
A Strange Encounter

"I completely understand your reactions but, i have my system ID on right now. It says that you're an exception from the glitch in an unexpected Divergence. The system requires to authenticate any other ID of yours, do you have any lineage with a Pantheon from the past, are you a trained assassin, a Ninja or something?" he asked as his eyes glistened into mine.

"Really? How can I let such a discreet information about my family heritage out to you. What is a divergence? Is it a system thing?"

Maybe i did look genuinely confused.

"How am i to know about a system thats so advanced, I live in a village that's probably not even here any longer, my physical reality has been compromised with, and you're the one that did this."

I wanted to just forget alot of things by now, i was in no mood to feel entitled about his profession. What ever it was, maybe i didn't want to feel like the victim.

"I didn't do this. This happened because we were both destined to be here, a path binded together from two different events. Even i cannot deny that because, I had no intended control over it. Nor did i know i was going to meet you. Why can't you look at it like this; whatever had to happen to you and me today, did happen right?"

I nodded to agree to Josh because I didn't know how to react to something that sounded sweet, like this.

"We cant turn away from the path of this course, which infact seems very natural by design. That is what my ID tells me. I don't know how to explain this to you right now but, maybe I should show you where I'm from and who I work for. I really want to take you with me in my dome, and you can tell me all about that billionaire. Right now, I just have to respond to the protocol requests inside my ID and i dont know what it's about either, but my reflexes are just very stigmatized to response."

He walked towards me accross the table and whispered into my ears.

"Perhaps I've to attend to this duty, you're going to wish you trusted me more often, Miss Zara."

I pulled my head back and shrugged as his breath smelled of whiskey and fermented lime.

"I don't know. This sounds all too overwhelming. But right now, I don't feel so comfortable. I actually want to go meet my father first and see that he's alright. I don't want to lose him to mafia gangs, or anything."

His right arm was spread on the table in front of me expressing some kinda masculinity, then, he rest his head on his hand and suddenly, sat back on his chair and took a sip of the whiskey.

Now he seemed to appear much distracted from his device than earlier.

"So you are a trained Assassin or are you a Ninja?" he said and with smouldering looks he continued to stare at my mouth, that which was just about to open. For some reason, It felt as though he knew the things I was about to speak.

"I'm an Eglai actually, a tribe that is currently being conserved secretly. Dont ask me how. There's not too many of us left in this world...We're descendants of the ancient birds called Eagles...This is weird, I'm not going to give more information out to you because its against my moral codes and personal protocols." I said and appeared rather rude but i eliminated and replaced the feeling with apathy because he was simply just a stranger.

Maybe i felt vulnerable and everything about him, intimidated me. I felt weak about the fact that i wasn't equipped with any weapon.

"How are you going to go there, you said you don't have a vehicle?"

He asked me waving his hand to display curiousity, he wanted to get into the element of a psychopath.

"It's fine, I'll get there on foot if i have to."

I was quite serious about it even though, i did want to know why i was a part of a systematic soul interception. All I've been thinking about was how Rick exploited me and stabbed me in the back. It's no wonder all he wanted to do was have sex with me, if i think about it now even going as far as 3rd base makes me self degenerate. I just want to rip the heart out of his chest, cuz it might not even be his, especially for doing this to our own race, now i feel my genes slowly disassociate with an immoral scumbag like him. Am I possibly a prodigal reincarnation from the past? I've to let Josh explain more to me.

"You're really cute right now, it's making my heart break....er i can help you but you have to promise me one thing..." he was sloshed, and by now he looked rather interesting and more amateur and young at what he was doing.

"What?" I was more keen in knowing his wish because this was as interesting as enlightenment.

"Ahem! Will you promise to come back here to meet me again?" He stood and smiled.

"You look like you've had too many drinks for yourself." I really did not want to give him a cold treatment or be rude because he seemed smart at what he was doing,before he had too much to drink.

"How are you going to help me? You're probably not even from my world. Since you have this whole Hi-Tech system ID thing happening with you." I was still standing drenched in rain water this made my body tremble and battle deep anxiety within.

He clicked something on his wrist, it looked like a watch but it was more than that and out came some purple round balls, the size of pills. It looked like one of those magic elixirs.

"Here, just pop these and close your eyes, it'll send you there. Type your location in here." he stretched his arm that was previously covered inside his sleeves, and on his wrist was a robot clutched around it. Like a watch and it moved in advanced Hi tech mechanisms that perhaps i shouldn't have seen. A little 3D hologram appeared from it and i flickered around and put my location in.

"Tell me, do you want my phone number or are you going to find somebody else from that village you're from." He asked looking guilty the next min he spoke those words to me.

He whiffed my hair "Your hair smells like sweet petrichor, the smell of rain..hmm. My favorite smell during monsoon."

My adrenaline rush and impulses started to subside and take rest now, but i didn't let my guards down. And somehow, i now felt comfortable around his rather weird and friendly personality. But more importantly, I felt much safer.