
An Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint

Ethan Nakamura was sleeping peacefully when the Star Stream system was introduced. Faced with the struggles of surviving in a ruined world, he fights for the characters he once read, but who have now emerged from the pages and into his life. Knowledge of TWSA aids him, but due to a late encounter with the author, he receives something else. Short stories specific to the U.S. scenarios he fights in. Short stories centered around Anna Croft, shortened to ACSS. With the culmination of this knowledge, Ethan seeks to survive and save the people he loves in this ruined world, and make it to the end of the scenarios. He only has one wish; to make it to the end of this world and see what is beyond. ------------------------------------------------------------------- I rate this story for 14+ and older. Do not let anyone under this age read this story.

EnderGolem997 · Bücher und Literatur
Zu wenig Bewertungen
91 Chs

Episode 6-The Scorch Trial (5)

I was in a new place. It was the infinite darkness again. I saw the white star, and the burning eye.

(What is this...?) I thought.

[It' s y ou r sa fe pla ce, it' s wh e re y ou r mi nd go es w hen y ou fa ll asl ee p,] Fragment of the 4th Wall said.

I saw their messages appear as black and white text in front of me.

(Am I... okay?)

[I deac tiva ted you r An ger Lor d attri bu te... y ou we re be co min g too en rage d... Ri ght now... you a re slee ping as y ou heal...]

(Fragment of the 4th Wall?)

[Y es?]

(Why do I have such an attribute? Private attributes relate to a person's talent before the introduction of Star Stream. Why is mine titled Anger Lord?)

[I d o n ot kn ow...]

(4th Wall.... Who am I?)


(My head... I'm forgetting so much of my life. All of these new memoires are coming in, and I don't know if they belong to me.... Who are the other Fragment Holders? Why do I receive some of their memories when I interact with them?)

[I do n't kn ow w hy yo u re a re lo si ng yo ur'e mem or ies an d re ceiv ing th em.... May be th at's wh at t he wri ter w an ted f or yo u....]

(Who is the writer?)

[Th ey a re the per son who ma de the st ory y ou re ad...]

(Are they tsl123? The writer of TWSA?)

[No... the re a re mul ti ple wri te rs.... Th is writer wa nts you to suc ceed...]

(Fragment of the 4th Wall, I'm forgetting a lot of my life before the apocalypse. Why?)

[I thi nk it's be cau se o f the wr iter.... I thi nk th ey are er asing your me mories....]

(Why are they doing that?! How are they doing that?)

[I th ink th ey are do in g it to ma ke you the per fect cha racter....]

(Will becoming a character negatively affect me?)

[It mi ght.... you can av oid it thou gh....]

(How can I avoid becoming a character?)

[You ha ve to ga ther mo re Fra gm ents of t he 4th Wa ll.... to com plete the 4th Wall... T he wa ll will pro tect you...]

(Will I remember more of myself afterwards?)

[Per haps....]

(Fragment of the 4th Wall, who is the writer?)

[I d o n ot kn ow if I sh ould t ell you..... b ut their na me is EG9....]

I saw the name float in front of me. I glared at that name.

(EG9? That's their name? Eee-ji-Nine? That's how you pronounce it?)

[Yes... But it 's a fa ke na me... a us er na me.... to pro tect th eir iden tity....]

(What do they want from me?)

[To co mp lete the 4th Wa ll... and ma ke it to th e end of this w or ld.]

(How do I make it to the end?)

[Y ou mus t make it to the 99th sc en ario.... You mu st survive until th en.]

(How do I do that?)

[Ta ke the oth er Fragments. The o ther Fr ag me nts will all ow you to se e the re st of th e st ory th at y ou re ad....]

(If I gain Fragments, I will be able to remember more of the story? Why can't I just reread it online?)

[The st ory y ou re ad doe sn't ex ist online an y mo re.... Th e sto ry on ly exi sts on the Frag ment s of the 4th Wall.... By gai ning the other Frag ments, y ou com ple te the re st of the story. Then yo u can re read it.... It wi ll be hard to get oth er Fragm ents tho ugh....]

(How hard?)

[Y ou will su ffer a lot....]

I smiled from dread.

(Pfft. I've been suffering before the Apocalypse. I think I can handle more.)

[I'll be th e re to pro tect you... For now.... f or no w re st....]

I felt my conscious mind become suppressed. I didn't want to sleep, but I felt something warm wrap around my body, and gently rock me to sleep.

The scintillating white star shot solar-flares that illuminated the darkness, while the flaming eye watched me sleep. I felt comforted. It felt as if I was being guarded, warmed and watched. It felt okay to rest.


I woke up again. I wondered if I was in my own mind, or if I was in reality. I was lying on my back, and my body was pressed against a hard surface. I looked around in an effort to regain my bearings. I saw that I was in a little backroom filled with shopping items; I was also lying on the floor.

(Am I in a store?)

I rose a little bit, and saw the ground around me was scorched. I willed myself to fully stand, and when I did, I saw that I left a black imprint on the floor, which was in the shape of my body. I was the reason why the linoleum was scorched black. I must've generated high temperatures in my sleep.

(Where am I?)

I was in a different area from before. I wasn't near the fountain, which was in the middle of the Macy's mall. I looked at my body. I was still in my underwear, and I saw parts of my body were completely blackened. I thought I was dirty, but when I rubbed the areas, I saw that the blackened areas were my skin.

[You have acquired a new achievement!]

[You have achieved "On the Cusp of Death"!]

[Payment: 10,000 coins!]

[Constellation "Secretive Plotter" is glad that Incarnation "Ethan Nakamura" is alive.]

[Constellation "Egyptian Thought" wonders how you regrew your limbs.]

[Constellation "The Black One, Lord of Muspellheim" says that you're appearance is respectable now.]

[Constellation "The Black One, Lord of Muspellheim" says that you look similar to the fire jotuns of old.]

[You have been given 5000 coins for surviving.]

The system messages relaxed my stressed mind. I was alive. I didn't die. This was reality.


It was Dokkaebi Herald. They must've heard that I nearly died. They were sending messages through Dokkaebi Communication.

-[Are you okay?!]

-[Yeah. I am.]

-[The Constellations were going crazy, and were saying that you died! What happened?!]

-[I'll give some exposition to the Constellations about that. Don't worry.]

-[Okay. Do you need anything?]

-[Could you open the Dokkaebi Shop?]

The Dokkaebi Shop opened soon after. I bought myself some clothes. I decided to buy some heat resistant clothing that were C-Grade.

(I wonder if my backpack was destroyed.)

I made sure to throw my backpack away while I was running and fighting. I also figured my rain jacket would be destroyed by the [Flames of Muspellheim] stigma, so I quickly took it off and placed it in the auction shop.

"Open the auction area," I said aloud.

The menus and displays quickly flicked to the auction area. I saw my rain jacket was still there. I took it off the auction shop, and it reappeared in front of my eyes.

(I'm glad that no one bought it.)

I dug into the pockets, and took out my phone. It was a cheap thing that costed 20 dollars to buy, and my mother bought it from Fred Meyer. Still, my phone was special to me.

I received this phone as a present for my 14th birthday. My mother also bought Minecraft from the Google Play-store, and I would play that game so much. I swiped through all the apps. I saw some music that I illegally downloaded, some pictures that I took, and screenshots from my favorite webtoons. I also saw videos that I recorded.

There was one thing I noticed. There were no pictures of me.

(If I remember correctly, I didn't like taking pictures of myself because I hated selfies.)

There were no pictures of my friends as well.

(I don't think I liked taking pictures of people in general.)

All of the images on my phone consisted of artwork, or something random, such as screenshots of wiki pages. I tucked away my phone into the pocket of my rain jacket, and zipped it shut. I quickly clothed myself, and wrapped my rain jacket around my upper half. I didn't have a cloth-mask, but I decided to stop wearing one in this type of weather.

[Constellation "Abyssal Black Flame Dragon" was impressed by your flames and explosions.]

(Abyssal Black Flame Dragon?)

I remembered something that I needed to ask. I stared towards the sky.

"Excuse me, Abyssal Black Flame Dragon?"

[Constellation "Abyssal Black Flame Dragon" is staring at you.]

"Is your Incarnation - Kim Namwoon - alright?"

[Constellation "Abyssal Black Flame Dragon" has said: "Kim Namwoon is alright."]

(Why is this freaking dragon lying to me?)

[Constellation "Abyssal Black Flame Dragon" wonders how you know his Incarnation.]

(Oh... Shit.... I revealed that I knew Kim Namwoon.... Abyssal Black Flame Dragon was just being careful...)

"Oh, he's famous already.... I heard that there was a powerful teenager in South Korea that wields black flames."

[Constellation "Abyssal Black Flame Dragon" is smiling.]

[Constellation "Abyssal Black Flame Dragon" has sponsored Incarnation "Ethan Nakamura" with 1000 coins.]

(Well, I hope that they think that Namwoon is famous already... I also hope that their ego is big enough that they won't question how I know about Kim Namwoon.)

[Constellation "Secretive Plotter" is staring at Incarnation "Ethan Nakamura."]

[Constellation "Egyptian Thought" is staring at Incarnation "Ethan Nakamura."]

Although, the smarter Constellations might be scrutinizing my actions much more thoroughly. I opened Dokkaebi Communication again.

-[Hey, Herald?]


-[Are Constellations "Secretive Plotter" and "Egyptian Thought" subscribed to the channel?]

-[Let me see.... Yep.]

(Crap. They might be watching me to gain information, or maybe I caught negative attention.)

-[Hey, because of your crazy actions, I've been gaining a lot of subscribers and donations. I've been upgrading my channel a lot. I have to mess with some settings. I'll be back in a bit.]

-[Alright. See ya.]

After I sent that system message to Herald, a new display screen popped up.

[You have successfully used First Person Perspective!]

[You have entered the Perspectives of two applicable characters!]

(What is this?)

[You may copy one skill from each character!]

[Yu Junghyeok]

-Air Steps

-Red Phoenix Shunpo

-Fire Resistance

(No way... If I can use this.... wait... I need to think about this.)

Air Steps was a Moorim skill that allowed the users to convert air into steps to traverse on. Red Phoenix Shunpo increased a user's speed. Fire Resistance was a simple skill, but it was quite useful in hot environments. I was tempted to choose that skill; perhaps it could allow me to safely use the [Flames of Muspellheim] stigma.

I pondered my options. I already had plans to change my biology to accustom my stigma; that left two options left.

(Red Phoenix Shunpo would be perfect for an agile playstyle, but Air Steps seem more useful. I could have the high ground, and drop down to kill people quickly. I could also use it to escape from high places, and descend safely)

I made a decision. I chose Air Steps. I saw the next three options.

[Kim Namwoon]

-Knife Fighting

-Blackening (Exclusive to Chunnibyou)

-Unusual Adaptability

Kim Namwoon's options were less than stellar. Unusual Adaptability was perfect to conforming to new situations, but I had Asian Adaptability. Knife Fighting was pretty basic; I didn't see the use in learning that skill when I already had Self-taught Sword Fighting Lv.8. That left Blackening as the only option. Paired with my Anger Lord attribute, Blackening would do well. If I remembered correctly, Blackening encompassed a person's body with a dark aura, which increased their physical attacks.

Kim Namwoon also used this skill in the First Scenario, which showed that he had extreme talent in terms of combat. I used my Anger Lord attribute in a sub-scenario after the First Scenario; this showed similarities in our skill-set.

(Well then, I'll pick Blackening. I'm a teenager as well, so I guess I'm edgy. Blackening might work quite well with me.)

[You have acquired a new skill called Air Steps!]

[You have acquired a new skill called Blackening!]

It was cool that I was able to gain skills this way. I felt a little ashamed that I was a Kim Namwoon fan, but sticking with him and descending into him proved useful to me.

(It sucks that I can't use Character Assimilation....) I thought sullenly. (Hey, Fraggy?)

[Y e s?]

(You can see my attribute window, right?)


(Can you see if I gained two new skills? Also, can you check to see if I can use Character Assimilation?)

I waited a few moments after making my request.

[Y ou s afe ly ga in ed t wo new ski lls, b ut you ca n't use Cha rac ter Ass imi lation yet.... You ha ve to ga in o ther Frag ment s of th e 4th Wall to act i va te t he ski ll.]

(I didn't know that...)

It seems that gaining 4th Wall fragments were vital for my survival.

(Well, thanks then. I'll train with the new skills later.)

First, I had to make sure George was alright. Did I infect him? Did he die? I was about to leave this little backroom, but the door that led to this room was closed.

(I'm scared to open it.)

I had seen a lot of horror movies. Opening a door without checking was dangerous.

[You have activated Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Lv.3!]

[You have activated Stigma Flames of Muspellheim Lv.7]

I linked the skill and stigma, and tried to read any thoughts. I didn't see any thoughts being transmitted, and I didn't see any approaching heat signatures. I walked towards the door of this backroom, grabbed the doorknob, and opened it. I stepped into an electronic shop. I saw the metal blinds in the front of the shop were closed. I approached the blinds, and tried to lift them up.

[You are in a safe zone!]

[Are you sure you want to leave?]

These messages flashed in front of me.

(Hmmm. It seems that safe zones are individual stores within the mall, and closing them off protects the people inside.)

I lifted the blinds. I needed to find George, and see if they were alright.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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You better!

Also, if you want to draw fanart of Ethan, I invite any artists to do so. Just don't make it NSFW. Also, his face doesn't exist yet, so there would be no point in drawing his face. Leave a link in the comments section; I'll try to visit the respective site.

EnderGolem997creators' thoughts