
An Heiress Just More Sinister Than The Male Lead

SYNOPSIS Rachel sees her once-perfect life crumble, only to discover hidden truths and a chance to rewrite her fate. In this tale of rebirth and revenge, Rachel seizes the opportunity to protect her loved ones and claim a life free from Derek's manipulations. MORE DETAILS ARE IN BETWEEN THE CHAPTERS, PS: READ EVERYTHING.

Gardeniaaa · Urban
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19 Chs

Stop This Wedding!

The car pulled up to the grand entrance of the wedding hall, and Rachel stepped out, her legs feeling shaky. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. The opulent hall loomed before her, a stark contrast to the chaos that was going on in her head.

As she entered the hall, she was immediately enveloped in a tight embrace.

"Rachel, darling! You look stunning!" Lucinda's voice was saccharine sweet, her arms wrapped around Rachel in a mock display of affection.

Rachel forced a smile, playing along with the facade. "Lucinda, you look amazing as always," she replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her.

Lucinda beamed, her eyes glittering with feigned sincerity. "I'm so happy for you and Derek. You two are perfect together."

Rachel nodded, but her mind was elsewhere, replaying the bizarre encounter with Richard. In fact, she wanted to see him again. "Thank you, Lucinda. It means a lot."

Lucinda's grip tightened for a moment before she finally let go, still clinging to Rachel's arm. "Let's get you inside. Everyone is waiting to see the beautiful bride."

Rachel allowed herself to be led towards the entrance of the hall, exchanging polite words with Lucinda. But as they reached the doors, she couldn't keep up the pretense any longer. "Lucinda, I need a moment alone before I go in."

Lucinda's smile faltered for a split second before she recovered. "Of course, darling. Just don't keep everyone waiting too long."

Rachel nodded, watching as Lucinda walked away, her smile never reaching her eyes. She took a deep breath, steeling herself, and then pushed open the grand doors to the hall.

The room was filled with friends and family, all turning to look at her with smiles and admiration. Her parents stood near the front, their faces glowing with pride and joy.

Rachel's heart tightened at the sight of them.

She walked towards them, each step heavy with the weight of the day's events. As she reached them, her mother pulled her into a warm hug.

"My beautiful girl," her mother whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "You look like a princess."

Rachel hugged her mother tightly, the familiar scent and warmth bringing a moment of comfort. "Thank you, Mom."

Her father stepped forward, his eyes misty. "I'm so proud of you, Rachel. You've grown into an incredible woman."

Rachel smiled at him, her heart aching. "Thank you, Dad."

For a moment, she allowed herself to bask in their love and pride, pushing aside the anxiety and fear. She was scared, so scared that these moments of seeing her parents again would wither.

She took another deep breath, summoning her resolve. Today was made to be the happiest day of her life, and she was determined to face it with strength and grace, no matter what twists fate had in store for her.

As her parents each took one of her arms, guiding her further into the hall, Rachel swore inwardly, "I would not lose these moments like the way I had. Derek, I would never give you another chance to kill my parents or play foul like last time."

The memory of their deaths, of her helplessness, fueled a fierce determination within her. She would protect them at all costs.

The guests turned, their murmurs of admiration growing louder as she walked down the aisle. But beneath the surface, a storm brewed within Rachel. She knew that behind the smiles and congratulations, there were secrets and lies.

With each step, she vowed to rewrite her fate, to save her parents, Richard and to reclaim the rights that had been stolen from her as well as her happiness. She was not the same Rachel who had been victimized by Derek and Lucinda. This time, she was ready to fight.

Rachel could see Derek standing at the altar, his wide smile directed at her. But she knew better. That smile wasn't for her; it was for what he'd gain by marrying the heiress of the Sullivans.

As they reached the front, her parents kissed her cheeks and took their seats, leaving her to stand before Derek.

The officiant began speaking, his voice a calming yet distant presence in the room.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Derek Floyd and Rachel Sullivan in holy matrimony. This is a day of celebration, for a couple who has found love and wishes to make a lifelong commitment to each other."

Rachel's mind drifted as the officiant continued, her eyes occasionally darting to Derek, whose smile never wavered. She forced herself to focus on the words, knowing this moment was supposed to be one of the happiest of her life.

"If anyone here has any reason why these two should not be joined together in matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."

A brief, tense silence followed. Rachel half-expected someone to stand up, to shout out an objection, but no one did.

The ceremony continued.

"Derek and Rachel have chosen to write their own vows. Derek, you may begin."

Derek took her hands in his, his eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that made her stomach churn.

"Rachel, from the moment I met you, I knew you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Your kindness, your strength, and your beauty have captured my heart. I promise to stand by your side, to support you in all your endeavors, and to love you unconditionally. Today, I vow to be your partner in all things, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live."

Rachel's heart raced in utter disgust, her hands trembling in his grasp. She forced a smile, her own vows caught in her throat.

"Rachel, your turn," the officiant prompted gently.

She swallowed hard, looking into Derek's eyes and summoning the words she had prepared.

"Derek, you have brought so much joy into my life. Your love and support have been a constant source of strength for me. I promise to love you, to honor you, and to stand by your side through all of life's challenges. I vow to be your partner, your confidant, and your friend, for as long as we both shall live."

The officiant nodded, satisfied. "May I have the rings, please?"

The best man handed over the rings, and the officiant blessed them.

"These rings are a symbol of the unending love and commitment Derek and Rachel have for each other. Derek, please place the ring on Rachel's finger and repeat after me."

Derek took the ring and slid it onto Rachel's finger. "With this ring, I thee wed," he said, his voice steady and confident.

Rachel took Derek's ring, her fingers trembling slightly as she placed it on his finger. "With this ring, I thee wed," she echoed, her voice barely above a whisper.

The officiant smiled warmly. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and—"

The doors to the hall burst open.

Gasps echoed through the room as Richard strode in, flanked by a group of men.

His presence was commanding, his eyes locked onto Derek with a fierce intensity.

"Stop this wedding!" Richard's voice boomed, silencing the murmurs and whispers of the guests.