
An Immortal Prince

"Tomorrow, we don't have to speak of this again." I hardly know what I'm asking. I just know I want whatever it is. He watches me with an intensity only he is capable of. "Put my hand where you want me to touch you." **** Vaela should never have gone up that mountain. She should never have tried to find the Immortal Prince. But she did, and now she's mortal in a land of immortals, fighting to find her mate in order to save her own life. Yet the enigmatic Prince trying to save her life is getting in her way. How can she concentrate on finding her true mate when she is confined to his home, unable to resist him? Unless, of course, he is the answer to all her problems. *Mature Content! Read at your own discretion!*

Midika_Crane · Fantasie
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36 Chs


-Mature Content Warning! Read At Your Own Discretion-


Days turned into weeks.

Hale brought Eyla up as often as he could, but I'm restless. The blizzard hasn't settled, whipping violently around the mountain.

I'm on the brink of toppling into insanity. Hale and I have established a quiet routine, not having strayed from it for a single day. We don't speak about much, keeping to ourselves most of the time.

Tonight, I feel like causing trouble.

I thought I would sleep early, but after an hour of glaring at the ceiling, I clamber out of bed, stalking toward where I know Hale will still be reading.

Sure enough, he's in the book room under a dim lap, eyes skimming the page while his finger mindlessly runs over the edge of the paper.

I clear my throat. "Do you think I'm fuckable?"

Startled, he looks up, gaze pinning me in place. I don't flinch away, remaining where I linger in the doorway.

"Woah…where is this coming from?" he murmurs.

I don't know. Boredom, wanting to push a reaction out of him.

"When my mate finds me, do you think he's going to want to have sex with me right away, or will I have to seduce him?" I lean against the doorframe, watching Hale with as much intensity as he watches me.

He exhales slowly through his nose. "To save your life, your mate will do anything."

I roll my eyes, sighing dramatically. He doesn't get the point.

"Not helping my self-esteem right now."

Hale sets his book to the side, now completely engaged in this conversation. "Honestly, Vaela, you have absolutely nothing to worry about in that area. You are very attractive."

I want to hear him say if. I'm not sure why, but this isolation has led me to delve deep into thoughts about Hale that I shouldn't be having. And consequently, I need to know if I'm alone in this, or whether Hale feels it too.

Whether I act on it or not is an entirely different story.

"Would you…If I were your mate, I mean?" My unbridled confidence isn't going to last, so I force out as many of my queries before I can go back to my room and sulk for the rest of the night.

He tilts his head, dark hair brushing down his forehead. "If you were my mate, then of course."

I sigh through my nose. "Okay, even if I weren't?"

Hale frowns ever-so-slightly. He's confused by the manner of conversation we are having, but he's still entertaining it.

Honestly I expected him to shoo me away and tell me to occupy myself elsewhere.

"Vaela, you do not need validation from me. I know you are aware of how stunning you are. Are you are a very smart woman, among other incredible qualities, which I can list right now if you need reminding," he offers, quirking a brow.

"That's not with this is about." I'm frustrated that he isn't playing this dangerous game with me. "Just answer the question."

He sighs, tipping his head back.

After a long moment of silence, he swiftly gets to his feet, the movement effortlessly graceful. I stay ridged in my stance, refusing to cower even as he approaches me with purposeful steps.

"You're essentially asking that now, as I sit here in front of you, if I'm willing to sleep with you?" He clarifies.

I nod numbly. "No willing. Want to."

He sighs through his nose, regarding me with an unreadable expression. I'm waiting with bated breath for him to tell me I'm being ridiculous and that I should go to bed.

The way his gaze holds me is punishing. "There is nothing I want more than to be inside you."

He's says it with such certainty, such firmness there's no interpreting any humour. He means what he says.

I still gape at him, shocked. "Really?"

He folds his arms over his chest, gazing down at me. "You asked for the truth and I gave it to you."

"Oh…" I whisper.

I should retreat back to my room now, as this is bordering on dangerous territory. If Hale has just admitted to wanting me in the same way that I want him, he would be more than willing to go through with my insinuation...

"Where is this coming from?" He presses.

Don't, Vaela. Don't ask him what you're thinking of asking him.

But why not? Up here, no one has to know...Not even Eyla. It won't change how I feel about my mate, when I meet them. It could just be a secret, selfish moment shared between two people who obviously have a sexual chemistry.

"I want…I want to think about something other than my impending doom." I can't hardly look him in the eye, shifting from foot to foot.

His docile gaze turns dark, a new, sinister kind of edge coming about him. I think I may have just awoken a part of Hale that he hasn't allowed me to see before.

"What is it, exactly, you're asking for," he asks lowly, the deep timbre of his tone dancing over my skin.

He knows. He wants me to say it. I wouldn't be surprised if he makes me fall to my knees to beg.

"I'm going insane, stuck up here with you when all I can think about is you tearing my clothes off and..."

His brow raise ever-so-slightly. "And?"

"And making this ache within me go away." My voice is barely above a whisper, shame blooming at my cheeks. I'm not trying to be coy, but the intensity of his stare has me wondering whether I'm making the right decision saying this.

Hale adjusts the collar of his jacket, turning away to think.

I nearly collapse onto the floor once finally released from his scrutiny. It was both holding me up and tearing me down at the same time.

"You don't know what you're asking," he mutters, waving his hand dismissively.

Swallowing tightly, I steady myself. He's giving me another chance to walk away before he unleashes himself upon me. I'm ready for him though...I'm ready for the full extent of a Pureblood.

"I know exactly what I'm asking, Hale," I murmur, my tone sure and firm.

He finally turns back around, brooding stature no longer intimidating me, but exhilarating me. "And tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow, we don't have to speak about this again." Anticipation is beginning to gather in my tense limbs, shrouding my rapidly beating heart.

Is he finally going to do it? Is he finally going to inflict on me what his unrelenting stares and purposeful comments have long insinuated?

Without uttering a single word, he steps toward me, each step precise and measured. He continues to advance on me with such an overwhelming air about him, I unconsciously begin to fall back, until my back is pressed up against one of the bookshelves.

For a second, I'm convinced he's going to kiss me as his hands come out to press against the frame of the structure, bracing his weight against them.

The warmth of his breath sets me on fire as if fans against my lips. "You take this release how I give it to you, understand?"

The entire weight of my body almost collapses onto the floor, the heaviness of what he said striking me.

I lick my lips, daring him to close the gap between us. "Yes, Hale."

His eyes trace the movement, the wooden frame of the bookshelf groaning softly as his grip on it tightens. I want those hands on me, holding me like that.

"Good girl," he murmurs.

I'm tempted to lean forward to kiss him myself, but his quiet, yet firm demands are one's I figure I should obey, for now. Even if his punishment for my misbehaviour wouldn't be terrible, I imagine...

"Go lie down on that table," he orders. I glance over his shoulder to the reading table, books scattered upon it.

"Why not here?" I ask breathlessly. Up against the bookshelf, wild and frantic as my need for him is. I wouldn't be opposed, but I get the sense that Hale is a methodical lover, that he isn't about to end this so quickly.

He doesn't seem pleased by my hesitation, grabbing both of my arms, twisting me before backing me toward the table.

He doesn't stop until my back bumps against the edge. "Because I said so, now lean back."

"You're so rough," I giggle, not protesting as he grabs my waist, lifting me up until I'm sitting on it. I help him shove the books away, giving me enough space to lie back, bracing myself up on my elbows.

Hale's gaze is the darkest shade of silver I can imagine, as it sweeps over me. "Don't tempt me, because I can be."

"Do it then," I growl, spreading my legs further for him to stand between them.

He looks unbelievable, still fully dressed, with his mussed hair and lustful gaze. This is a man who knows what he wants, and knows how to please. And luckily for me, I'm about to bear the full brunt of his affections.

I gasp as his palms flatten over my thighs, and he tugs me back toward him, until the centre of me is pressed against his hips.

My head falls back, dark hair splaying over the wooden table, that likely isn't going to stand up against the force of how I imagine Hale taking me.

"I'm not sure how much a mortal can take compared to an immortal, so I'll be taking it at a cautious pace."

He said that he hasn't been with a mortal before, so his own strength is unknown to him. I don't care though. I want him to thoroughly ruin me, in whatever way that may entail.

"You don't have to hold back for me-"

My voice is lost on me, as he gently presses his thumb right at the apex of my thighs. Even through my pants, the feeling has my arms giving out from under me, leaving me lying helplessly on my back against the cold surface of the table.

"You like that?" Hale asks gently, his thumb drifting over my clit in a soft, rhythmic pace. It's a purposeful rhythm, warming me up to what he ultimately has planned.

I nod dumbly, holding his gaze, letting the intensity of it pin me like restraints.

"Don't stop, Hale," I insist.

Pleasure creeps through my limbs, spreading from the centre of me. It siezes me with it's unescapable grip, causing my eyes to flutter closed, helpless breaths stuttering past my lips, accompanied with the softest moans.

Hale leans over me, the pace of his thumb against me never increasing, but staying constant. With his free hand, he grips my chin, the bite of the leather making me smile sinfully.

"Who do you belong to?" He demands, grip tightening to the point of near pain. It feels too good, too overwhelming, but can I really admit I'm his?

I belong to my mate, who right now, I couldn't care less about.

"Hale…" I groan, tipping my head back further.

He shakes my head sharply with his grip on me. "Open your eyes."

I do so, unable to disobey the raw power of his command. And staring back at me, are those stunning silver eyes, the tumultuous storm gathering in them drawing me in. He wants me to see who is giving me pleasure, who I'm lying beneath.

"Who do you belong to?"

His thumb brushes along my lower lip, before his hand glides down to my neck, where he applies the gentlest of pressure. A warning.

"You," I whisper.

The ghost of a smile plays at his lips as he leans back, continuing with his slow assault of my clit. "Good girl."

I've fully succumb to him, to his power over me in this moment. The heady feeling of belonging to him, knowing my release is in his hands, creeping up with slow precision.

Sensing my incoming climax, Hale applies more pressure, his other hand gripping my thigh, keeping it parted for him.

My back arches off the table, as my pleasure increases, slowly, to the point it's painful. Hale does nothing to increase the pace, enjoying watching me come apart for him with so little intervention.

Right as my pleasure reaches the point of release, Hale's touch vanishes.

My eyes blink open as I lie, entirely shocked, feeling my climax slowly ebbing away. Hale merely watches, smirking, arms folded over his chest.

"Woah, why'd you stop?" I gasp out, squeezing my legs together, as if to draw back the missing pleasure.

Hale steps forward again. "Shh."

His hands work adeptly at the buttons of my pants, before dragging them down my thighs, leaving me in just my panties. Is he finally going to fuck me?

Instead, two of his fingers replace his thumb, drawing up at down between my thighs, before settling right at the apex again, leaving me gasping and silently begging for more...to have those fingers, gloved or not, slipping inside me.

"You're soaked for me," he growls appreciatively, pace increasing with every pass over my clit.

Incoherent begging falls past my lips, moans entwining with gasping breaths as my pleasure returns, but far more overwhelming this time, my limbs tensing with anticipation for my fast approaching climax.

My hips rise off the table, chasing that high, but Hale firmly presses them back down with a roughness that has my toes curling.

But as my pleasure increases to the point shattering into euphoria, Hale yet again, pulls his hand away.

My eyes squeeze shut as I let out a frustrated groan. My orgasm vanishes, once again, leaving a slight tinge of pain in it's wake.

"Are you punishing me for something?" I demand, feeling the sweat once isolated to my forehead, now starting to gather across my skin.

He holds my gaze as he tugs my panties down. "Like I said, you take the release how I give it to you."

I watch his eyes drift down to the bare centre of me, his breath hitching slightly. He's in control, but barely. I just wish I could see what he intends to do to me tonight.

"Then give it to me," I grit out.

"Be patient." He says it like a lover, soothing me. Clearly he's aware of the pain and frustration he is inflicting upon me, yet doesn't care. It's apart of his game.

He repeats the same action, fingers against me, increasing his pace, the rough feeling of his gloves against my clit leaving tears of pleasure of agony streaming down my face.

As my high approaches, I fight to twist my hips, but his grip is too firm. "Please, I'm begging you…"

Reaching down, I grab his wrist, as if to keep his fingers doing the exact movements they are doing now. Were I not so desperate for release, I would be rejoicing in the intense pace of his fingers moving against me, of their unrelenting pressure and constant rhythm.

It's no use. I nearly scream with relief, convinced he's about to finally give me my climax, as he brings me as close to the edge as possible, but he again, pulls away, drawing my hand with him, pressing it into the table beside my head as he leans over me.

"Okay, we are done," he concedes, pulling away.

I lay, utterly ruined, confused and frustrated upon the table, watching as Hale pulls my panties back up my trembling legs, and then my pants.

"Done? I…I didn't…" I break off, unsure I can form proper words.

The heat of his gaze still remains. "I know."

He holds his hand out to help me sit up, but I deny it, pulling myself off the table, while still bracing against it, not trusting my legs right now. All I can do is gape at him, as he turns toward the door, clothing barely rumpled.

"You can't just walk away."

He lingers near the doorway, smiling. "Sure I can."

"Why? Why won't you give it to me?" I ask, voice barely above a whisper. I'm so wrecked, so desperate for release, and yet Hale looks entirely unbothered.

"Because of tomorrow," he replies softly.

I frown, shaking my head. "What?"

There is nothing but uncompromising will in his eyes. "Tomorrow. I don't want to forgot about this, to not speak of this. I want you back to me, Wanting me again."

"That's not happening," I grit it. After this? I'm frustrated, yes, but I don't see myself denying him. Will he bring me to release tomorrow? I find myself really hoping so.

His gaze sweeps over me, as if he can see how easily I could fall apart under him again. "We'll see."

He goes to leave the room, but pauses, looking back over his shoulder.

"Oh, and touch yourself, and I'll know about it."

And with that, he's gone.