
Chapter 2: The Dream in The Day?

I was still in high school when the "dream" happened. It was any normal day for me staying up all night playing call of duty: black ops 2 then realizing it was morning and having to quickly jump into bed to pretend to be asleep. Then my sister would wake me up after she woke up. (I have 3 sisters and 1 brother. My sister that wakes me up shares a room with me.) I would get my clothes, shoes, backpack, wallet, phone, and charger then head to the bathroom to take a shower, get dressed, put my backpack on then wait outside for the bus.

When I got on the bus I'd keep my head down and not talk much except for a few people. My favorite person to talk to was Cloe. She had that really eccentric and exciting personality that makes you just wanna be as energetic as them. I'm sure we all know those type of people. There wasn't anyone else I really talked to that much.

When we get to school I had writing for first period. Man I hate reading and writing they were my worse grades ever. I can never take the test right because I can't read fast enough. That was a normal period we could have our earbuds in because we were reading of mice and men. Lenny need to learn to use his strength. Then second period was P.E. I personally like P.E. because I have good reflexes. Today we were playing Volleyball and I didn't like Volleyball too much. Oh well I just had to shrug it off and get it over with hope they don't try to slam it in my face again. (Oh yeah forgot to mention I'm bullied a good amount most the time it's just verbally.) Luckily they weren't in the mood to do that or even bully me verbally. It seemed like it was gonna be a good day.

3rd period came around my favorite period of the day but before that we had breakfast carts set around school. So of course I abused it and hit up a few of them and headed into 3rd period which was math. (What you thought it was gonna be art? Nope I'm really good at math and my fiancé is in here those girlfriend at the time.) The teacher was teaching but I never pay attention to the teach I already know it all, I went through the textbook already. So I was just talking to my girlfriend the whole time trying not to get in trouble. The class ended while I was talking about what we should get for lunch.

We were walking to 4th period which was Shakespeare and mythology. (The first half of the year is Shakespeare and the other mythology.) This teacher was one of my favorite the final for Shakespeare was only the answer

B. Shakespeare.

We were in the hall when I felt a hand on my shoulder that made me jump a little I go to look and see who it is and I notice that everything seemed to have stopped. That's when I heard the voice coming from the person behind me "I didn't mean to scare you, sorry man." the man laughed as I jumped again. I then look to see who it is. I have no idea who he is or what he wants at all so I kinda back up a little.

"Calm down."

"Who are you?" still a little jumpy.

"Oh, yeah sorry. I'm Leo we used to be friends a long time ago."

"What do you mean? I don't know you at all!"

"Yeah, that's my fault kinda had to get ride of our friendship. It was to keep you safe when I realized I put you in danger."

"What are you even talking about? Are you crazy or am I going crazy right now? Oh I'm dreaming, aren't I?"

"If that's what you think it is. Anyway I came here to give you something. It was too late for me to try to keep it hidden but with you, you could be able to keep it hidden while still using it."

"I don't even know you. Why would I take something from you that you give me? Even in a dream."

"We did know each other. I turned back times to before we met and change it."

"Yeah, okay. Look I don't know what kinda dream this is but I need to wake up. This is getting stupid."

"Just at least here me out and look at it."

"If I do will the dream stop?"

"Yeah probably if you want it to. All you'll have to do is remember how you woke up this morning. Then will yourself to wake up like that again."

I then try to will myself to wake up, probably looking like a complete idiot.

"Not right now, smart one. After you look at what I have to show you."

"Of course it's only after." I rolled my eyes

He then had a small shining orb show up in his hand. Was he always holding that I thought.

"Here." He said holding out his hand.

I grab it. It starts to shine brighter then I feel my hand burning. Not just a small burning feeling either like I have my hand in fire burning. I try to drop it but I can't and then I feel the burning move from my hand making its way up my arm, to my shoulder, down my side, down my leg, up the other leg, up the other side, to my other shoulder ,down my other arm. While this is happening the orb is slowly getting smaller. I think it's over then all of a sudden the rest of the orb(which is about half!) seems to shoot in me and an explosion of pain shoots through my chest and head. I fall to the ground and hard the last thought I had while looking up at this guy was I wanna wake up now and a memory of the morning.

I wake up in a jerk just as my sister is trying to wake me up. I almost head butted her. She screams in shock.

"Sorry, I just had a weird dream or was it a nightmare?" I ask myself

"Well you need to watch it next time now get out I need to get dressed." I grab my stuff without much thinking and go to the bathroom. Then I realize that this was the same clothes I wore in the dream.

"Well that's weird." I said to myself. Then I get in the shower to start my day....

Here’s a bigger chapter that I wanted still not as big as I’d like to make the chapters because I don’t wanna bombard with details just yet.

Rinoncreators' thoughts