
Chapter 2: Meeting Everyone

When we got to the castle I was so exhausted. Ok once we get out, I will have someone show you to your rooms, so you can rest before you meet everyone." "Yes sir. Excuse me, I know you are my fathers brother. You are my uncle. So what is your name if I may ask?" "Oh right you don't know. My name is Leo. My brother's name is Zayan. Lets get you rest and introduce them and your mothers siblings when you rest a bit. I'll have someone get you both." "Yes sir. Thank you. Oh how should I call you?" "Oh pardon me. When we are alone you can call me uncle, Uncle Leo or just Leo. When we are around people call me king Leo or your majesty." "Yes thank you." Then we finally got in the castle and someone showed us to our rooms to rest. "Young sir's the clothes you will be wearing from now on are in your closet and drawers. I suggest you pick one out before you rest. Good day sirs." Our rooms were right next to each other. I went in with Sean to my room to check it out. I was shocked. I didn't know a room could look so big and fancy. Once we were done checking mine out. Sean had me check out his. "Woah. So cool! Hey the old man must have told him what we like that's what was taking so long." "Haha Yeah. Ok go back to your room and rest." "Yes Sean." Then I went back to my room to check out the closet and picked out a light blue princely outfit. Then I laid on the comfy bed and rested my tired bones.


A couple hours later there was a knock on our doors. I straightened my hair and walked to the door. They were butlers to help us dress. It'll be awhile for me to get used to this. "Now young master Cace. Please sit here." "Yes sir. Um what shall I call you sir?" "Oh my name is Herold you can call me that. These two women are named Clarrisa and Nave. They are the going to do your hair." I nodded my head. Then they went to do their jobs.


Once they were finally done, I looked in the mirror. "My God. I look….handsome." I turned to the side. Then the other side admiring myself and wiggling my eyebrows up and down. Then Sean walked in. "What are you doing?" "Hey don't you knock?" "I did. You were too busy admiring yourself notice." I cleared my throat. "Yes well. Don't tell anyone about this at the orphanage please. Or anyone here you may befriend." "I will keep it to myself unless I need it in the future." "Hey now." "I'm only partially joking." "Anyone you look pretty good in those clothes Sean." "Thanks. You look pretty good yourself. At least you think so. Haha." I punched him in the shoulder. "Ok. OK. Let's wait here until someone comes to get us."


Then about 15 minutes later someone came to get us. "My name is Kline. I am here to guide you to the king." Said the butler. "Thank you Kline." I said. "Yes young master."


We made it to my uncle Leo's office. They announced our arrival and let us in. "Greetings your majesty." We both said. He ushered everyone out so it was just us and Sean. "You can call me uncle or Leo now. So I heard you were treated well in the orphanage." "Yes uncle. I was. Oh uh I have something I want you to see. It was the last letter mom and dad wrote. It was in my basket when I came here. I took it out of my pocket and gave it to him to read. Then finally he said, yeah my brothers handwriting is bad. Clearing his throat he said, "Is there any questions you would like to ask me while he have some time?" "Yeah actually 2 at the moment. What was my mom and dad like?" "Well you father. Well he was sort of a serious person at times. But he could get goofy as well. I guess our younger brother took after him. Yes I am your father's twin. We are identical twin brothers except for eyes. Here. This is a picture of us." He got a picture from his shelf. "Holy…" "Wow you look just like father. Dad has green eyes like me. But wait. Mom must have had black hair then right? since you and father had white hair does that mean she had black?" "No. Actually she had a very pretty light brown color. You were a special child. As for your mother. well I would say she was a kind caring person. She told you off when you needed it." "The second question. The gifts what are these that I may have? At the moment I get these feelings and dreams. I can feel when the person is trustworthy or not, then I dream random things and I have been painting them. I can go get them real quick." "No don't worry about it. Today would just be meeting people. Tomorrow everything will start." "Yes uncle." "As for your gifts. The ones we have on our side is the trustworthiness. Keep that gift a secret. You can be kidnapped for that one. Also the ones about the dreams. They could be premonitions. As for your mothers side you will have to ask your aunt and uncles when you meet them." "Ok uncle lets go." Then we all got up and left. Uncle came with us.


"Lets go see my brother Zayan first. He should be in his study right now." So we walked up the stairs to the double doors. "Hello little brother." "Oh your majesty. How can I help you?" "Its ok there is no one else here. They are family." "Oh phew ok then. Hello nephew. My name is Zayan." "Hmm. I see what mom and uncle said about you is true. You seem all serious but you are really a softy." "Did she now. Did she write a letter?" "Yeah you can read it later with uncle later. It was in the basket when I was dropped off at the orphanage. I did have a question. Do any of you have any idea of who dropped me off?" "Yes we do. We will meet them soon. For now lets go see my sister." "Oh she is in the garden at this time." "Ok thanks." "Nice you meet you nephew and Sean." "Likewise uncle. Should I address you as prince in front of everyone? Highness? What would be best?" "You can call me just by my name, or prince if you want?" "Ok lets go with Prince Zayan for now." "Haha ok kid. I'll call you Cace." "Please. Thankyou."


Then we went to the garden to see my aunt. "I heard you were coming to visit big brother. Hello Cade. My you look just like your father. My name is Fawn. You can call me Fawn. Or Aunt if you want." "Nice to meet you Aunt Fawn. This is Sean my protector." "Oh nice to meet you as well Sean." "Your highness." He bowed and kissed her hand. "Oh enough of that. We are family now." "Hey Fawn are the other siblings around?" "What time is it now?" "Almost dinner time." "Yeah they should be in the parlor. They said they would wait there so they can meet him all at once." "Haha so like them. Ok thanks. Come in soon." "I will don't worry."


We went to the parlor room, I saw two men and a woman. We sat opposite of them and I introduced myself. "My name is Cace. This is Sean my protector. We have already met Zayan and Fawn." "I see. Its true then. My sister is really…I'm sorry Cace. All these years I kept telling myself she ran away. But she didn't." "Its fine. Do you have a picture of mom and dad together?" "Yes right here. Oh and my name is Talia. Your mothers name was Raina. As for your father, his name was Kian." "Thanks for letting me know." Then they showed me the picture and I was shocked. "No. This….Is this really my father? You…You have to be joking!" "Excuse me but I have to go lay down. I'm not feeling so well." "Sorry about this. I'll explain later once he gets there safely." They all nodded.


I ran up the stairs barely making it. Then tried running to my room but collapsed at my door. "Argh! No! How could he?! Why didn't he tell me who he was?!" I tried to get up but couldn't.


Someone must has seen me and yelled, "Young master!" Before they could do anything I heard Sean's voice. "Thank you I got it from here." "Yes sir. Is he going to be alright?" "Yes he will thank you." Sean carried him to his bed. "Sean. Why? Pant pant. Why didn't the old man tell us that the man who was visiting the orphanage was my father just watching over me?" "I thought he had died?" "Hold your horses. Maybe it was someone who looked like you dad ok? I'm sure there is an explanation. Just rest. I'll be back in a bit." He had one of the guards stand in front of my door for safety.


Then Sean went back to the parlor. "Sigh. Sorry about that. When he gets excited he gets sick. So the reason he acted out is because there was a man looking like his father visiting the orphanage. He had the same eyes as his father did." "Oh my mistake. Its my fault. That was me. I uh had a spell put on me to make I look like I was my brother still alive. As you saw in that picture, I was identical except for our eyes. Well, I had my eyes change to make it look like he was watching over him. I didn't mean for him to see me." "Its fine. So Who brought him to the doorstep?" "It was me and my husband." "We knew where the baby was because she told us where she was. It was close but we finally got him to safety." "I see. I want to thank both of you." "Oh Well your welcome I guess. These are my big brothers. As you can see they are twins as well." "Wait a second. If the family is full of twins didn't that mean that Cace had a Twin?" "He does." Said one of the uncles. My name is Cole. I am the older twin. This is Zane my twin. Anyway back on topic. He does. His twin happened to be a girl. So she had to go to a separate orphanage at least we think so. They were fraternal twins. She had white hair he had black." "Wait a second. Does she by any chance have one green eye and one blue?" "How did you?" "OH my Gosh! No wonder he felt a pull. Uh we went to the art store and saw a girl that might look his age maybe slightly older." "Holy crap. Uh I'm going to check on Cace to see how he is."


"I have a headache. Argh." Sean came in and saw me holding my head. "Do you have your pain killers?" "Yeah I took one just now. So what's the verdict? Was it him?" "No it was your uncle. He had a witch cast a spell to make it look like your father was looking out for you." "I see." "There is something else. What is it?" "Well in your state I don't know if I should tell you." "Tell me now Sean." "OK relax. That woman we saw in the art store. May have been your twin sister." "What?! Are you serious?!" "Yes but we don't know if she knows anything. We don't want to spook her either." "Lets talk to uncle about this later. Cole and Zane are your uncles. Cole is the older twin." "I see. That's good to know. Can I just meet them tomorrow? I don't feel so good." "Yeah I'm sure you can. I'll bring your food up here ok?" "Thanks man I Owe you." I closed my eyes and waited for Sean to get back.


"Hey um. If you wouldn't mind, could you poke your head in and make sure he is ok once in awhile while I go get his food?" "Yes of course. Is there something wrong with the young master?" "No. Just an old sickness acting up. He just took some medicine he should be fine in a few minutes." "Yes sir." Then Sean explained to the others he would see them the next day and went to get Cace's food and his. They would eat together.


"Thanks for guarding him. Could you open the door for me?" "Yes of course. There you go. Tell him I hope he feels better." "Thanks will do."


"Hey I'm back Cace." Then he saw Cace on the floor. He put the food down and saw the guard again. "Was he on the floor when you check on him?" "No he was laying in his bed sleeping. I checked on him like 3 minutes ago." "Ok thanks." Then he ran over to Cace and felt that he had a fever. "Ok come on. Lets get you changed then back to bed. Sean helped him get dressed and laid him down. If his fever got any higher he would have to call the doctor.


"Pant…Pant…No sister. Keely be careful. I'll protect you." "Hey Cace. Its going to be ok. You're ok. I'm here." "Sean. Help us. Please. Where are you?" "I'm right here." Then I snapped out of the dream. "What? Where am I?" "Its just a dream right now. Your still in the castle. I brought up our food. You have a fever. See if you can eat a bit. If not I'll have to call the doc." "I'll try to eat something." "Here I'll help you sit up. There you go. Here is your plate." "Thanks." I slowly ate the easy stuff. Then finished it and laid back down. "At least you ate a bit. Go to sleep. I will be here and finish my food then I will have the guard here again and tell the others. They are worried about you. I may talk to the doctor to be sure you are ok." "Yeah that's fine I guess."


As Cace went to sleep Sean was finishing up his meal when there was a knock on the door. Luckily it was gentle. Sean opened the door. He was it was king Leo. "Oh your majesty. What brings you here?" Then he closed the door. "How is he?" "He seems fine now. He had a fever. It's a little lower than it was but I want a doc to check on him. As far as I had known him, it was never this bad." "I'll have someone get the doc and come back." He just poked his head out and had someone passing by to get the doc.


Luckily the doc wasn't far and got there in 5 min. "How is the young master now?" "He seems fine now but he had a bad fever. He has an old sickness when he gets too excited he gets sick. Something that the king said surprised him and put him here." "Sigh I see. Did he say anything in his sleep?" "Yes He said Keely and said sister. We know she is his twin sister and so does he. Maybe that is why." "He should be fine then. It was the same with his mother. she too got sick when she got excited but it was due to an accident as a child." "I see can you tell me about it?" "Yes give me a minute to check up on him then I will tell you about it." So the doc did a check up and said he was fine. He would wake up full of energy the next morning." "Oh that's a relief. So what about her accident?" "Well it was a secret. Now that is gone it doesn't have to be. She was about 7 or 8 years old at the time. She was hanging out in the forest with one of her friends and magical creatures. One of them accidently knocked her down. At first I was told she couldn't breathe then she started breathing again. They came to me worried and I ran to her room to check on her. That is when she was diagnosed." "So then if its only from an accident, how did Cace get it?" "Ah he was born that way. When he was born, they found out he had the same issue as his mother didn't understand why. So he had to take medicine until he was 6 months old. Then as he got older it would get worse." "I see. Well he takes medicine for it now. So lets let him sleep."