
Chapter 95: Camping before Wandermere, part 1.

They reached Wandermere during the day and so had to remain in the carriages, for they have switched the sleds for them when they exited the desert.

Harry took the chance for some long overdue cuddling with Edwin and the children. They were one big pile, all six sleeping peacefully.

When night came, the guide knocked on their door and Edwin was the first to stir.

"We are there, my lord," Edwin had corrected the guide that he was not a lord many times. To which the man had retorted more than once that all Boliarins were lords, especially ones that were in the line of succession for a country.

Edwin didn't know how the guide knew that, but then a look at a guilty Harry had told him all he needed to know. I am proud of you. Harry had told him with a lopsided smile, and Edwin had melted, all agitation forgotten.