
Quirk Assessment Test


[A/N: This took way longer than it should have, I would just like to say my brain wouldn't work and I couldn't write for a while.

Discord Link if you want updates and just updates- https://discord.gg/Sa5eDgbuzu]



Making my way out of UA, I successfully earned myself 100 points yay! Sensei was right about me being the best. This quirk that I gained is the perfect quirk. It's fire, which would make me less suspicious because I could just say it was from my father. And the ability to control all fire, which could be a variation of my mother's quirk.

And on the day, I got it, I named it 'Dante's Flame'. With that naming choice, I could be considered Endeavor's secret love child. Ha! It's funny really, a villainous top hero. And the useless, quirkless, homewrecker. Maybe that's why my mom never mentioned my dad ever. Maybe she was supporting me with money taken from 'under-the-table deals'.

You never really notice these things until, your mom suddenly disappears from the table and the guy, who went there to sell the house, has his head leaned back with his mouth gaping wide.

Either way, I have to go to sensei to tell him the good news.

Two Weeks Later


It's been two weeks since the entrance exams, two weeks since I unleashed the massive railgun. It somehow appeared on the news! The shot took down a random villain that was fighting at the time. It was a question on where it came from, but UA, which is nearby, explained that it came from a support item gone haywire.

But besides that, I finally got my acceptance letter! Going into the living room to open it up, everyone gathered around me to see the results.

"SURPRISE I'M IN A PROJECTOR! Bet you didn't see that coming didn't you young Luke!" All Might shouted into the camera.

"I had some paperwork that took some time, so I couldn't contact you just yet. *cough* I'm sorry about that. Actually, I came to this town to work at UA." He continued as a hand from behind the camera told All Might to get to the point.

"You passed the written portion with a 100%, good job young Luke." The large man said proudly holding back tears of manliness. "As for the practical exam though… You passed with the highest score in all of UA's history, even beating out my score. And that spectacle at the end~. *Clears throat* Yes, with your acts of heroism and defeating all those robots, you were awarded 109 Villain Points and 75 Hero Points! And once again young Luke, you passed with the highest score in all the years of this academy. Welcome, to your HERO ACADEMIA!" The hero shouted as the screen froze into his smug face.

Everyone was happy about this, except for Luke who was looking at the screen, wondering 'Why was he so smug about it'. It was then he heard a ping coming from a completed quest


[Quest Accomplished]

[Test of Strengths]

Objective.- Get 1st place in the entrance exams.

Secret Objective- Get the highest score in the history of the UA entrance exams.

Reward – 40K EXP, 1 [Gacha Token]

Secret Reward- Tertiary Class Slot unlocked!

Failure – OFA is stripped.

Thinking about which class to get for a solid minute, while everyone looked at him, staring into the ground, wondering what exactly he was thinking about. Coming to a decision, he chose [Gravity Magic] as his Tertiary Class. Looking back at everyone, stood up and went to the kitchen to make food for everyone.

Another 2 Weeks Later

After grinding through another level/sector of the dungeon, they all left the dungeon. It was the start of a new day, and both Eri and Luke had to go to school.

Yes, Eri has to go to school. Though they all think it won't be for that long, it would still be better for Eri to learn to make friends.

Moving on, Luke was now once again standing before the school that he was just at a month ago. Using 'GPS' to find out where he was supposed to go instead of asking directions from someone, he went off to venture into the labyrinth that was the school itself.

Walking into his classroom, which had a huge door, something which Luke thought of something they were compensating for. Until he realized that some people do have quirks that make them huge.

Looking around, he noticed that he was the first. Probably because he went to the school so many times during his training with All Might, seeing what was the limit of his power. Turns out, that having 'gamer' powers makes you bullshit OP.

After about an hour, a large caterpillar crawled into the room. Luke, wanting pure silence, ignored the insect crawling on the ground and went to sleep.

'Why the fuck is it so loud!' he shouted in his mind as he looked up from his arms. Looking over the class, he noticed a couple more figures screeching at each other.

"Nope, what junior high did you go to, you extra?" "I attended Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Iida." The one figure stated while the other shouted.

Hearing both of them, something inside Luke almost recoiled in embarrassment. Almost as if seeing your past self doing something stupid while you remember that you were like that in the past. Thinking of something quickly, Luke changed the banshee's voice box into a squeaky toy.

"Somei? So you're a damn elite, huh? Looks like I'l- *Quack* *Quack?* *Quack* *Quack* *Quack* *Quack* *Quack*!" The boy quack in surprise as he continued to quack in rage at the situation.

Everyone else in the room started to laugh, thinking that the boy's quirk was something related to being duck/animal-based. But their attention was quickly moved as the blond-haired boy noticed a person standing by the door.

Luke gave him back his voice box, as he wanted to see some damn character development come from these two. "Oi you shitty Deku! How the fuck did you get in here?" The blond shouted; a bit surprised to find that his voice returned to normal.

The green-haired boy looked at him with a deadpan stare, wondering if it was even worth it to retort to his 'Kacchan'. No instead, he simply just yawned and went to an empty seat. Not getting disrespected like this, Katsuki went up to Izuku and pop an explosion directly in his face.

Though this was stopped by the caterpillar who stood up from his bag and evolved into an over-worked teacher. This skeleton-looking teacher was Aizawa, who was there to make people feel powerless when he took their quirk. He used his quirk on Bakugo to nullify the explosion before it went off.

"It's way too early for this *yawn*. My name is Shoto Aizawa, I'm going to be your homeroom teacher. Now, this is going to be sudden but I need you to wear this and get to the field.;" Aizawa said introduced himself whilst also telling the class to get in their uniforms.

Everyone in the class was surprised by this, there was no ceremony, they didn't introduce themselves, and they were told to get into uniform first thing in the morning.

The class was now on the field. Looking at their teacher if they were going to do anything. "We're going to have a quirk assessment test." He started looking back at the crowd.

"What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?" Ochako questioned. "If you're going to become a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely events. UA's selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are. That's also how teachers run their class." The class was surprised by this bluntness. But then he continued.

"You kids have been doing these since junior high, too, right? Physical fitness tests where you aren't allowed to use your quirks. The country still uses averages taken from results from students not using their quirks. It's not rational. Well, the Ministry of Education is procrastinating. Luke, you finished the top of the practical exams, right? In junior high, what was your best result for the softball throw" The teacher asked me

"About 41 meters, why do you ask though?" I responded looking back at him. This caused some people to whisper in the background, about how someone that muscular could get such low of a score. "Then, try doing it with your quirk." He said telling me to go inside the circle and telling me to throw the ball.

Grabbing the ball, Luke charged up all of his skills at 100%. Lightning started to dance across my body, with more blue lines spreading all over. Focusing all of it into a point at the tip of his index finger. Luke, holding the balling in his left hand, threw it in the air. Waiting for the right time, he put even more SP into using the move letting more electricity build in his fingers. And just when the ball was in front of his fingers, he released.


The wind around them shifted, and to Luke alone, the space around the shot tore apart at some point. The ball flew straight into space, shooting all the way to Mars, tearing a hole in it, and stopping at Jupiter. The device that was recording how far the ball traveled displayed an error.

After about 1 second the lightning dissipated, Luke looks at the rest of his classmates (particularly at Izuku) most of whom prayed to some higher being that they wouldn't have to fight against him one day.

Aizawa turned back to the class and showed the results. They had a myriad of reactions, from shock and awe to curses about being able to surpass them one day, to some being inspired to be able to do something like that. "What's this? It looks fun!" a pink girl in the back yelled out excitedly.

Those particular words stood out to Aizawa, hit a nerve with the man. "'It looks fun', huh? You have three years to become a hero. Will you have an attitude like that the entire time? All right. Whoever places last in these tests, will be kicked out of the school" His words brought despair to most of the students. Various screams and shouts of it being unfair were voiced out, but they were all silenced by Aizawa's following words. "Natural disasters, big accidents, and selfish villains. Calamities whose time and place can't be predicted. The world is full of unfairness. We heroes are the ones who reverse situations like these.

If you wanted to go talk with your friends at a fast-food place after school, too bad. For the next three years, UA will do all it can to give you one hardship after another. Go beyond. Plus Ultra. Overcome it with all you've got."

As you can expect, our beloved protagonist got first place on everything. Speed blitzing everyone in the tests. Luke was also able to see what Izuku's quirk was, a flame-type quirk that would put it at around a mid-tier fire spell in terms of firepower, pun not intended.

[-25 Reputation with Katsuki, for being better than him]

[+4 Affection with Ochako, for your performance during the exams]

This was still enough to put Izuku above the angry boy. Said boy lashed out again at Izuku with Aizawa issuing yet another warning that if he did that again he would be expelled immediately.

And by the end of it all, Aizawa revealed it was all a rouse. "By the way, I was lying about the expulsion. It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limit of your quirks." "WHAT?!!!"

At the very back of the class, a sort of smug voice was heard. "Of course, it was a lie. It should've been obvious if you just thought it through." Most of the class thought it out. It did make sense until Luke showed up.

"You all know that this guy once expelled an entire class, right? Also, hi Yaoyorozu-san, been a while hasn't it." He started looking at the girl in question who was trying to make up a reason to oppose his but just couldn't.

[+4 Affection with Momo, for proving her wrong]

Getting an absolute brilliance idea, Luke used some of his [Heart Crystal]s to max out her affection at 50.

[Perk Gained (Momo Yaoyorozu:50)]

[The Top 1%]

Affection, Reputation, and Obedience Gain is faster with Rich People

This of course came at a cost. With high affection but low Obedience, the person you are targeting doesn't really have any obligation to stay with you, Luke knew this but didn't care as it would be faster to gain obedience with her.

Looking at Aizawa, he just shrugged and went off but not before saying. "There are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom so when you get back, look them over."

Everyone released a sigh, the tension in the air was removed and they now could relax without anyone doing anything. And that was that for the day. Walking out of UA was almost a surreal experience to most of the new students, it was the end of the first day at everyone's dream high school.

Walking out near the entrance, Luke was interrupted by Ochako walking up to him. "Hey, Luke-san! Today was interesting, wasn't it?" "Ya, a student nearly got expelled, I launched a ball into what looked to be Mars, and we have three edge lords in our class, just wonderful."

"Wait, we have another two? I thought we just had the bird guy who was speaking in old Japanese." She wondered putting a finger on her squishy cheeks. "Well, we have the bird guy, the guy who nearly got expelled, and the guy with flames," Luke replied with an amused expression.

"Anyway, I was thinking we could go to the station together. Where do you live, if you don't mind me asking?" Ochako asked him looking up. "I live at *********, *******. ####. Why? Is that close to where you live?"

"Ya, just nearby my apartment." "Well then, let's go. I usually get the earliest bus so I can get home." It was like that, that they both grew closer together talking about things that interested them, and possible super moves that Ochako could use with her quirk.

[+ 8 Affection with Ochako, for talking to her]

[+ 9 Obedience with Ochako, for talking to her]

[Perk Gained (Ochaco Uraraka:50)]


Affection, Reputation, and Obedience Gain is faster with people that are innocent/cinnamon rolls

"Well, this is my place. I got to go now bye." Luke said turning left and moving a bit. It was then he didn't notice that his phone fell out of his pocket. [A/N: shhh, this is for plot reasons.]

Ochako noticed this, and as a good friend, picked up the phone and follow the trail that Luke left. Following him from behind as he walked up to his house. What greeted him surprised the girl, a little girl with a horn on her forehead and white hair followed by a brown-haired lady.

He walked up to the little girl and picked her up, while the lady went up to him and hugged him. Several thoughts went through her head. At the very top though was, 'They must be a very close family of adopted children.' She thought with a nod as she went closer.

"Hey, Luke! You dropped your phone." The older lady looks almost amused, while the little girl smiled and spoke. "Daddy is so forgetful sometimes."

Those very words struck a nail with Ochako 'Wait! He's a dad! But, why doesn't this bother me? Why?' she questioned within herself as she handed the phone over to him.

"Oh, thanks. Must have dropped out of my bag while I was walking. Once again thank you for picking it up." Luke thanked her as he bowed his head.

"It's no problem really I just wanted to help a friend. It's no big deal." She said as she slowly walked backward. "Well then, I'm off. See you again tomorrow Luke-san." "Goodbye, be careful." They both waved each other off as she left to a different corner of the street.

"You planned that didn't you?" Willow asked staring at Luke with a judging gaze. "Hmm, maybe. Maybe not. Who knows?" He replied with a smile as they both went inside the house.


[A/N: My brain doesn't work anymore. Probably doesn't sound coherent, but I just hope you like it.]