
Premature Celebrations

'This… this is it!'

As Adonis heard the words that the White Dragon Lord uttered, he couldn't help but smile widely as his eyes bulged in shock.

'If I do well in the Inter-Class Exchange and get her attention, that means I won't have to wait until I get into the 3rd Stage. I can achieve my mission faster than I expected!'

Each Dragon Lord had their domains in respective parts of the Empire, but they also had tons of business in the Capital, which meant that Adonis would be taken to the Capital on at least a few occasions if he was to become the disciple of a Lord.

'This is perfect!' A bead of sweat fell from his face as he intensely stared at the Dragon Lord before him.

'All I have to do is win! Thankfully, I'm up against Newts, so it shouldn't be too difficult.'

The only person he could consider giving him some trouble would be Rey, but even if Rey won… as long as Adonis was among the top three, he didn't really care for anything else.