
The Pub At Pit Stop

Now here i am at the Pit Stop Pub,

I wasn't sure how but there was a sudden change in the structure of the setting of this Pub and outside it.

I've been outside the pub for a while now, and suddenly, the street lights started to flicker very unusually. It appeared disoriented in my eyes and the lights started to move in a fast motion defining patterns of formation, it was slow, how it began was, with the images of buildings and city lights. As the vibrations of a city slowly started taking its shape to fit into the dimension of my reality.

I don't know who he was, that boy at the pub, but i thought I should go back and talk to him because i didnt want to meddle with a supernatural circumstance such as this one that I'm experiencing. I tried my best to ignore it only because i kind of liked being here and, didn't want that to change. This is happening to me and, all i can be is a little bit selfish about it, because i dont think i usually have been.

I looked at the same place where i last saw him and found him still sitting there. He seemed surprisingly calm and uninterrupted by the changes in our atmosphere. I don't know why i just felt like taking this moment to shake him up a little, just because he seemed way too normal in this twisted world of mine.

I needed to stabilize all the rush that I've been feeling inside. I didn't want to care about what kind of an impression this would have on him, mostly, my life depended on it.

"Hey there, I'm back. I've just returned from a vortex outside. I think this place teleported itself to another location. Do you know much about it?" I looked at him and i tried to hide any expressions that would allow him to read me and began to speak as i sat on the chair in front.

"Are you alright? You seem to not be in your right senses at the moment, I've just watched you sob on the floor here. Then you ran towards the door, right after." he asked me.

"Well, you asked me to go outside and check, thats what I did. Why don't you look too compelled by my words. This isn't so usual, if I've to say." I don't know if i sounded flirtatious to him but to myself, i did. I couldn't desist making such an expression on my face because he was exceptionally good looking.

"No, i never said this to you. You went out at your own will." he was honest to me.

"Okay, i think i really need your help. There's something going on with me and I dont really know why it's happening."

"Umm okay. What were you crying for. Can you tell me? I just want to know now."

"Well, I was running on foot for over 2 hours or so inside the parameters of a secluded demographic, where there weren't any settlements, and then the sky started pouring rain, which is why I'm soaked. And which is when i saw this place it looked randomly bright and loud, it was extremely catchy enough not to miss." i said, trying to sound more interesting than i should because surprisingly he wasn't a smug.

"Seems serious. What were you running from? were you being followed by someone? What's someone like you doing in a dingy location like this?" he asked as though he forgot about the location switch i told him about.

"I felt as though i was being followed by a bunch of men that works for my ex-boyfriend, who i just found out was a billionaire all along. He revealed his identity to me today and things have just been going downhill since. I threw my sim away because i thought they'd be able to track me down, and i really didn't want that. So now i have no access to communication, with friends, nor family. Not that they'd do anything by about it even if i told them this. I'm just scared to death for my life and I need someone else to just hold me." I shuddered as my voice started to quiver and shake into an almost-cry.

"What? You're so strange. You awfully resemble a mystical being to have reacted in such a manner. I don't know, who am I even to say this, but it sounds like a good thing you ran from. If it hurt you so much, why couldn't you take this chance to get back at him in so many ways. Perhaps, you expressed an ultimatum weakness there."

He said taking a picture of me with the phone he was so hooked to earlier to and laughed. I looked at the picture and saw my wet hair and dry skin and i didn't want to react because i was exhausted.

"I'm Zara btw, What's your name?" i smiled and asked.

"I'm Josh Wood. I'm an agent from a Secret Service. You seem to be at a vulnerable state right now and Soul Interception ID lead me here, to you. I don't really know why but I will explain to you everything once you recover from the trauma that you're facing currently."

He said this to me and started to wipe away the little tears that were still inside my tear ducts perhaps because by now, I've already cried enough. My heart started to race in a speedy motion that I felt it stop, i couldn't tell if it was still in there. I don't know what was happening to me..

"What? Stop treating me like I'm some child. sympathy isn't going to work with me, if that's what you were thinking. This dude who stays in a 1bhk, suddenly had wives inside this huge palace, and i dated him. You don't know how it feels. Infact, could it be that you're working for him too?"