
At the Cafeteria

Holy Molly.... Nelly shouted as a sound of a tray crashing was heard behind her.

Is it that bad Natalia mused as they made entrance into the cafeteria after a momentary stop at the doorstep .

But the stopped when a figure a blocked them.

Bro! his voice rang out as he asked are you okay? do you need to see a doctor...wait a minute your body temperature is normal and your eyes are not looking dull so can you please explain why u are intertwining hands with someone and not any one but a girl at that?

Shawn..how many times do I have to tell you to just mind your business buddy.I don't owe you an explanation for any of my actions.i don't need you to babysit me when it should be the other way round....now buzz off George said clearly irritated.

I knew it Shawn said as he shook his head.you seriously need to see a doctor now.

Babe quit talking and give him a breathing space Nelly told Shawn as Natalia raise a brow at that.

You look hot and elegant at the same time with your raised brow George whispered.

Nelly what is the babe part all about? Natalia asked with a small smile

Lia meet my boyfriend Shawn....Hi came Shawn's greetings

Shawn meet my best girl Natalia...Hi! Natalia returned the greeting.

Can we order our foods now and take a seat? I'm starving George said to the group.

Right...why don't you two go to the table at the other end while we get our foods Bye! Nelly said as she grabbed Natalia's hand to line up for food.

Within ten minutes the girls were back to join them.

As the were eating Nelly and Shawn were all lovey dovey making the two people beside them cringe.

Soon the bell was heard and they group soon dispersed into their various classes for the last lecture of the day.