
An Immortal Prince

"Tomorrow, we don't have to speak of this again." I hardly know what I'm asking. I just know I want whatever it is. He watches me with an intensity only he is capable of. "Put my hand where you want me to touch you." **** Vaela should never have gone up that mountain. She should never have tried to find the Immortal Prince. But she did, and now she's mortal in a land of immortals, fighting to find her mate in order to save her own life. Yet the enigmatic Prince trying to save her life is getting in her way. How can she concentrate on finding her true mate when she is confined to his home, unable to resist him? Unless, of course, he is the answer to all her problems. *Mature Content! Read at your own discretion!*

Midika_Crane · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
36 Chs



Vaguely, the sound of knocking on the front door can be heard past my hateful staring up at the ceiling, yearning for those moments I took not being sick for granted.

"She's in the bedroom," Eyla murmurs.

She sounds so far away, and yet so close. Despite all the throwing up I have done, the dizziness still haunts me, my vision spiralling wildly. Time no longer makes sense. Days could have passed for all I know.

A figure appears at the doorway, the edges of them slightly blurry as I sit up a little more to observe them. Hale.

"Well, well, who would have-"

His amused tone falls away the moment he realises the state I'm in.

"Are you okay?" he asks softly, at my bedside in an instant.

Blinking, the blurriness clears, and I can see the extent of his worry. It's embedded in his pale irises, haunting them. Were I not so overwhelmingly sick, I would question the rationality of his concern.

"I'm sick."

"She's been throwing up everywhere." Eyla stands at the doorway, brows creased with worry.

"And my head hurts so bad," I wince, bringing my weak arms up as I clutch either side of my head, as if I can physically dig out the source of the pain and flush it down the toilet I've been sick in numerous times.

Hale's gloved fingers press painfully into my skin as he moves my arm to sit closer to me on the bed. It shouldn't hurt so bad, his touch is effortlessly light.

"Here, look at me," he murmurs gently, one finger pulling my chin so my entire face is out of the pillow.

His examination of my face is calculating. "You look terrible."

"Thanks…" I drawl, wishing I could stuff the pillow next to me over my face to end his scrutiny.

He exhales in a long breath, adjusting his jacket. "Time to get you dressed and out of here."

I stare at him incredulously. "Huh?"

"I'm taking you back to mine." He says it so factually, I almost feel foolish for being stunned. This was inevitable. I was the one who dropped the rock, knowing he would return, still adamant about me remaining in that cave.

"No…No I should stay here." I'm scared to return, unsure if I'll ever leave.

Hale straightens, that stern surety not fading from his silver eyes. "You'll be better with me. Eyla, pack her some things."

"Of course." Eyla is in my wardrobe in a moment, easily persuaded.

"Hale…" I choke out, scrambling for a reason to stay here, but my mind is blank.

He seems to see me battling for words, kneeling one knee against the bed, leaning over me. "Shh."

I would fight, but the pain, the nausea and the cold have weakened my state of mind, turning it into a useless puddle of nothingness.

Hale is looking at me as he says, "where is that idiot boyfriend of hers?"

"Ex…" I correct with a growl.

"He went out to get her some supplies," Eyla informs him.

"Good. Tell him not to come looking for her." Hale gets to his feet, walking toward the bedroom door. I gape at his back, for reality of his words settling over me.

"What? No, no Eyla has to come with me." I refuse to leave alone with him. Maybe I can trust him, but I can't be without my best friend when I'm on the verge of death.

Hale looks over Eyla. "Not happening."

"Hale, please." I'm begging, the strangled tone of my voice unwavering.

"Fine. Help her dress, I'll be outside," he instructs, squaring his shoulder's back before stalking from the room, the door shuddering closed behind him.

Eyla is at my side in an instant, expression relaying her grim determination to save my life. She's always been more trusting than me, but I'm still surprised at her willingness to send myself and her back into that cave with a pureblood.

"Eyla…What do I do?"

"You have to go with him. You'll die here." She grabs my arms, yanking me into sitting position.

It takes her some time to help me dress, my limbs reduced to weak and trembling messes. By the time I'm fully dressed, Eyla is panting, and consciousness is starting to slip away from me.

"She's deteriorating…" I hear her say, as she helps me into the living room where Hale waits.

I stumble from Eyla's arms and into Hale's. He catches me with ease, pressing me to his side, only one arm needed to keep me upright.

"Alright, time do go," he mumbles.

Before he can grab Eyla, the door opens, and Will emerges through, arms full of two paper bags. He jerks back at the scene unfolding before him, the bags falling to the floor, medical supplies spilling out over my favourite rug.

He looks at me in Hale's arms, a coldness creeping into them. "What's going on?"

Hale pushes past him toward the door. "Get out of my way."

"What are you doing?" Will asks, grabbing my wrist.

"She's sick, Will. He's going to take her now. And I'm going with them," Eyla cuts in, standing between us. All I have the energy for is to silently pray Hale doesn't tire of Will and kill him now.

Will steps into Hale's path, braver than I've ever seen him be. "If you're all going, then so am I."

"No way…" Eyla says on my behalf.

Hale exhales irritably. "Not happening."

"He can come. Let's just go, please…" I groan. I can't take it anymore. The draft from the open front door has turned the cold into more of a pressing issue than my headache, which still pounds relentlessly into my temples.

Hale, sensing my unwillingness to stand this pain, reaching the end of my tether, grabs Will tightly, wrestling him closer.

"Fine. Let's go," Hale grumbles, looking at Eyla. She grins, seeming to read his expression, grabbing onto my arm.

I hardly notice as the world falls away around me. In fact, I welcome it, my pain momentarily afloat before my feet are touching ground again.

My eyes flutter open. I'm in a bedroom, obviously in Hale's cave.

The natural walls are comfortingly familiar. As is the scent of Hale, ice and earth which fills the space. And the bed, looks so large and comforting my nausea is almost completely forgotten.

"Stay in this bed. I'll get you some things," Hale instructs, not letting me go until I'm seated fully onto the bed.

"Thank you, Hale," I murmur, watching him leave the room.

Eyla pulls me back against the headboard, helping me tuck my legs under the sheets. My hands cradle my stomach, nursing my own nausea to avoid throwing up over the side of the bed.

"He's being very nice to you," she says softly, sitting close to me on the edge of the bed. She's been waiting to taunt me with that.

"Eyla!" I admonish, slapping her arm with what little strength I have.

She bites her lower lip, grinning. "Admit it. He wouldn't do this for anyone else."

"He's a creep. And this place…creepy," Will mutters.

He's wandering around the room, opening the drawers of the dresser, inspecting everything with disturbing detail.

I watch him, irritated. "You shouldn't even be here, Will."

"I'm not leaving you two with a Sin," he snaps, bracing himself in front of the door as if to keep Hale out completely.

Eyla snorts. "As if you'd stand a chance against him if he did hurt us."

"Right now, he's trying to keep me from death, so shut up, Will." I sink deeper into the covers, feeling the edge of the cold start to melt away. Even the sharpest edge of my headache appear to be dulling down.

The door opens again, and Will stumbles to the side. Hale frowns at him as he stalks back into the room.

Eyla and I exchange amused glances. So much for Will trying to protect us.

"Drink this. The ginger should help your nausea." Hale places a warm cup of tea in my hand, the smell, for once, not making my stomach turn in protest. It tastes heavenly, even helping starve off the cold.

"Can you two give Vaela and I a moment?" Hale asks, scanning my face while he speaks to Will and Eyla.

Eyla grabs Will's arm, tugging at him. "Yes. Come on Will."

Reluctantly, Will walks out with my friend, the door shuddering closed behind them.

Hale settles next to me on the side of the bed next to me. "How are you feeling."

"Honestly, a bit better," I admit, biting the inside of my cheek. I'm embarrassed to be back here, after I made it clear Hale was wrong about this.

"Good. Keep drinking that tea."

I look up at him over the rim of my teacup, entranced by his pretty eyes. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Feel like I owe it to you," he murmurs, gaze tilting downward. I drum my fingers against my cup, curious. It's not his fault that I fell into that pool of magic, and I'm not his responsibility. Were I to tumble down the mountain right now, it would be one less issue for him to deal with.

"So my guilt tripping worked?" I ask lightly, giving a fainted smile.

He angles his head, a gentle smile touching his graceful lips. "Hmm, maybe."

I crush back into the pillow, letting Hale take the teacup from my hand, resting it on the bedside table. "Seriously. Thank you."

"Why don't you get some sleep. I'll try not to kill Will in the meantime." I can tell he's joking, but there's a hint of truth to that.

"Send Eyla in. I can't be alone," I murmur, turning onto my side.

Hale gets to his feet, striding toward the door. This feels right, being here, with him. I feel safe, for the first time in a long time.

"Sleep well," he breathes, closing the door behind him.