
Chapter 10: Untitled

According to uncle Leo, he checked on us. I was napping when he did. I had just woken up with a little headache and thought nothing of it. Then I saw a letter on my desk. I opened it up and it was from Sora. I had written him a letter about meeting mom. Lets see. The letter said:


My dear little brother,


I would love to meet up with mom. I'll just tell them I have a personal mission. I haven't had personal time yet, so I will have time. As for the day, let me know. I will for sure be there. How are you by the way? Its stressful here but I'm managing. One day I would love to get out of here. I don't know if I even can. Don't tell anyone, but I am sure the king knows about our group. Talk to him. Ok well I can't write much longer. So take care little brother see you soon.


Your big brother Sora.


"Oh Sora." Then I went to find mom, and found her in the garden. "Why am I not surprised. Hey mom! Good news! Sora is willing to meet! Do you have a day that is good for you? I'm sure the King would let me off for a day or 2." "Well what about this weekend sometime?" "Ok when is Saturday ok?" "Yeah lets do that. Sometime in the afternoon is good." "Ok mom. I'll let uncle know."


I ran to tell my uncle the news except he wasn't in his office. At the moment he was in a meeting. Then for some reason my head started hurting a little more. "When uncle gets out, tell him to come to my room. Don't worry I'm fine it happens sometimes." Then Sean and Ryker made sure I got to my room ok.

About an hour or so later Leo came to Cace's room as requested. The only problem was Cace's headache was getting worse. "Leo Cace has a bad headache. Should I call the doctor?" "Let me check first." "Sigh. She can't help. Go get Hazel. Ryker could you do that?" "Yes your majesty right away." Leo and Sean stayed with him for a little bit.


Awhile later Hazel came running. "What's wrong with Cace?!" "We don't know. He was complaining about a headache. Its not something a doctor can fix. I think it might be related to magic." "Really? Let me see." Hazel touched his forehead like Leo did. "Sigh. You are right. it is magic related. The only thing is, I'm still training for this sort of thing. Someone call for my mother. I'll try while I am waiting for her." Ryker was the one who was to do that.


"Hang in there Cace! Please hang on!" She was trying to use magic on his mind which is a tricky thing. Then after she was giving up, her mom came in. "Don't give up so soon Hazel." "Mom!" "Keep going. You are doing good." She nodded then continued as much as she could, then when she couldn't do anymore she stopped. Hoping for the best.


Then she noticed she has starting to calm down. "It worked! Oh shit sorry." Then she made it a whisper. "Can I stay in here with him for a bit?" They all said yeah. Then all of them left. Sean and Ryker were outside his door guarding it.


"Oh Cace. What are we going to do with you. Who the hell did this to you? When I find out who did this, they are going to pay." Cace had medium length black hair. she rubbed her hands through his hair like a sibling would.


The next morning I scrunched my eyes wondering where I was. I looked around for a bit then remembered. "Oh yeah. I was going to tell uncle the good news after seeing the letter because I was excited. I did have a slight headache after I rested then I saw the letter and went to tell uncle then my head started getting bad. I can't understand why. Sigh." I got up and went to the shower and picked out an outfit and headed down stairs. At first I was a little wobbly, then I was fine. Sean saw me walk out, then he and Ryker followed me to see uncle.


"Sigh. I need to see the king." "Yes of course he is expecting you." "Huh? OK." Then I went inside and was shocked at what I saw. It was mom and Sora. "What?! I don't understand. Your letter said you wanted us to make a date and Saturday was going to be the day. Was that to keep me from guessing?" "Haha yeah. It was meant to be a surprise." "Come here Cace." Said mom. She pushed us to her side. "My precious boys. Mom is so sorry she left you all. Your father and I loved all of you so much. That includes your sister." "We know mom. None of blame you." I said. "That's right mom. I would be the one to remember. I was 2. They were babies. I don't blame you or father one bit. I probably didn't know why you did it, but I knew you had too." "So sora. Are you coming back to live here?" "Uh I don't know. I'll have to talk to some people where I am now, and see what is going on there." "I hope you can. Then I will have a brother to hang out with. I got new cousins from the orphanage now." "Yeah I heard. I'd like to meet them soon. I can only stay for a week." "OK cool then you might meet them. Uncle was this what you wanted to show me? or did you have something else?" "Oh right. I talked with your mom and brother. The engagement party is pretty set. Here see if this date is ok." "Wait a minute. This is…" "What is it." "I need to take this and show Hazel. This is when her birthday is." "Oh really?" "Yeah so I have to check with her first." "Ok go ahead." Then I ran out to find Hazel.


I knocked on Hazels door. (knock Knock) "Hazel its me! I have some news!" "Coming!" She opened the door. "Good to see you looking well. What's up?" "Look at this. See if this is ok." "OH the engagement is set on my birthday. Cool" "You don't mind?" "Well all of our family will be there. Best time to do it." "Yeah didn't think of that. Cool. Ok well come with me. Sora is in uncle's office."


We went back in and Hazel saw Sora and mom. "Hello Sora. Good to see you again." "Likewise. Now that I see you clearly. You are beautiful just as Cace described." "Oh well thank you." "Hello mom." "Hello Hazel." Mom told Hazel to call her mom since she was eventually going to be her mother in law. "I think the date is fine. Everyone will be there, so it will be the best time to have it." "Ok then. We will make a cake for that as well." Said uncle. Then we all went out and went to find out where the kids went.


We finally found the kids and introduced them to him. They had a ball. I was having fun trying to get the kids to talk but they aren't yet. I whispered Into Acer and Ethan's ear about the next study if they did what I wanted then I would get them something they wanted for a long time within reason. They nodded in excitement. Asher dragged Ethan out to play for a bit.


"Wow! Ok those kids are a workout! Especially Conner and Quinn!" "See what you look forward too Sora? You get a workout and have fun." "Maybe a little less of that much fun. Haha." So I hung out with my brother for a few days then we saw him off.


"Ok now. Lets go to training!" I said pumped up. So I went to training and that went well as well. Then I had my other work to do. Its basically the same stuff different day other than visiting the village. There is always something to help someone with. They are all different things. That's pretty much the only thing I like about being a crown prince at the moment. At times I get to hang out with Hazel or she would stop by to say hi or see how I was doing.


The only thing keeping me busy at the moment is getting ready for our engagement party. Shesh. Hazel and I have been busy telling them what we wanted and where we wanted it. We didn't have to worry about the invitations because uncle said he would take care of that. Then there will be a parade for the villagers to see us together.


It was time for a break, so I told Hazel I would be going into town and I would see her later. I dressed up in commoner clothes as did Sean and Ryker. We walked to town since it wasn't far.


We got into town and I was browsing around when I saw something familiar. Then my head started to hurt. Ryker noticed. "Hey you ok?" "Yeah I am. Lets go over here." I went to the place where I saw that pendant. Then I looked around and found the pendant I was looking for. "This pendant. For some reason is familiar. Excuse me. How much for this pendant?" "Oh this one? For some reason no one buys it. I'll tell you what. I will give it to you for free." "really? Is there anything you need me to do for you?" "No please. Go ahead." "OK thanks then." I took the pendant and we left. Once I touched the actual pendant I was having a vision.


My head hurt like crazy but I didn't let it show. I finally calmed down after a few minutes. The last thing I saw was Ryker and Seans worried face then blacked out. "Cace! Should we get help?" "No lets wait a few minutes. He may wake up in a bit." "Ok then." Just like that an hour later Cace woke up.


"What the hell happened?" "How do you feel?" asked Sean. "I little weak. I will be fine though." I slowly sat up and looked at the pendant they put on my stomach. "The pendant. It was my fathers. I need to get home and fast. I need to know what exactly happened." Sean carried me on his back, since I was so weak. The necklace was on my neck. After that vision it hadn't bothered me.


We got back to the palace, and there was an uproar for some reason. When we finally got inside I said, "What is everyone in a tizzy about?" They all looked at me shocked. "Uh why is everyone looking at me like that?" Sean let me down, then I saw my mother running up to me. "I was worried sick for your Cace! Where were you?" "I told Hazel I was going to town what is going on?" She looked at the necklace. "That explains the bad feeling. Its ok everyone. He is fine for now. We can all relax. You two and Cace follow me. We need to talk." "Yes mom." We followed mom to a soundproof room. "Where did you find that necklace Cace?" "What? This?" I said pointing to the necklace. "Why? I found it in town. It was in a jewelry stall. It wasn't being sold for some reason. I asked her how much and gave it to me for free. This necklace gave me a vision of father. Was this fathers necklace?" "Sigh. yes it was. There is a story behind it. Lets get your uncles and aunts her too. They should hear this." They were called, and a few minutes later they were all there. "Is everything ok?" Said Leo. "Well I hope so." Said Mom. "Now the reason we are all here is because of the necklace that Cace had found. It was your brothers Leo." He looked at the necklace around my neck. "Yes I recognize it. what about it" "That is what I am here to tell everyone. There is a story behind it. I wanted you all to hear it." Everyone quieted down and listened while mom told the story.


"He had that necklace long before I met him. He said he had it since he was little. He said that the necklace can be dangerous to anyone it doesn't choose. He got it from his father as well. Its supposed to keep certain powers from going out of control. You may not know this, but that necklace was keeping your fathers powers for going out of control during fights. There may be a power you have in the future that could as well. Before your father died, he told me to take the necklace and get rid of it. So I did. I threw it into the ocean. I guess someone found it and it ended up in a jewelry shop. There are so few of these left. All the others were either destroyed or hidden. When you put that necklace on, there is a sort of wave the family of the wearer feels. Its like a shock to our bodies. That is why we were in an uproar. We were worried something happened to you." "Well it did. I had a vision of dad and the necklace. That is how I knew it was his. In the vision dad seemed to be in his teens. How I knew it was him, I have no idea. I saw him on the run from something or someone. Then there were flashes and I blacked out for an hour." "I don't know much about him in his teens. I never asked." "Uncle can you tell me what dad was doing then?" "I don't know either I am afraid. I was busy doing my lessons when your father was carefree." "Sigh. I may never know." "Actually you might be able too." Said mom. "What do you mean?" "It's the necklace. Not only does it suppress certain powers, but it also shows us what we need to know. It will show itself. You can't do it yourself."