

'Goodbye… everyone.'

Esme's fleeting thoughts as she stared at the rend flesh and spraying blood was one of melancholy.

She allowed all the emotions to flow through her, every ounce of her guilt and sorrow pulsating within the depths of her being.

Esme felt it all.

She closed her eyes and let tears stream down, slowing like the blood that spurted from the necks of all the innocents who died.

Her only comfort was that her actions had freed them. Through their deaths, they could finally find rest.

"Haaa…" Soft puffs of wind danced away from her succulent lips as she gazed upon the red-colored world.

It was a lot different from what she used to see.

"This world is evil. It's too evil…" Esme slowly turned away from the desecrated sight of her creation.

She faced Rey, allowing him to see her in all of her nakedness.

"It has tainted me. Tainted you. Tainted everything and everyone…"

More tears fell from her eyes.