
An Angel's Soul For The Devil's Heart

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This book is back in serialization. *Do check out and add my newest novel to your library.* The Dragon’s Fated Bride Note: The books are intertwined with each other through the characters. However, they are all intended to be standalone novels. There is no specific order. Angels have a history, and demons have a forthcoming... Fallen Archangel Samael is hiding under the guise of Lord Christopher Thorn II, the wealthiest shipping magnet in Victorian London. He has just laid his young wife, Lilith Thorn, to rest after her untimely death. In an effort to comfort the grieving family of the deceased woman, he uses his angelic gifts and accidentally awakens a mysterious entity. Her name is Scarlette Rose.... And this extraordinary being is about to upend Christopher's ordinary life. ~~~ [Excerpt] He lashed out viciously, "This is far from finished." Rose went to protest, and Chris swiftly laid another ferocious kiss on her lips to hush her up. Then tugged her hand, leading her to the curb. While they waited for their carriage, he leaned over and panted into her ear. "You forgot to negotiate what would happen after we finished dinner." Christopher was so close to Rose that she was drowning in his erotic scent. Her clouded mind scrambled to remember what she had said to him earlier in the coach, and the words eventually rang out like an alarm resounding in her head. 'I am in control for the rest of this evening while we are at dinner. You must do everything I want and ask for,' Rose held her tongue and did not respond to Christopher. She realized the error of her words. Rose should have never mentioned the part of 'while at dinner.' She understood it negated the first part of her demand about 'the rest of the evening.' ~~~ THIS IS A SLOWBURN NOVEL: A slow burn is a story that moves at its own pace, usually not very fast, and with characters, obstacles, and plotlines that can take a bit to develop. {WARNING: Mature subject matter R-18} THE SEXY TIME STUFF COMES LATER IN THE BOOK. Disclaimer: THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION. ALL NAMES, CHARACTERS, ORGANIZATIONS, PLACES, AND EVENTS ARE EITHER THE PRODUCT OF THE AUTHOR'S IMAGINATION OR USED IN A FICTITIOUS MANNER. THE BOOK COVER IS MINE; PLEASE DO NOT USE IT. Typography for title created by: @nnaise/nnaise#3536on discord https://discord.gg/YbbR2dK6 email: RoseandThornbook@icloud.com

The_Sweet_Sparrow · Fantasy
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"Where are you injured?" Dante asked with worry.

"It's my side. I had a slight run-in with a blade. I'll be okay. It will heal in a few days." Rose groaned. The wound was becoming painful.

"I see. It should take no time at all to heal if you are like me." Dante stroked her hair. He knew Rose was a night creature, and it was invariably challenging to kill them.

Rose laid her head against Dante's shoulder and closed her eyes. She was ready to lie down and rest peacefully. The past few days had been trying.

Rose was conscience that she was no longer alone in the heartless world. Her eyes burned with unshed tears. Who knew she had a father and that he was like her? She was grateful to have someone who finally understood her and wouldn't persecute her but protect her instead.

She stared blankly at the empty seat in front of her. Carrick had decided to ride with the driver to give the Count and Rose time to converse. She was still in shock at what was surfacing. It was too much for her to take in. She had so many questions for Dante. "Why didn't you come to find me sooner?" Rose mumbled to Dante. He could hear the sorrow in her words.

"I didn't know you existed until a few nights ago." He said softly. The Count loosened his cravat, unbuttoned the top of his shirt, and pulled the pendant out to show Rose. "Does this look familiar to you?"

She nodded her head and sat up in Dante's arms. Rose reached around her neck, grasped a gold chain, and pulled it out of the top of her dress to show a matching tear-drop gemstone around her neck.

Dante beamed at Rose. She was indeed his flesh and blood. It was true. He now had his validation. Rose smiled back at him. It was a smile that did not show in her eyes. Dante tilted his head and wondered what was transpiring in Rose's mind.

The Count sat with Rose reminiscing at how upset he had been when Claire chased him off all those years ago. He didn't understand at the time, but he respected her wishes. Dante now comprehended it was because she had been pregnant with Rose, and if he had to guess, Claire hoped Rose would be born a human, not a night creature.

Another thought crossed Dante's mind. Claire must have given Rose the stone before she passed away. But why was it just now connecting them? The necklaces joined their souls because they were related. This answered why he had been feeling all the crazy emotions over the past few days.

Dante leaned over and embraced Rose in his arms like a delicate flower. He had no intentions of letting go of her. Dante didn't know that feelings like this could exist. He was experiencing a father's love for a child.

"Get this coach moving! Double time!!" He shouted and hammered with his fist on the wall of the carriage. Dante was ready to take Rose home and nurse her back to health. Her fever was rising, and he could feel her heart throbbing. Dante could sense everything she was experiencing through the stones around their necks. He was going to make life better for his daughter.


December 30, 1894

The morning was still early, and Christopher had taken Onyx, his Friesian stallion, out for a brisk ride. The horse was a magnificent specimen and stood seventeen hands high. His coat was lustrous and black as coal with a long mane and full tail. The horse's legs ended in beautiful feathering. Onyx was a powerfully muscled steed that moved with agile and elegant grace. His lineage was from a long line of war horses. Jackson had always ensured they had the best breeds in the stables. Christopher appreciated his horsemanship.

The weather had been storming on and off, and the horse needed to be exercised. Onyx would get rambunctious if Lord Thorn did not ride him regularly. The stallion could be unruly and unpredictable when left alone for too long. Christopher had a special relationship with the equine and believed he was the reincarnated soul of a brave knight who lost his life in a violent battle.

Lord Thorn was riding Onyx along Mill Pond road when he heard a carriage coming in the distance. He believed it was running at a pretty good rate of speed. Faster than it should be, at least for this road. Christopher was about to move into the woods with the horse to avoid getting hit by the oncoming coach, but he misjudged his timing, and the speeding carriage almost struck them.

The carriage rattled Onyx, making him rear straight up on his hind legs into a majestic stance. The horse whinnied loudly and stomped to the ground when he came back down. Christopher had to stand straight up in the stirrups to keep from being thrown off the horse. "Damn IT!" he cursed, shouting at the passing coach.

"YAWH!!!" he yelled and kicked Onyx in the flanks, turning him to follow the carriage. When Christopher found out who was driving it, he would strangle them with his bare hands.

The horse ran hard and fast, catching up to the carriage, and Lord Thorn recognized it belonged to Dante. He followed them right up Drangonwood estate but stopped shy of entering the mansion grounds. He would give the Count a piece of his mind when he saw him.

"Rose, stay out of sight and in the coach. I have a pest to get rid of. I will come back to you soon." He kissed his daughter on top of her head, and she lay her trembling body across the carriage seat. Dante whistled at the driver and signaled for him to take the coach to the back entrance of the mansion. He observed the carriage pull off around the corner, and then the count walked up to the estate entrance so he could handle a furious Lord Christopher Thorn.

"Where's the fire, Dante?" Christopher's face was burning bright red, and his expression was filled with rage.

"Well, if you must know, Lord Thorn, it's in hell." Dante deadpanned with an exasperated look. He had better things to do than be berated by Christopher.

"Oh...! Was that you? We barely missed hitting in the road?" irony flowed from the words that came out of Dante's mouth.

Christopher wanted to dismount Onyx and thrash Dante to a bloody pulp. The Lord clutched the horse's reins so tight that his knuckles were white. "You almost killed us with that little stunt, you arrogant bastard. If something ever happens, Dante, I will personally hold you accountable and make sure you pay with your life." Christopher castigated the Count.

"I doubt that, Christopher. We already know that's not a possibility." Dante raised his eyebrows and had an odious grin spread across his lips. He knew Christopher understood his words. "If you will forgive me, I have company waiting. Is there anything additional, Lord Thron?"

"Yes, Why are you back?" Christopher replied curtly.

"Still can't trust me? Can you, Lord Thorn? You will see soon enough." Dante was dying to introduce his daughter, Rose. He knew it would drive Christopher over the edge.

"Is Giselle with you?" If so, I'd like to meet with both of you soon."

"Fine, we can have dinner after the New Year. Giselle should be here from Calias by then. I'm sure she can't wait to see you." Dante chuckled. He knew there was no love lost between those two. The Count also comprehended what Christopher wanted. "I will be sure to have my man Carrick send the formal invite to your estate."

"Looking forward to it. Good Day, Dante." Christopher was short with his response. He turned Onyx on a dime and charged the horse back to his mansion without another word. Lord Thorn had to depart before he did something reckless. Christopher wanted to smash in Dante's smug face.

The Lord also understood another thing. The Count was hiding something. Christopher's senses were on high alert. He would have to put the men back on security detail at the mansion.

The carriage sat under the Porte cochere at the back of the manor. Rose fell in and out of consciousness, waiting on Dante to return for her. She could scarcely move a muscle. Rose had never felt this awful.

The coach door swung open, startling Rose. She sat up off the seat to step out of the carriage, and Dante stood waiting to assist her. He gave her his hand to descend and noticed she was stiff. The Count placed an arm around Rose's waist. He could tell she was emaciated and extremely ill.

"Carrick, go prepare the room to the left of mine. Rose needs to sleep."

"The suite on the left?" The butler questioned, only to receive an outraged stare from the Count. The butler stood frozen in front of Dante. His brows knitted, and he wore a troubled look on his face.

"Did I stutter, Carrick?" The Count's eyes narrowed, and his lips pressed into a hard thin line. "Yes, the one on the left. Why are you lingering? I didn't know; the room was enchanted and could ready itself unassisted." Dante said with sarcasm. His patience was running thin with the help.

"I-It's Just..." stammered Carrick. He was nervously twisting the ring on his finger while speaking.

"What is it? Could you go on and spit it out? You are wasting time standing here mumbling." The Count growled at the butler.

Carrick kept tripping over his words. He could not clearly communicate what he wanted to the Count. The man made him a jittery wreck. "The room on the left is Giselle's" Carrick began sweating excessively. He didn't need two demons pulling him apart over a bedroom.