
The Library Incident [Pt 2]

Two students stood in their respective chairs and respective desks within the expansive Library.

One would expect this haven of silence to remain that way, especially since only two people occupied it.


"N-no! You misunderstood—!"

"Since when did you two start… ahh, never mind. You're both in Beta Class, so I should have already known."

"Hey, relax…"

"I thought you were a loner and all, but I didn't know you had such friends. Noah… Trisha."

"No, Alicia, I—!"

"So you were such a ladies man and I had no idea. What a—"


Rey's voice was so loud in Alicia's ears that it startled her to another degree.

The book she held flew out of her hands, falling to the floor… right beside Rey's feet.

Rey was right in front of her now, causing her heart to race to an extreme degree.

Alicia had never heard him shout that loud before.