
Week 9: Seeking Equilibrium

The remnants of your outburst still hang in the air, tangible and heavy. The surge of emotions that had overwhelmed you, causing your body to tremble and turn red, now dissipates as you regain control over your feelings. Taking a deep breath, you gather your thoughts and address the woman beside you.

You: "I'm sorry about that sudden outburst. It was a result of my frustration, feeling utterly powerless and lacking control in this situation. But I want to thank you for understanding and for offering me a chance to regain some autonomy."

Her eyes soften, and she nods with empathy.

Her: "I completely understand. It can be disorienting and overwhelming to be thrust into a new world without any say in the matter. I want to help you find your footing and give you an opportunity to choose one of three worlds to explore. Additionally, you can make an additional reasonable request to assist you in navigating this new realm."

The weight of her understanding and support lifts the burden from your shoulders. Gratitude surges within you, mingled with a newfound resolve to navigate this adventure on your own terms.

You: "Thank you. I appreciate your guidance and the chance to take control of my own path. Let's continue our exploration through the guild and the other places you mentioned. Lead the way whenever you're ready."

A warm smile graces her lips as she recognizes the growing determination within you.

Her: "I'm glad to see you feeling better now. Together, we'll uncover the wonders of the guild and the worlds that await. Follow me."

With her as your trusted guide, you step into the guild's entrance, marked by a prominent sign declaring 'Guild: Marion Capital City Branch.' The interior buzzes with activity as adventurers of various ranks gather and prepare for their quests. As you navigate through the bustling space, the woman gestures towards a board displaying numerous quests.

Her: "Here we have the quest board. It's divided into different ranks, ranging from G to A+. The ranks continue beyond A+, but those higher requests require a direct personal request to a rank S or higher individual. When you join the guild, an A+ ranker will assess your abilities and assign you a starting rank from H to A. You'll be eligible to undertake quests up to one rank higher than your assigned rank. Completing quests successfully earns you experience and rewards, contributing to your ranking progress. Failure, however, has its consequences, deducting points from your total. It's important to note that quests below your rank only grant experience and rewards without counting towards your rank advancement."

You absorb the information, realizing that your journey in this world is not only about exploration but also about proving your capabilities within the guild's structure.

You: "I see. So, it's a system where completing quests at your rank contributes positively, while failure or taking on quests below your rank has its repercussions. It's a challenging path, but it also offers the opportunity for growth and advancement."

Her: "Exactly. The guild provides a framework for your progress and helps gauge your abilities. It's a way to challenge yourself and climb the ranks, unlocking more significant opportunities."

As you continue to move through the guild, she points out various areas, including the reception desk for new members.

Her: "When you're ready to join the guild officially, you'll need to approach the reception desk and submit your application. I would suggest mentioning that you come from an unknown country to the guild, as it's best to keep certain details undisclosed."

With each piece of information, your understanding of the guild deepens. The quest board, the ranking system, and the significance of successful quests all become part of the tapestry that weaves your story in this new world. Excitement bubbles within you as you embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.