
Apathetic Inhibition

It was a really rainy day that night when Zara Maine was running 20 kms with an aching heart and a soul that was more exhausted inside her body. She spotted a Pub nearby that she wasn't familiar with, and it looked mysterious since there were no other settlements around it, yet, she decided to take temporary shelter in it and she wasn't sure why. She couldn't feel much, not even her heart, now she felt just like another numb assassin. Her mind continued to wallow around the emotions that she discovered when she thought that she was in love with someone that loved her just the same but, the truth was they were the depths that only she felt, and not him.

Zara was an innocent girl raised by a father in a sacred village hidden from the outside world. He wasn't from a rich family, but he mastered the knowledge & techniques of supernatural and ancient arts. That was the prime fundements that he began to teach her. She lost her mother to a mysterious curse that they were unable to solve.

"Now im one of those that have been betrayed by the person i had put my trust into. I guess I've never felt this way before, the need to doubt my own dignity before having the chance to do that to a cheater, a cheater of life, for that matter, how it soils my own image even in my own eyes, this self recognition is what troubles me immensely."

She somehow felt deeply challenged because the situation questions her moral reasoning that come with questions of her personal choices.

"The values that my father has taught me are being put to shame which makes me sense guilty consciousness taking a walk down my spine. My morals were being questioned by my own conscience."

She stops and thinks all of this consecutively while still running around the rain.

"He pretended to be somebody that he's not, he was an imposter!! Like the ones youd find in story books. Now im in danger."

Maybe i shouldn't have been extremely frantic about it and, handled it more casually, like the way others would. But here's an outline of the situation : He turns out to be a Billionaire disguised in the identity of a humble and self righteous poor man.

I was only running from an abduction after he tricked me into taking my vehicle for ride, but, instead reached an abandoned area without any settlements around it. Except the biggest home I've ever laid my eyes on. Perhaps a legit Billionaire tyrant attempted to lure me into temptations, with one of those soul sucking contracts which, i wasn't ready for.

I don't even know who would understand my emotional state of being right now, because now all i see is another stranger, a person i grew so comfortable with. What i realised was horrible and memories dingy; it wasn't his soul i was comfortable with, it was this false identity the entire time, somebody that probably doesn't' even exist.

It's no wonder I felt like I let many warning signs pass me by even with evident notice. At the presence of my observational skills now which I couldn't get myself to doubt.

And ever since, all I've been feeling was a series of empty emotions haunted by its void of numbness; where all the love went. I just didn't want it ringing inside my head over and over again, giving me that thrill for an unhealthy pain. Making me feel like a monster inside and I loved this feeling somehow, and so I ran.

I wasn't even the second option. Infact i was being played with like one of those products you find in the market place, except we were the same race. He knew someone like me wouldn't be too easy to find.

He was driving my car and hereinafter he had taken a path, a road, which I've never seen or taken before.

It was late and i had no choice but to barge into a rather random Pub called Pit Stop, and it looked rather new and furnished. It remained open, I found no option but to take certain control of this situation, since i was running extensively for a period of time i couldn't have been aware of. I have to admit that i had ran too far and too much. The door was white in color and about 10 feet wide, it was so bright and huge it could not have gone unnoticed, in the middle of nowhere-in-particular. I ran from his house and i panicked in every breathable moment I found myself in, being a broken dark being and now an extremely paranoid one.

As I entered Pit Stop, the loud music stopped the ringing of my own thoughts inside my ears, and i felt quite relieved with the old hip hop ballad playing loudly, in contrary to how the raindrops seemed to mock me outside at that time.

I looked terrible and drenched in rain water and perhaps, now my dress was probably see through and I look like a harlot. This tragic moment fits me perfectly, how tragic indeed.

There were many people. Old bikers angels from Human Rights that turned to look at me once and continued talking. I somehow felt understood telepathically. I saw women that were dressed in leather and dark make up and all of them smiled at me. But i was pretty anxious about the tense in the situation.

I look around wearily thinking if i could find any normal people like me, someone young.


I saw an odd visual of someone else in the extreme corner of the bar, next to the last table, near the speakers, sitting on a table, all alone, and he had earphones on.

I wasn't sure what he was doing here, he seemed to not fit into the theme of this place.

At this point, i wasnt sure but perhaps everything inside me made me want to just break down and cry out loud, like a little baby. And Maybe side by side i could draw some kind of an attention that signifies that I'm not really fine.

"This is such a weird place, I swear i heard the music change before it ended." I said out loudly and it didn't seem like anybody heard me, anybody else but me. Was i dreaming? Am i already dead?

I knelt down and started to weep loudly, and just when the music stopped for the next song, in that moment of silence, alot of the people that were drinking whiskey and talking stopped to look. I was still conscious. I don't know why i didn't really care anymore.

"Hey hey there. Oh my lord, are you okay?" The odd boy in headphones, sitting in the midst of that corner approached, and said this while picking me up persistently while I kept falling back down, i seemed incredibly reluctant to get up..

'Thats what happens when we cry.' i thought

"What's wrong, do you need to call the police? Is everything okay? you really dont seem to be alright." he tried to reassure comfort levels just so i calm down and stop sobbing.

"No, its fine. Perhaps, I need a drink." I said

"Do you know where you are?" he asked me with a smirk on his face.

"No. But i know it's called Pit Stop." I responded clearing the tears from my eyes and i didn't wanna seem clingy.

"Go outside and check again." he said

I ran out the door immediately with potential disbelief written all over my face.

I saw lights blinking and there were crowds of people covering the area as though there was another party happening. I looked around and tried to remember, there was something that seemed unfamiliar. I wasnt fully aware at first because of the pain inside of my innocent heart. I always thought my first love was going to be the one i would marry. In my traditional culture, it is believed that the person you marry is a soulmate even after you reincarnate in your next life. But, that's the thing about soulmates, there's not just one.

Was this pub possibly teleported, was this just for me?