
The Love Potion In Pink

"Yeah I opened one of them out of curiousity and the particles went up my nostrils." I said with my cheeks tinted in warm sensation, I collected they turned red.

"That's not just a perfume Zara, If you inhaled too much of it, it could have put you into deep slumber or a blackout for a long period of time. Sometimes we use it to enhance our sexual desires inside the simulation realm, If in case, we become unable to sense the exchange of sexual receptors in our body."

he said while looking away in another direction and being busy with light adjustments or controls.

"Ohhh so you use it when your unconscious body has network problems with your reality, inside the system of that other reality." I was standing there drinking some water on the table..

He suddenly seemed disoriented in his mind and there was a sudden switch of manner.

He held my both my hands this time, and with eyes glistening in guilt he said "Hey Zara, I'm really sorry I shouldn't have made that move on you earlier, maybe I was being an asshole. It all happened too quickly, please don't think I'm an asshole?"

Somehow, I felt saddened by the thought that he didn't want me, or didnt feel attracted to me. Either way, I saw it going somewhere.

"So what's in those other rooms?" I asked him, genuinely curious about why they were all connected to the lights.

"I've a holographic room too, that's where my Warlock appears in 30. We have time to drink some wine, do you still want wine? I'll play you some music if you like"

He turns on music that sounded like forests and waltz, with distinctive extremely soft background female vocals.

"Yeah sure. Hey Josh don't mind me asking but. Really, why am I even here? Even you're just some rich guy with fancy gadgets and twisted potions, what does it have to do with me?" I wonder why he chose such music, seemed extra cultivated to me. It's something I hear on a daily basis.

"You still doubt my intentions despite how much I've been trying to prove to you that you're important to me. There's a reason why I care about you, perhaps, you'll find out for yourself soon." as he walked away again, the ceilings in the common room were lowly protruding and Infront of it, the ceiling seemed to be raised above a higher platform which weren't visible to the eyes. Maybe he walks towards the wine cellar again.

I thought I would find myself some comfort if I sat on the high quality sofa.

"This feels comfortable especially after I took a whiff of that darn sex poison, all ive been wanting to do ever since was lay somewhere comfortably." that's what I did, talking to myself louder than usual because I want him to get subtle hints about how I'm still entrapped in the pink poison of sex but, I guess this room is sound proof.

It's been almost 20 mins, the effects of this potion still hasn't worn out. She just didn't realize that this may put her under a hypnosis she has no control over.

She couldn't help it at this point any longer, maybe it all began by the thought of his touch brushing against her breasts and that reaction that expressed his intimacy towards her when she reacted erotically. The thought of it enhanced her arousal even though she tried to fight it. It wasn't something she was forcing upon herself, perhaps truth was she did want to be fucked in that sofa but we didn't know that. We were just wondering why she's just not admitting it, the fact that she may be in love with him, deeply and the potion may just be a scapegoat creating an illusion of deception that it is the poisonous villian making her feel this way, a hypnosis, a lie.

Why by now she's lying on the sofa fondling her now naked body. Maybe she was just trying to release all the poisonous tension from her body but she didn't know how.

Now the situation took it to another level, she's now having a sexual episode lying there on the sofa, eyes whitened followed by vigorous up and down movements in sexual mannerisms and making strange short animalistic noises from her mouth. While looking at the reflection of hers on the glass window. It did seem to look rather strange, a wild animal in the wilderness, now free still running wild inside. It is agreed that we believe it was the potion. Not her true self.

Suddenly, enter Josh into the scenario, all he sees is Zara having a very dark encounter with a sexual demon on that sofa of his, having a seizure, by now he would have plunged himself onto her for how attractive and arousing whatever she was doing, was. She's naked and now excavating the deepest corners of her vagena.

She wanted to die perhaps, because she could have a black out or go into deep slumber. He had to help her, brought some vibrating guns and toys placed them on her clitoris so she achieve what they call a female orgasm. This was the only solution to cure her from having a blackout. He had no option left because this was the only way to help her out of this uneventful circumstance.

Which is what he continued to do untill she finally achieved a significant orgasm to drive away the suppressed darkness of a sexual incubus inside her, this is what the potion did. He was petrified at the sight of her running wild, sweating profusely while at it. It was his job, he had to help her reach a climax. While doing so, he almost felt himself reaching climax inside his pants, only because she looked irresistible; but he didn't, instead, he triggered anger, apathy and sadness.

Suddenly after a matter of a few mins. Her body twitches and flinches to certain flaccid measures, and so, jerks out some invisible potent energy out of her private parts, she keeps jerking her body and bobbing her head up and down as tho she was voodoo dancing, followed by mixtures of loud howls and vocals of different wild animals. Strange!

Her eyes gain back sight now and he seemed relieved at the thought of how he's going to try his luck with getting intimate with her, now that she's back to her senses, but surprisingly, her female body was tired and she fell into a slumber instead.

A few moments later, Zara awoke from her sleep and before she did that, he thought it was best to just hide all kinds of evidence of the memory of "sex".

"Hello, Rise and Shine Zara, are you feeling okay?" Josh said sat on the sofa and looking down at my head, where I was lying with opened eyes.

"What happened to me. Why was I asleep?" I said said to him looking dazed and confused about my state of being while still lying on the sofa, which, being long was unimaginable, and I, irrevocably looking into his eyes.

"You had an episode of a sexual attack in a trance state since you sniffed into things you shouldn't have. You just needed a little rest when you recovered." He leaned forward to hug me and somehow his lips ended on mine again, this time i felt closer to him because he saved me from such a disturbing experience.

He moved closer, grabbed my waist from the soft cushion and we began to french kiss much passionately..

He just pulled back, suddenly pranced and said in a hurry, "Hey, I have an appointment with the Warlock now. I'll be in conference for a while and be back to you with news and whatever i can recover back from him. Remember this is about you too okay." he smiled.