) "I'm coming Cace!" Then she raced to the door. "Ok ready. Lets go." "You look really pretty in normal clothes." "Oh thanks. Yeah when we met that was sort of my uniform. Sorry about that." "Its fine." "Now lets go meet your uncle. I have things to tell him too. You have to be there when I do. Its about us." "What about us?" "You will find out soon enough." "The King is expecting us." Once we were announced he let us in.


"Come in Hazel and Cace." We saw him yawn. "Did you get any sleep uncle?" "That's the thing about being king. You barely get any sleep. You have to do paperwork. Now Hazel said you needed talk to me?" "Well I have been thinking about this for a long time but, I don't think I'm cut out to be king. But I did promise to go through the training needed. So when the time arises I could use this knowledge for the future. Or at least until my sister gets here." "Yeah about that Leo. He has a sister?" "Yes Raina had twins. His sister Keely. She was the older twin. She was sent to an orphanage as well. So Cace when your sister gets here that is when the decision is made ok?" I nodded in agreement. "Ok now Hazel. You wanted to talk to me about you and Cace right?" She cleared her throat. "Yes Leo." "Well lets bring his mother in and we can talk about you two." He had someone go get her and in about 10 minutes she showed up. "Hey mom. You look well rested." "Thank you Cace. I feel it too." She rubbed my head like I was a little boy. I didn't mind it since I didn't get a chance for her too before. "So Hazel wanted to talk about what is going to happen with her and Cace. They are seeming to get along pretty well." I was quiet because I was really nervous. My heart was pounding in my chest.


"So what about them? What do you want to know Hazel?" "Well uh I was wondering what you all thought of us together?" I finally spoke up to help her. "I was going to wait but um. If its ok with her, we can talk about her being betrothed. Uh talking about an engagement maybe. If that is ok with her?" It got quiet all of a sudden. I saw Hazel shocked face. "Uh um. Y-Yes of course. I would love too!" she squeezed me tight. "Ok lets all calm down now." Said Leo. "Cace. You have only known her for a couple of months. Don't you think you should wait?" "Well engagement can last as long as you need too." "Yes that is true." Said Leo. "Well Raina?" "Well she is an interesting girl. At least he won't be bored." "Thank you mom and Leo. So uh when shall we schedule the engagement?" "Let me talk with your mother and discuss it. Congrats you two." I scratched the back of my neck. "Thanks uncle. Thanks mom." I hugged my mom and bowed to uncle. He nodded then we left. "Uh Hazel. Want to go for a walk?" "Yeah sure lets go."