
opening up

No matter what, you mustn't let them see. They can't know, don't let them. In this harsh world of ours, no one must know. You can't let them see you cry. You can't let them know how hard and scary it is.

Life is hard, life is tiring and life can drag you down. But you must keep your head high. They mustn't know how hard it is. In life if your weak the strong will take advantage of that. They'll manipulate you to get what they want.And they'll use you for as long as your useful to them. But what happened's when your no longer useful to them. You get tossed aside like garage.

That's the way I thought for as long as I can remember. But that way of thinking was getting old and tiring. So I decided I needed to change. But what could I do to change, so I decided that first I needed to talk to someone. Talking to someone about my problems wasn't going to be easy. And I knew that, ever since I was little I couldn't. It was something that was so hard for me to do. But now it something I needed to do. It was all so tiring and I felt as if I was drowning in all my problems. Who was I going to talk to, who could I trust. Who would I feel comfortable opening up to.

I decided my older sister was the best choice. We were always close, tho I'd never talked about anything personal with her. Later that day we sat down and talked all night. I was glad I decided to open up to her. She listened to everything I had to say. And never once judged me for anything I had to say. After that I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. It was hard but I eventually did it. I came a long way, and I know it's not over yet. But I'll keep trying to do my best to keep improving and become a better person.