
An Empire in another World

Qin Yi, a twenty year old man, after experiencing many hardships, he finally decided, that his life wasn’t worth it. So did the only thing, he could still do, to lessen the burden on any of his friends. Death. But it didn’t come like he thought. He wasn’t brought to any place, that the others would call heaven or hell. He was… Reborn?! [ Welcome Host! You have arrived! ] [ This is only a small side project to further develop my writing skills. ]

Yuccas · Bücher und Literatur
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2 Chs

Epilogue II Acquire a Skill

The calming peace was in every part of the forest. The birds were twitching along a beautiful melody, deers were jumping up and down in the wide fields, covered by any kind of flower.

Only one place was disturbing this peace, a small clearing in the northern part of the forest. Two figures were constantly clashing with one another, not letting the other side any time to take a breath.

„Why are none of my attacks working?"

I had tried any imaginable spot, but was not able to penetrate the skin of the beast. Something seemed to block all of my attacks. I had to find something to destroy this magical shield.

„System? Do you have anything I can use to help me?"

[ Do you wish to acquire the

Skill „Shield Penetration"? ]

( Can penetrate any magical or physical defense )

( Needs 40 Mana to activate )

[ Cost: 5 Skill Point ]

[ Remaining Skill Points: 5 ]


This was the only chance to end this battle, as otherwise I wouldn't hold on much longer, the monster had already made me use up most of my stamina on avoiding his attacks and slashing back.

[ You have successfully acquired

the Skill „Defense Penetration"! ]

I jumped on a small rock, again avoiding getting hit by the huge claws. Now was my chance, the moment of victory or defeat!

"Use the skill!" I sprinted towards the monster, from the left to the right, trying to distract the huge beast.

Now than..

"Take this, you shit!"

I pointed my sword to his head and slashed at him. As expected, I could feel a slight resistance but after pressing harder, it just disappeared and my sword slid into the beast's neck. Green blood was flowing out, leaving drops on my sword and clothes.

I fell down, exhausted till the end.

"Finally! I won! Hahah!"

A message popped up, one I had been waiting for the entire time.

[ Hidden Quest completed! ]

[ You have defeated your foe! ]

[ Reward: ]

[ One Death Knight ]

[ 15 Skill Points ]

[ Fortress (Lvl 1) ]

[ Do you wish to summon the Death Knight? ]

[ Do you wish to place your fortress now? ]

I stared silently at the reward message, only some moments later, I read the other two notifications.

"Of course I want to summon the Knight now!"

What would happen if someone a lot stronger than me would appear, why wouldn't I use a life saving opportunity.

[ Summoning the Death Knight… ]

[ Portal appearing in .. 3 …. 2 .. 1 ]

A purple colored gate appeared infront of me. Another person, wearing a deep black armor, and holding a longsword in his right hand, was standing on the other side like a puppet.

„So your my first servant?"

„I am grateful for this opportunity! My Lord!"

He fell down on the dirty ground with his knees, bowing before me with the greatest respect a knight would give to his superior.

I was a little shocked as I didn't expect this, as no one had ever kneeled before me in my past life. As I was just a low waiter in a small restaurant near the beach. It was very full in the summer and I had to work a lot more than I was payed for.

"Stand up!" I waved my hand, signaling him to move.

[ The Death Knight <Unnamed> has pledged his Loyalty to Host ]

[ Do you wish to rename him? ]

"Sure why not." Although I wasn't the most creative person in naming stuff, I could still find a good name, right?

"Why don't I call you …"


Author here! Firstly I just want to say, don't expect too much from this novel it will only be a side novel to expand my writing knowledge. I will post new chapters whenever I have time.

Oh and how should I call the Death Knight?

Just give me some names to consider. I need a Name!!!
