
Learning New Things

They talked about a lot of things that day—going on and on for hours without end.

The conversation trailed until nighttime, and the group was still engaging in interesting discourse. 

Talks on training, their experience working with—or rather, for—Ater, helping out in the recovery efforts of the city, and their thoughts on the upcoming march to the front lines.

It was a very stacked discussion to be had.

"Apparently, the Dragons have slowly been increasing their forces in the Front Lines, so it's best we return before anything serious happens." Clark said with a calm tone.

Rey didn't know whether it was just his imagination, or the boy was looking a lot calmer than he remembered. 

'Is Brutus rubbing off on him or what?' He couldn't help but think.

Justin was still the same: cracking jokes—sometimes inappropriate ones—but all in all, being a pleasant person to be around.