
An Another World

This is a story of a young high school boy 'Nagao Akihiro' who got caught up in a fight between a demon and an angel and accidentally got transported to another world. A world of Sword and magic, angels and demons. Was it his fate?...….or someone was behind the whole story? (Its an isekai and complete fiction)

TheBlackWill · Fantasie
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3 Chs

(Chapter 1) A Horrifying Day



I sighed to myself. I woke up as my alarm clock was making too much of noise.

Yeah, it's annoying when you want to sleep after doing your shift till midnight but your alarm clock doesn't want you to. As I woke up I saw the clock and it was 8:30 am already.

"Shitttt I am late again!"


Hey, I am Nagao Akihiro, age 17 and as you can see I am already late for school after doing a shift as a part-time worker till midnight but yeah…Who cares! I am just a typical ordinary high school boy living an ordinary life in Tokyo nothing more nothing less.

High school life is pretty damn cool, right? Enjoying with friends, playing games all night, and most importantly getting a girlfriend of course.

NO, not at all, not mine especially.

My father died when I was 8. I was living with my mother but she had to go to foreign for some business plans.

Of course, I get some monthly allowance from my mother, but it's not enough for my living so I had to do some part-time at a restaurant near my apartment.

As for a girlfriend...le- let's talk about my friends. What! Of course, I have one friend…..yeah only one. What did you even expect from a typical introvert?

So I get hurried up and set running to school

Again one boring day

I thought to myself.


It was a cloudy day, as I entered the school someone called me from behind-

"Nagao- Kun, late again today?"

It was a cheerful voice or rather too lively…

"Ugh, I've already told you, don't call me with honorifics Saki "

"Ha-ha, don't be mad, class is starting soon let's go!"

"Yeah coming"

So that was my so-called friend 'Teshima Saki'. She is a pretty enthusiastic girl. Not to mention she is my childhood friend too.

Of course, I don't have any motives like 'making a hundred friends' or something like that, but still, she is the first person to approach me. Although she is pretty annoying sometimes, she is a good person…

I entered the class and sat on my chair at the last corner of the room

"Boring as always," I said that watching the clouds out of the window



It's lunchtime now…

I and Saki went to the rooftop as it was the usual place where we eat our lunch.

It was sunny now, the clouds were gone…

"Mhmm…The weather is really weird nowadays, it changes so fast!"

Saki said that while eating a sandwich

"Its weather Saki, it can change wherever and whenever it wants"

I said that while sipping some juice from a can I bought while coming to school…

"I know, but it's changing so fast that even reporters were shocked in yesterday's news"

"It's like the time is fast-forwarded"


"It's just your imagination"

I brushed away her words by saying "it's just your imagination". I was not really into this child-like talk

"Looks like you've watched too much anime huh?"

"S – Shut up!"

She said that with a little embarrassment on her face…

I turned up my head to the sky and said-

"She is not wrong though…"


The class ended…

I was packing my backpack and then the class rep come and told me

"Akihiro- Kun I think today is your duty to clean the class"

Shit….why only today!? My shift starts at 4 pm and it's already 3:15 pm…

"I-I see ok then-"


She said that with an emotionless face and left

I guess class rep also can be scary sometimes…

Saki came and said

"Why do that girl have a scary look on her face every time! Hmph!"

"Don't worry Nagao-kun I will help with that"

"Don't worry about that I can do it myself, You can go home Saki"

"Huh? Ok then, See you tomorrow~"


"I think I told her not to use honorifics with me_"

I put on my headphones and started to clean the whole classroom...


"Phew….finally done-" I whispered…

I saw the clock and it was already 4:15 pm-

"Huh!? 1 hour passed already?"

"Time sure flies fast…..looks like the manager will kill me today!"

I then run as fast as I could, bought some energy drinks from the station, and caught up to the metro

It was evening till then, the street lights were lit up…


This is my workplace 'Tokyo-Buffet' A First-class restaurant in Tokyo

Yeah I was lucky enough to get a job here while being a student, not gonna lie the manager here is a rascal but surprisingly honest one…

I was in a hurry when I was about to enter

A girl came running from behind and accidentally bumped me-


I tripped to the ground…


"Oh! – sorry my bad, are you alright!?-"

She forwarded her hand and helped me to stand up…

"Yeah- pretty much"

When I looked at her face...my mind went blank-

She was beautiful…..too beautiful

She had long black hair, pure black eyes, and white skin-

She was wearing a long black coat with belts…. jeans with long heels

So simple yet so beautiful…

"A babe-"


Shit- I spoke my mind!

"O-Oh, nothing! E- Everything alright!"

"Ok then bye, Sorry again!"

Then she left…

A middle-aged guy came from nowhere and shrugged my shoulders-

"She's beyond your league, you know?"

"Yeah, I guess so- !"


"Yeah me! I was wondering why this kid got so late today, and you are just flirting here?"

"Not my fault- It was an accident!"

"Yeah- yeah, now go fast, there are too many orders today"

"Look at the time, boss will probably kill you today"


"Oh- I literally forgot about that!"

"By the way, why are you here Yukihira-San?"

"Your shift ended so early today?

He then takes out a pack of cigarettes and started smoking…

"Nah- It's my cigarette break"

"You know, you'll never get a wife if you keep smoking like that"

"Huh? Shut up brat, you don't know a man's life….."

I ignored his blabbering and went to.... get another lecture from the manager.


"Akihiro-Kun, you can take a break now, I will take it from here"

"Oh thanks, Ando-San"

Can't believe I had to 3 hours extra time today. It is getting pretty exhausting nowadays…

It was never easy, to begin with…

I went to the rooftop to get some fresh air

It was a very large building, a total of five floors and there was no lift, only long stairs as the higher floors were under construction.

As I was going higher and higher, My body feels like shaking…

Was it an earthquake? Or just because of fatigue….

I didn't give it much thought-

When I open the door- Something hit my head

I rolled up and hit the railing of the edge of the rooftop-


There was blood flowing out of my head, I was severely damaged

"Huh!? Who the hell are you now?"

When I opened my eyes- there was a figure standing in front of me, he was standing a few centimeters away

It was a man…..with red eyes, he was wearing a robe with his face half-covered, so I was unable to see his full face

His right hand was like a claw, which was dripping with blood

I was confused about what was happening right now…..but one thing was for certain-

"T-This man…..is not a human!" I thought….

My legs were trembling with fear, I wasn't able to stand up-

"Oh well, who the hell cares- You are just an obstacle, so die!"

He thrusts his right hand towards me-

I didn't even get to blink and his claw was in front of my eyes, he was way too fast…




I was unharmed …

There was a sound of metals clanging each other-

When I open my eyes there was another figure was in front of my eyes…

"Are you okay, Kid?"

It was a young-looking girl, from the looks I was certain she was around my age…

She had white hair and diamond like white-blue eyes-

Her face was somewhat familiar-

"Wait! Aren't you the kid from back then-?"

"Huh!? You are that Hottie from the evening- !?"

"Hottie-!? What?"


Are you kidding me? Is she really is the girl from back then? How did her hair and eye color change!?

"Tch- How did you catch up to me so easily?"

"Underestimating me?"

"Looks like I need to get serious here!"

Then suddenly the atmosphere got heavy

The man ripped apart the robe which he was wearing-

Large black wings rose up from his back…

"How is it? My magnificent Aura!!!"

His red eyes were gleaming in the night sky like he was thirsty for blood-

"This isn't looking good-"

She said to me…

"Listen, kid, I will hold him off so run fast as you can-"

"Huh? I mean- OK!"

"I'm coming~"

He then attacked with his claw again at a speed that could be considered very- unrealistic!

That single attack took out the whole top floor of the building -
