
Chapter 11: Untitled

"So your saying this necklace showed itself to me? When someone found it and no one bought it, it was showing bad signs until it came to me?" "Yes that is true. At least your father told me that." "I see. I guess I have to keep it on." "Just keep it on unless it's an emergency. Trust me you'll need it. If it shows up, it does for a reason. You may have powers you don't know about." "Yeah I will. What about my sister? I wonder if she has any?" "Well you are twins. You should know or have some sort of feeling." "I see. Thanks mom." I was free for the rest of the day so I hang out with my guards. 


One day I escaped my guards. I went to the craft store that I saw my sister. I asked the man about the girl I saw. I told him she was my sister. His eyes went wide. He nodded. He gave me the address and I followed the directions. Even if I have to walk for days. I will find it. I need to see what she is doing.


Finally hours later, he was at his destination. He saw the orphanage. Luckily it was a warm day. He didn't get any closer but he stayed at the gate until he finally saw her. She was playing with some kids until she looked up and saw me. Then I ran off. 'Shit she can't see me yet!' Luckily I got away and she didn't see me. I stopped to take a break. Then I ran back and my guards finally found me. "Cough! Cough! Pant pant." They saw the condition I was in and ran. As they were helping Cace, they didn't know that a girl followed him back from the orphanage.


"I'm ok. I…Just need…to sit down." So I sat down and took some deep breaths. Finally after a while I calmed down. The girl kept following Cace. No matter where he went she stayed hidden. She was trained. You will read about it later on.


"Ok I'm good now." I tried standing but almost fell. Sean caught him. "You sure?" "Sorry yeah. I'm good now. A moment of weakness." I want to go see the black smiths. I actually have business with a few of them.


My guards slash friends came with me to the black smiths. "Hey everyone! I made it!" They all welcomed me since I came here a lot. I do carve stuff for them to help with their work. "How are those tools working for you?" "Good! Helps a lot! Are you here to pick them up?" "Yeah are they about ready?" "Just about. Making the finishing touches now." Then finally a few minutes later he handed them to me. "Thanks! Wow! They turned out great!" "I need to make another order." Then I told the man in his ear. "Are you sure? That will take awhile you know. I know. It takes that long for who I'm giving it too." "Ok then. It will be our first priority. I'll tell the boss." I nodded. "See you all later. Don't worry I'll visit." "Yeah we know. When you are free." "Oh and uh…Oh never mind. I'll tell you guys later." "Ok then. See you later." Then we headed out. "So who are those for?" said Sean. "No one. Don't worry about it." Then in my head I said, 'I need to sneak back to the orphanage to drop them off to her.' "I'm good. Lets go one more place then head back."


Our last place was a jewelry shop. I looked around and found what I was looking for. It was a necklace. It was a leather choker with a blue gem sewn into it. "Excuse me. Can I see this necklace please?" "Yes of course. I'll be right there." Then the woman came back. "So what is it you wanted young man?" "Oh I wanted to look at this necklace." "Oh well once people learned who it was from, they were afraid to buy it. Do you want to hear the story?" "Yes please. I'd love to hear the history of it." "This belonged to a woman named Zira." "Hold up. I've heard that story before. That necklace was supposed to be destroyed." "Yes well the story of it was, she had second thoughts. Her brother gave her that necklace. Her brother had died so he gave her the necklace for good fortune. She thought about throwing it away, but then she found out what it really was. She hid it until she was able to pass it down to her generation. After that it eventually ended here." "Who gave you this necklace? What does it do?" "A man said that he found out he was a descendant from Zira and gave it to me. I think he said his name was Michalis." "Why does that man sound familiar?" "I'll buy it." "I'll just give it to you. Here you go." "Thanks. I need to do some reading." She wrapped it up and I went to the library.


I went to the history section and found a book on Zira. I found a couple of books and sat down. I opened the first book. I skimmed through the contents and found the chapter he wanted. Then I looked through the chapter and found the name he wanted. Michalis. "Here! Found it!" "Shh!" "Oops sorry." I said in a whisper. "Found it. I knew I saw his name somewhere." I read silently what I needed then closes the books and put them away. Then I went back to the jewelry store and asked her if he had an address. I told her they were friends of my parents. She gave me the address. "Thanks." "You've got to be kidding me. He has lived here for years!" I went straight to that address.


I knocked on the door. (Knock Knock) A man opened it. "Are you Michalis?" "Yes what business do you have with me?" "I am prince Cace." He looked around then let us in. "Is there some reason you are looking around?" "Don't worry about it. So what brings you here?" I took the necklace out of the bag. "This." "What are you doing with that? I gave it to the lady." "Yes and I want to know more about it. I find some sort of connection to it and need to know why." "You say your prince Cace? Are you the one they call the little prince?" "Um I guess so. I'm not that little." "Good then I'm more relieved. That necklace belonged to Zira my ancestor. That much I know. I just don't know what exactly it does. I can't find anything in the history books other than her brother gave it to her before he died for good fortune. She wanted to throw it away until she found out what it really was. That is all I know." "I see. They wouldn't would they." "Sigh. Well there was a reason it was doing strange things. It was probably because the necklace sensed royalty. It only reacts to royalty. Yeah by blood I am royalty. In this life not so much. Zira was a princess. Before she died, she gave the necklace to my grandmother who gave it to my mother. Then she to me. The way it works is you are supposed to look into the crystal. Then you will see who the next owner is. Then the owner looks into it and it shows you some futures that come to pass with the decisions you make. Plus among other things. Its weird I swore I heard a woman's voice that could be Zira's. Its weird since I never knew her." I looked inside the crystal like he said and knew who the next owner was. "I know who the new owner is! Its my twins sister!" "Wow it showed you?!" "Yeah. I guess its because we are of the same blood and same womb. I don't know." "OK then. Be careful with it. Get it to her soon." Then we left his house and headed home.


Once we got to the castle I put the things in my drawer. It was late already. I didn't feel like eating dinner so I slept a bit. Then I woke up at midnight. Grabbed my things and snuck out.


I hated how long it took me to walk but I managed. I knocked on the door. "Who I knocking at this hour!" "Oh a boy. What are you doing this late young man?" "Sorry I'm just here to deliver some things for a Keely. I'm just a messenger. It was urgent so they sent me." "OK I will get them to her. I hope you get some sleep. You seem tired." "Yeah thank you maam." Then I ran back to the castle. I didn't feel so good. I was sweating more than normal but I pushed through until I collapsed.


The woman who was following him, helped him. She got a cool rag and waited till his fever subsided. It was a day later that it did. The woman was gone and he woke up not knowing it was a day later. I ran home and knew I would be in trouble. I was almost home. I have to act sick and collapse so they can't scold me. Although they still might. I know this is stupid but…I stabbed myself in the stomach not deep enough to hit any major organs. I made scratches on my arms and face to look like I was in a battle. I got to the gate and collapsed in front of the gate guards. "Prince Cace! Someone! Come Quick!" The King came running. "What happened?! Cace! NO! What happened?" "He collapsed like this." "Get Hazel now! Have her come outside!" Leo picked him up and went through the gates and laid him on a blanket in the grass.


A few minutes later, Hazel came running. "Hazel! Thank goodness you're here! Can you help him?!" "What the hell happened to him?" "We don't know." "Let me take a look at him!" "I can try to heal him. Looks like it wasn't magic." She put her hands on the worse wound and started healing him. Once that was healed she did the scratches as well. "I'm not lying, but it will scar." "I understand." "Let me take him up to his room. I'll stay with him. If there is any problem I will call the doc." So she did as she said.


She laid him down and made sure nothing was wrong before she held his hand. "What the hell happened to you Cace? What were you doing out there." It was a day later when he woke up.


"Hmm. Ow. What? I'm healed? What happened? Where am I? OH looks like I made it back home." He tried to move his hand and then he saw Hazel holding it sleeping. He relaxed a bit. "Hazel. Are you ok?" "Cace? Is that you?" "Yes its me." "Cace! Your finally awake! Oh thank goodness!" Then she hit my arm. "Ow. I was just stabbed you know. Did you heal me?" "Yes. Thanks to me you are fine. Don't scare us again you idiot." Then she told me what happened. "I see I didn't realize it was already a day before I got home. Sorry. I guess I had a fever." "That explains it. But how did you get hurt? Were you in a fight?" "I don't want to talk about it. Its embarrassing." "OK well then. You should probably rest for a day or two. You will have a scar." "I see. Thanks Hazel." "Yeah yeah." Then she left. I just barely laid down and closed my eyes when there was a knock on the door. (Knock Knock)


"Who is it this time?" Then the person came in. "Uncle. What brings you here?" "How are you feeling?" "Fine. I guess I will have a scar. Sigh. Dammit." "What happened to you? Can you at least tell me? How about this, if I tell you an embarrassing story about me, you can tell me what happened. How does that sound?" I nodded. "OK then. Uh well I was sword fighting with my brother. I lifted the sword up too far and cut my own back. I have a scar to prove it." "Fine. I was practicing. I sort of well landed on my dagger when I tripped. As for the cuts on my face, well that much I don't remember. I just remember falling on my dagger." I lied. "I see. So that is what happened. Next time be careful." "I will." I laid back down and closed my eyes. 2 days later I recovered fully. 


A good time has passed. It was almost time for our engagement ball. I had to go through all the invitations to see who all RSVP. I need to make sure I have all their outfits ready for the ball. I wasn't alone at least. I had Hazel to help me. I had been working for hours and I was starting to get a headache. "Groan. My head. I've been working for hours. I need a break before my head gets worse." "I'm getting a little tired myself. I think I might want to take a walk in the garden. Want to come with?" "Yeah let me take a pill first." I went to my room and took a pill. I thought I was going to walk with her but I started feeling dizzy. I didn't even make it to the bed before I collapsed.


"Where is he? I thought he was going to take his medication and go on the walk with me. I better check on him." She went up to his room and knocked on the door. No answer. Then she snuck a peek. "Cace! Cace. Can you hear me? Dang it he is out. Well there goes our walk. I'll just stay with him for our break I guess."


An hour later. "Hmm. Where am I?" My eyes were still closed so I didn't know. Then I heard a woman's voice. "You're in your room Cace. I found you passed out. Its me Hazel." "Ah Hazel." Then I slowly opened my eyes. "Hazel." "Yes its me. How are you feeling?" "Surprisingly a lot better and well rested." "Don't scare me like that. If you feel tired let me know. We can take a break. WE have got a week left before the ball." "Yes but I have other things planned too. Speaking of, I need to go somewhere tomorrow. You have fun with your work." "Yeah yeah." So we got up and went for our walk.


"So uh I want to ask you something." "Go ahead." "Well I know my sister won't be here for our engagement party, but I would like her here for our wedding. Is that all right if we wait until I am able to get my sister here before then? I don't know how long that will be." "I don't have a problem with that. I would ask your uncle though. As long as he is ok with it." "Thanks Hazel. I knew I liked you." "Ha just now figuring it out dumbo." Then she hit my head. "Ow. That hurt." "Serves you right for acting like an idiot like you always do." "Yeah I know. I was just nervous." "It shows."