
An Irreversible Fate

On that stormy night,the group of four struggled to control the Yacht that threatened to capsize after outsmarting their captors. The raging waves didn't help the matter either. We are all going to die Nelly dropped to the floor panicking and weeping. Calm down baby stay strong for me Shawn comforted her. I found a map here...there is a forest ahead Natalia shouted from the cabin. Get it over here Lia we don't have much time George who was acting as the captain called out to her. And thus they Navigated to the Place that their lives were thrown off balance. The journey that they started off on a beautiful day but ended up being victims of an irreversible fate.

Precious_Chinex555 · Urban
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52 Chs


Father-in-law please don't be mad,how will you be able to hand your precious daughter to me if you are mentally unstable Jake chuckled evily.

I don't know what sick game you want to play Jake,leave our children out of this Robert said in a more controlled voice.

Don't worry Robert,I will take care of the girls well.

I planned on taking they girls tonight but I changed my mind.

I love a more challenging way,It would have been nice to take them when the went to that saloon.

The were looking like pretty dolls,so beautiful.

But don't worry for now,I only set my sights on them

I will take them from you when I think it's necessary,until then Robert and the line went dead.

Get all our intelligence officers James,we gather in ten minutes.

I need to make a call to ensure the girls safety, I don't trust Jake to keep his words.

James left as soon as he finished receiving orders while Robert put a call across to Bertha.

On the third ring she picked up and the call was connected. 

Have the girls left the house already,he asked as soon as he heard her voice.

The are already in the car,waiting to be driven out.

I'm sending some extra security for the house honey,please be careful inside there,I will be home soon.

Did something happen at the base Berha questioned noticing his tone.

Nothing to worry about honey,I'm just being careful. 

Everything's under control he promised.

Be back soon,I love you she said as she ended the call.

Away from the eyes of the world,in a private island.

Jake was seen smoking while his trusted lackey was behind him.

If I may speak freely sire,I think you just gave him a reason to be extra careful of you now Dave stated.

That's what I aim for,he should be careful of me now Jake said in amusement.

Call the mole we planted and asked him how things are at his end Jake ordered.

Right away sire,Dave left to carry out his masters demand.

This is far from over Robert Andrews.