
An Heiress Just More Sinister Than The Male Lead

SYNOPSIS Rachel sees her once-perfect life crumble, only to discover hidden truths and a chance to rewrite her fate. In this tale of rebirth and revenge, Rachel seizes the opportunity to protect her loved ones and claim a life free from Derek's manipulations. MORE DETAILS ARE IN BETWEEN THE CHAPTERS, PS: READ EVERYTHING.

Gardeniaaa · Urban
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11 Chs

A Man Called Derek Floyd (1)

PS: +16 Talks Ahead

Richard: "...."

Richard's hard expression turned tender as he held her close, giving in into her hug. He then spoke, his voice filled with concern. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here. You're safe now." 

He stroked her hair, his touch gentle and soothing. "I was right here, the whole time. You were just having a bad dream." 

He pulled back slightly, his eyes locking onto hers. "A...are you okay?" he asked again, his voice soft and gentle.

Rachel's eyes welled up with tears as she nodded, her voice still shaking. "I was so scared! I was really scared, Richard. I thought I'd lost you, and you were jerking like you were having a seizure. It felt so real." 

She buried her face in his chest again, her body trembling as she let out a sob.

Richard's hand on her waist instinctively tightened, his fingers flexing in a gentle yet firm grasp. 

A wave of guilt washed over him, his face darkening with a mix of emotions. He struggled to conceal his turmoil, his expression hardening into a mask of indifference. 

'I'm really sorry, Rachel dear,' he silently apologized, his mind racing with thoughts he dared not speak aloud. 

With a heavy sigh, he forced a sense of relief into his chest, his tone flattening as he spoke. "Get ready for a bath, Grandpa's waiting for us for breakfast." 

The words came out stiff and detached, a stark contrast to the warmth and concern that had filled his voice just moments before. 

Richard's hurt was palpable, his pain echoing Rachel's, their emotions inextricably entwined.

Rachel's tears slowly subsided as she felt Richard's hand tighten on her waist. 

She sensed a sudden change in his demeanor, his body tensing up, and his expression turning cold. She pulled back, looking up at him with questioning eyes, but his face was a mask of neutrality.

"Get take a bath, Grandpa's waiting for us for breakfast," he said, his tone devoid of emotion, a stark contrast to the warmth and concern he had shown just moments before.

Rachel's eyes narrowed slightly, her mind racing to understand the sudden shift in his behavior. 

On her last days in her past life, she had learnt Richard well enough to recognize that right now he was hiding something. But she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was.

With a nod, she decided to let it go for the moment, her own emotions still raw from the dream. 

"Okay," she said, her voice soft, as she turned to head to the bathroom, her eyes lingering on Richard's face, searching for a glimpse of the warmth and comfort she knew he was capable of.

"Go," he nodded curtly, his eyes averting hers when her gaze lingered on him too long. 

Rachel turned and disappeared into the bathroom, leaving Richard to release the pent-up breath he'd been holding. 

The tension in his chest eased slightly, but the turmoil in his mind remained.

"I can't do this anymore," he whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. "I can't keep punishing you, Rachel." 

His eyes welled up, brimming red with the weight of his hurt and longing. 

"Please, let me believe that you've truly changed. That you no longer love the enemy." He paused, his voice barely audible. "And then, I promise not to hurt you too."


Lucinda languidly pulled up the strap of her red satin gown, which had slipped off her shoulder again. 

She gazed up at the man standing before her, his back facing hers as he buttoned up his shirt. 

A sly smile spread across her face as she bit her lips, her voice taking on a deliberate, sultry tone. "Did you see my thong?" she asked, her words dripping with seduction, her eyes gleaming with a flirtatious spark. 

Lucinda's eyes sparkled with so much love and admiration as Derek turned to face her, his chiseled features illuminated by the light. 

His smirk and the glint in his eye made her heart race with a mix of excitement and unease. 

She couldn't help but be drawn to his charismatic presence, even as she felt a shiver run down her spine.

"Ah, my sweet Lucinda," he said, his voice low and husky, as he retrieved the red thong from his pocket. 

He held it up, taunting her with it, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous light. "Do you mean this?" 

He then brought the fabric to his nose, inhaling deeply, his smile growing more sinister. "I planned on taking this home and adding it to my collection."

"Hahahaha," Lucinda laughed, her laughter like music to Derek's ears as she playfully scolded him, "As always, you're still a bad boy, stealing my panties and thongs." 

He grinned, unfazed, "Always, always, and always your bad boy." 

He pocketed the thong, his eyes never leaving hers, and reached for his phone. A few taps later, another phone in the room buzzed, and Lucinda's eyes widened as she read the message.

"Oh my God! Three hundred thousand? You spoil me a lot, Derek. All this money for thongs and g-strings?" she exclaimed, her voice a mix of surprise and delight.

Derek's smile grew wider, "You can also buy yourself a nice outfit for J. Emory's movie audition. I've paved the way for you, Lucinda. You deserve it." 

His eyes gleamed with a hint of pride and possessiveness, as if he was claiming her success as his own.

Lucinda's eyes sparkled with excitement as she gazed at Derek, her mind racing with ideas of how she could show off to… well, Rachel. 

"You're amazing, Derek! You always know how to make me feel like a queen." She sauntered towards him, her hips swaying seductively. 

"But you know what would make me feel even more like royalty?" She whispered, her voice husky and inviting.

Derek's eyes darkened with desire as he leaned in, his face inches from hers. "What's that, my sweet Lucinda?" He whispered back, his breath caressing her skin.

Lucinda's lips curled into a sly smile. 

"A night out with you, dressed to the nines, and showing the world what we're made of." She paused, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Together, we'll paint the town red, and make them all green with envy."

Derek's face lit up with a charming smile as he whispered, "Next time, darling...next time." 

His eyes locked onto Lucinda's, filled with promise and anticipation of whenever that day would come. 

He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her ear, sending shivers down her spine. "And it will be a night to remember, my sweet." 

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Lucinda wanting more.