
An Obvious Cliche

As a self-proclaimed hopeful romantic, Jasmine always wanted to find her Prince Charming and have a lasting college romance like her parents did. Never in her wildest dreams did she think that she would find him the first day of classes in her first class ever. The bad news? He's the TA and pursuing him would make their love story an obvious cliche.

lingspiration · Teenager
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1 Chs

Chapter One

Jasmine could not believe her luck! After back and forth with registrar she was able to get into the only spot left in Introduction to Sociology taught by the best, according to the forums, professor at the college. From the reviews, she was super knowledgeable and gave A's like candy.

Jasmine saunters to the lecture hall reveling in her good fortune. She surveys the large auditorium-like classroom and aims to take a seat in the middle. She didn't want to be all the way in the front where the professor would know her, but also not in the back where she knew she would get distracted. On her way to her desired seat, her eyes stray to a cute guy near the front. It wouldn't be so bad if I sat a little closer to the professor, she convinces herself, and makes her way to the seat next to the guy.

"Hey, do you mind if I sit here?" She asks motioning to the seat next to him. He looks up at her and her breath hitches. He has the most milk chocolate colored eyes she's ever seen.

"Yeah sure," he smiles and shifts a bit so she could have more space. "I wouldn't mind the company."

"What year are you?" Jasmine asks as she settles into her seat.

Her understanding is that Intro to Soc is a mixed class, so there's a chance that the person she's talking to isn't a fellow freshman. Maybe he's a senior. It would be a cliché, a four year delayed one, but still.

"I'm a sophomore," he answers. "That's not usually the first question I get asked."

"That's not the first question I asked," Jasmine argues. "I asked if I could sit here first."

"True," he nods. "But normally, I'm asked my name. I'm Marcus."

"Nice to meet you," Jasmine responds. He looks at her expectantly and she looks back in confusion.

"And you are?" Marcus asks.

"Jasmine," she answers.

She notices him take out a sheet of paper with what looks like a list. That was not the response she was expecting to finding out her name. Odd. She decides to ignore it and settle herself at the seat, pulling the desk up from the right side of the arm rest.

"Jasmine Peterson or Jasmine Miller?" Marcus asks unexpectedly.


"What's your last name?"

"Miller," Jasmine answers, perplexed that he wanted to know. Was he the stalker type and I just told him my last name. "Why?"

"I'm marking your attendance for the class," he replies, showing her the list he was mulling over when she told her his name.

"Why do you have the attendance roster?" She asks, getting a little more panicky, leaning a bit away from him and surreptitiously motioning to move the desk.

"I'm the TA for the course this semester," Marcus informs. "So if you need any help, just let me know any time. I'll be announcing my office hours when the professor gets here and introduces me."

"Oh," Jasmine simultaneously relaxes and fills with disappointment.

There's no way she can hit on or date the TA. She could, but it would be unethical and she doesn't want to feel like she didn't earn her grade if she does well, or blame him if she doesn't do well.

"I won't hesitate to ask you questions if I'm lost."

"Great," he says easily. "Oh the professor's here, so I have to confer with her for a little bit. Save my seat, okay?"

"Sure thing!"

I can't possibly have the hots for the TA, it's too cliché. It's only a step down from being interested in the professor! Jasmine berates herself. He's just one cute guy on a campus filled with them. It's my first class of the semester so there's no reason to sell myself short.