
An Immortal Prince

"Tomorrow, we don't have to speak of this again." I hardly know what I'm asking. I just know I want whatever it is. He watches me with an intensity only he is capable of. "Put my hand where you want me to touch you." **** Vaela should never have gone up that mountain. She should never have tried to find the Immortal Prince. But she did, and now she's mortal in a land of immortals, fighting to find her mate in order to save her own life. Yet the enigmatic Prince trying to save her life is getting in her way. How can she concentrate on finding her true mate when she is confined to his home, unable to resist him? Unless, of course, he is the answer to all her problems. *Mature Content! Read at your own discretion!*

Midika_Crane · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
36 Chs


*Mature Content Warning! - Read At Your Own Discretion*


Keo finally lets go of me, but I don't stumble too far.

"I think it's obvious what I'm here for," he says, looking around the cave, clearly dissatisfied with whatever he finds lacking.

Hale shakes his head. "So you're serving him?"

"I serve no one, but myself. But where he happens to succeed, as do I." Keo spreads his arms out, smirking. I can imagine how such a smile has disarmed many in the past.

But I see the cruel intentions behind it.

"Hale...What's happening?" I question.

Keo turns his attention to me. "I'm here to warn you, Vaela."

"About what?"

"Your existence is poisoning the very fabric of this fragile realm. And where this realm faces its demise, other's do also," he explains, a tight smile upon his face.

He's clearly suggesting that one of these other realms he speaks of is where he originates from. I suppose that explains why he is so ardently pursuing me.

"Trust me, I don't want to be this way," I grit out.

Keo doesn't look convinced. "Hale's spell is unnatural, therefore, you are unnatural. If you continue to exist, it allows other, more unnatural things to begin existing in this realm, in other realms. It's that which cannot be allowed."

"If you so much as touch her, I'll kill you, and him," Hale warns. He appears outwardly calm, although I know he won't hesitate to act upon his words.

"Who is him?" I demand.

"Relm. He's a nightmare to deal with," Hale mutters. I frown. That Gaze Reader brought up the name Relm before, and Hale looked unnerved by just by the mention of it.

"He will be, once he returns from his business elsewhere. Then, he will want to see you, Vaela, and kill you."

The way Keo says it, like it's a fact to be revered is disturbing. Death and murder is clearly not a concept he is unfamilar with.

"No...he can't." The thought of a man I've never even met before hunting me down to kill me is a terrifying thought.

Hale steps forward, sensing my panic. "We are going to remedy this, without having to end Vaela's life."

Keo rolls his eyes, bored.

"You have twelve days before he returns. He will have no mercy on you then," he mutters, stepping back before vanishing.

I stare at the spot where he once stood, knowing only one thing for certain.

"I'm going to die," I breathe.

My life is being toyed with by a man who couldn't care less that I died, only having come here so he doesn't have to bother with me in the future. That is the furthest thing from comforting.

"You're not going to die, we are going to fix this, okay?" Hale assures me, although I see the doubt written all across his face.

"How? What if that Gaze Reader is wrong?"

"I don't think he is. He saw that Relm was returning, so I believe he is right about this," Hale says. He is right, the Gaze Reader did mention his name before there was even mention he was back in this realm.

This can't be a coincidence.

"Who is Relm?"

Hale sighs, delving into some deep memory regarding him. "Some ancient immortal. He hasn't been around for many centuries, so something serious must be happening for him to be so interested in you."

"I need to become immortal again."

"And you will. We will go through with the process, but I'm taking these twelve days to enjoy you before we go through with this."

I smile, liking the sound of that. Some alone time with Hale is exactly what I need to take my mind off of Relm and Keo and becoming Immortal again.

Hale holds his hand out to me. "Come sit in some hot water with me. We both need it."

I nod, following him into the part of the cave where the hot spring is, stripping down onto my bra and underwear before slipping in next to Hale.

He's right, the hot water really is what I need.

I lean back against the rocks, pulling my hair back to avoid getting it wet. "Do you…do you think that Gaze Reader was being literal when she spoke about forging the bond?"

Hale turns to me. "I'm strong enough to alleviate your symptoms by merely being around you, however, if you want to be away from me, her advice may be necessary."

"So we need to have sex," I say bluntly, excitment swirling around my stomach. Or maybe that is just my wound protesting to being in the water.

"We don't need to do anything," Hale says, looking uneasily about pushing me.


He places his finger against my lips. "But you wanted to do this right. Fucking for the purpose of some bond isn't exactly romantic."

I tip my head back, muttering to myself. "You're right…"

"It should be natural. It should happen without being forced," he murmurs. When I turn to look into those beautiful eyes, I know he is trying to right by me, but I want to rip his clothes off.

"You are far more civilised than me," I say breathily. It's impossible to reign in control of my rampant thoughts, that were Hale to get a glimpse of, he would probably think I'm insane.

It's what happens when we have spent so many weeks alone together in this damn cave...

"How so?"

"I…well, I was just thinking that we should do it, get it over with." I run my hand through the water, vivid images of what it would feel like to have him bend me over the rocks and have his way with me flash through my mind.

Hale frowns. "There isn't going to be any getting it over with, do you understand?"

"Why not?" I ask meekly.

He shifts through the water. "You think I've spent all these months in this cave with you, imagining how and where I want to take you, only to get it over with?"

I gape at him. "This entire time?"

"Since I laid eyes on you, Vaela." The seriousness in his eyes strikes me. He really has thought about this a lot.

"Fine. We don't have to get it over with, but what's to say we can't have fun?" I ask. My injury is feeling better today, and I'm ready to enjoy him. It's not fair that I've been in his proximity for so long and we haven't done anything.

Hale breathes in slowly, eyes darkening. "What are you implying?"

"I'm bored. I'm mean, you've barely kissed me." I look up at him through my wet eyelashes, daring him to lean forward and do it.

A smirk plays on his lips. "I get the feeling I'm being challenged."

"I'm simply saying what I'm thinking," I say breezily, shrugging casually. I'm taunting him, hoping he can see how ready I am for this.

He sits back, nodding at me to come closer. "Come here then."

Grinning, I clamber over his lap, straddling his lips. He grips my waist tightly, pressing me against him. I gasp out, feeling how desperately he wants me too.

"You drive me to the brink of insanity, Vaela. My desire for you is unforgiving," he breathes, eyes like burning silver fire as he cups either side of my face.

Leaning forward, I press my lips to his, and immediately, everything settles into place.

This is exactly what I needed.

Hale doesn't go easy on me, immediately kissing me with such passion it knocks most of my breath away. He tastes incredible, the intensity of his lips moving against mine, leaving my body yearning for his.

I drag my hand down to his chest, his stomach and further down, smiling against his lips. "Let me alleviate that for you."

Hale grabs my wrist. "Uh ah, I don't think so."

"Why not?" I pout.

"Sit at the edge of the pool," he says, pulling me off his lap. I stand, folding my arms over my chest, wanting to bring him as much pleasure as he brings me.


"Vaela," he warns. By the look on his face, he isn't going to welcome my backtalk today.

Shivering with anticipation, I unclip my bra, tossing it off onto the rocks. Hale hooks his fingers around the band of my underwear, dragging it down my wet legs before discarding it also.

His gaze drags back up to me, sinfully dark and cruel. "And here I was, convinced you couldn't get any more breathtaking."

I grab either side of his face as I sit up on the edge of the pool. "No teasing, no delayed gratification. I want this."

His smile is devious. "If you insist."

Leaning down, he kisses the top of my breast, brushing his thumb over my nipple. I shudder, as he gently pushes me back until I'm lying flat over the slick rocks.

As much as I enjoyed being inflicted with torturous pleasure last time, I'm aching for release.

His large hands grip my thighs, pulling them apart. I watch as his eyes glaze over, fingers drawing over my skin, thumb pressing down directly over my clit.

A breathy moan rushes past my lips as he leisurely moves his thumb in a circle, watching me bite down upon my lower lip to the point of pain.

"I thought I said no teasing," I grit out, hips writhing, desperate for more of his touch.

"Don't take all my fun away," he murmurs, pinning my hips down with his hand, using the other to slide two fingers into me.

My eyes flutter closed. "Mmm, that feels so good."

Hale leans over me, drawing his lips down my neck, biting gently on my skin. I wind my fingers through his hair, tugging him closer.

"You're effortlessly tight, Vaela. I can't wait until I'm inside you," he murmurs, breath brushing against my ear, my toes curling response.

"Then don't wait. I need you," I insist.

He sits up, smirking down at my writhing form, thrusting his fingers into me at a punishing pace. He really isn't going easy on me this time.

"Uh ah. No negotiating."

"Ugh, you're the worst," I growl, rolling my hips up into his hand.

Leaning down, he pulls my thighs apart some more, and before I can ask what he is doing, he draws his tongue up the centre of me in one delicious sweep.

"Oh…never mind. You're not the worst," I gasp out.

My attempts to move my hips are thwarted by his powerful hands pinning me down, as his tongue and teeth move in such a way I can feel my reality shifting permanently.

"You taste amazing," he murmurs against me, fingers digging in my skin. It will leave bruises, but the idea of him marking my skin, a reminder of what happened is a wonderful thought that contributes to the feeling building inside me.

My eyes squeeze shut, chasing that high. "Don't stop. Please…don't stop."

He doesn't stop. In fact, even as my back bows off the rock, my release coursing through me, he continues, fingers and mouth moving together against me in incredible harmony.

My second release finds me not long after, as his fingers hit a spot inside me I never knew existed. But even as I lay, gasping for breath, Hale continues on, looking up at me through a fringe of dark hair, a dark but delightful intention in his eyes to break me entirely.

"Hale…" I breathe out, gripping his hair as the only way to keep myself grounded.

The pleasure has depleted all my energy, and yet I can feel it pushing me on, threatening to send me over the edge in another release.

"Hale, I can't anymore." I don't sound convincing, and maybe that's because I'm still pushing Hale's head into me, pushing my hips up into his hand.

The slightest pain tinges the edge of pleasure, enhancing it to a point I could never have imagined.

"Shh. Yes you can," he breathes out, increasing the pace in which his fingers thrust up into me.

My third orgasm has my mind spiralling into another dimension entirely. Hale continues his relentless pace through it all, and once I've finally come down from the overwhelming pleasure, he mercifully stops.

I stare up at the cave ceiling, trying to remember my own name.

"How did you…" I break off, hardly knowing what to say.

He pulls me up into his arms, pressing me close against his warm skin. "You okay?"

"I don't think I can walk," I admit, glancing down at my numb legs. I'm not even sure I'll be able to walk tomorrow, but I'm perfectly okay with that.

Hale smiles tenderly. "I'll carry you, don't worry."