
An Assassin's Affair

He didn’t care if this ruined his once peaceful life. He didn’t care if this landed him and the road of no return. What he wanted, was to make them realize who they messed with. He’ll do whatever it takes, no matter the cost or toll it might take. An assassin always makes sure to return the favor. It’s their duty, right? Death awaits the ones who screwed with him, but unexpected love awaits as well. It’s just in a matter of time before someone starts to fall into intoxicating love that eats at the cold heart of an assassin. Karma… really is a ruthless bitch.

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9 Chs

Chapter 3: The Prince Suspicion Awakens

- 3rd Person POV: Yoru -

Nervous, Yoru walked over to Seojin and sat next to him on his bed. He didn't know what to do in this tricky situation. Was he done for? He barely got the chance to even settle down and get used to the place he would be staying in for a few weeks.

"So what is it his Highness would like me to do for him?" Yoru asked politely to keep up the act of a regular servant girl. To accidentally bump into the Prince himself, not to make the matters worse but in his own chambers as well, would certainly land anyone who dares try to make up an excuse on either death row, or life in the dungeons if blessed by the gods enough.

"Come now, why is it that a maiden who should be doing her assigned work is wandering around inside the Prince's Royal chambers? Last time I checked, such an intrusion would certainly lead the intruder to be beheaded," Seojin spoke in a cold but fairly calm manner. Even when he's sitting down which gives him the disadvantage, Yoru could sense how making even the slightest advancement towards the Prince could place him 6 feet under. The very place he should never be when he has just wiggled his way into the Royal Palace.

"My deepest apologies to your Highness. You see, my parents have worked me day and night to get my place here. They'll push me over the edge multiple times that I can't keep track of how many times I'd break down right there on the floor because the slightest movement would send jolts of pain coursing through my body. My feet could no longer hold me up, my hands were strained and bleeding, not even my eyes could stay open. So when I saw how majestic and magnificent this sacred place was, I couldn't hold myself back any longer. Please your Majesty, I'm begging you to spare my soul and give me one more chance to prove myself to you and gain your trust!"

The Prince looked down on the poor maiden that got up and stood in front of him to bow her head to show how ashamed and guilty she felt. Seojin thought about it as the thoughts flowed through this filled up mind that were packed with the responsibilities of being the heir of Dragonsphire. If it were any other maiden who would happen to walk into the room of the snow-haired Prince, they would immediately lose their only place in the Royal Palace and face the consequences of trespassing on private property. Even if it is in the Palace itself.

"Raise your head. Listening to your past really struck a cord in me for the first time. Get back to work, I don't want to see you step foot in here again unless directly requested by me and me alone. Got that, Nami?"

Nami (Yoru) felt the cold shivers run down her spine at how much high authority and power radiated off of the Prince. Those cold, ice blue eyes stared back into her vibrate purple ones.

"Y-yes, your Highness. If you don't mind, I shall be taking my leave and attend to my assigned work," Nami calmly stated before turning to leave the prince's chambers. The Prince watched closely like a hawk in the skies that would look down at their prey as they fled away. Taking in every movement and studying for any signs of a surprise attack or retaliation towards the predator.

Yoru didn't even spare the snow haired Prince a glance before immediately walking out into the quiet, golden hall and closing the large doors of his Highness's chambers. Taking in a long breath before letting it go, the brunette walked down the hall and past other maidens that were too busy attending to their work to notice the rather aggravated expression on the brunette's face.

'Tsk, that… that ridiculous Prince. It's obvious he's on to me and I haven't even spent a day here! If I get found out now… it'll be the end of the road for me!' Yoru told himself as he clenched his fists in frustration. He narrowed his eyes as his bangs covered them from anyone who happened to see.

"Um, hello?"

Gasping in surprise, Yoru quickly turned around to see a young brunette just like him who seemed taken back at the rather unapproachable expression he had on his face.

Quickly, Yoru put on a kind persona and hid his flaring up anger. "Hello. I'm sorry if I scared you due to my face. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"A-Actually, yes! You see, I'm actually new here and I have no idea where I must go. I don't want to anger the head of the Palace and bring disgrace upon my family that worked hard for me to be here. Please, can you assist me? I-I'll pay you back!"

It was surprising to the older brunette that the young girl was more than serious about paying him back. Who knew he'll get a free assistant while working here? Maybe this isn't as bad after all. She could help Yoru clear up the Prince's suspensions on him and give him more freedom to roam and search for his targets.

"Why of course! I'm Nami, what's your name?"

"O-Oh! Ummm… it's Eriki. Eriki Shimomura."

"Nice to meet you Eriki. Say, how about assisting me in my work? I'll teach you everything you must know. That will be your payment."

"R-Really? Thank you so much! What must we do first? Clean? Cook? Wash the-"

"Now, now. Let's not rush. I have clear orders from the Prince himself of Dragonsphire to go and inspect the treasure chamber. We must clean any dust or dirt that might've got in."

"Wow, from his Highness himself. But, no maiden is allowed in there. It would lead us to our death if we were accused of theft!"

"That's why I'm there with you. No one would mess with the only servant who is blessed by the divine Gods to speak directly to the Prince."

Eriki was skeptical of it all, but followed Nami's lead anyway. She was going to be in debt to the maiden after all, so the only way to repay is to assist the older brunette in her work.

Walking down the golden halls of the Palace, Yoru led his new servant with him towards what he assumed to be the treasure room. Before running into the Prince, the young male scoped each and every hall and made a mental map to recognize each chamber. There weren't any labels to help with location, so he had to take it upon himself to do the work. Opening the large golden framed doors, Yoru looked on in pure disbelief and astonishment at the gold and riches that covered the room. All organized from the lowest value, to the priceless ones that would cost a whole fortune if one were able to make it to such a level of wealth.

"Amazing… This is where they keep all the treasure? Even had time to organize it from head to toe!"

"It really is an eyesight, don't you say Eriki?"

"Yes indeed! Nami-San, if you don't mind, can we get to inspecting? I still feel nervous standing in such a place."

"Haha, of course."

Walking around the room, the two maidens started their work. Nami (Yoru) worked on the right side of the chamber, while Eriki worked on the left. Though the young brunette was rather clumsy, she still managed to keep up and pass Nami's expectations of a servant. They cleaned small particles of dust and dirt that collected in the corners of the chests, and eventually they were done. Though the orders from his Highness was a lie to gain Eriki's trust, it worked out rather splendidly in Nami's case who didn't actually expect to find dust in the treasure room.

"Well, looks like we got this down, how about-"

"Stop right there!"

Nami's eyes widened as she stood still while facing away from the entrance to the chamber. Slowly turning to look at Eriki, the brunette examined her fearful eyes and terrified expression as a sign that whoever it was who was behind her, it was definitely not the right person to catch them in the act.

"Turn around and face towards me!"

Yoru sighed as he dropped the kind persona and turned to face the unknown person. His royal purple eyes stared at the person who dared interrupted him and my frightened assistant.

"Now, it isn't nice to be so rude towards his Highness's favorite maiden now is it?"

"W-What? The Prince wouldn't dare make such a move. Stop this nonsense and come with me! You two are accused of theft and will see to your death."

"Tsk, people like you get on my nerves. Let me teach you a lesson you won't forget."