
Week 5: A Choice Between Talk and Exploration

Coming to a halt, you turn around to face the woman, a mix of curiosity and unease filling your gaze.

You: "Is there a good place where we can talk? You never explained how you accidentally killed me."

The woman pauses for a moment, contemplating your question.

Her: "Would you like to finish exploring the worlds first, or shall we have a conversation? We can discuss this matter anywhere you prefer, as no one can observe or hear us."

You weigh your options for a brief moment before addressing the burning question.

You: "Why did you kill me?"

Her expression softens, and she sighs before responding.

Her: "Instead of answering that question directly, let me explain how it happened. As I mentioned before, it was indeed an accident."

With a simple wave of her hand, she conjures the chairs you were previously sitting on and takes a seat, inviting you to join her.

Her: "I was attempting to transport someone who had been killed by a truck to another world, much like the 'Isekai' concept that exists in your world. However, due to the striking similarity between your soul and theirs, I mistakenly brought you here, unintentionally ripping your soul from your body. I deeply apologize for my carelessness, but I only realized my error when it was already too late."

The weight of her words settles upon you, causing a whirlwind of emotions to swirl within.

You: "Holy mother! Oh my goodness, this is unbelievable, just wow."

Her eyes reflect a mixture of understanding and remorse as she responds to your astonishment.

Her: "I am aware that such a careless mistake, especially for those possessing powers like mine, goes beyond anything most individuals in your world could fully comprehend or accept. However, I want you to understand that I never intended any harm towards you. I sincerely hope you don't harbor any negative feelings towards me. I genuinely regret the accidental loss of your life."

As her words sink in, you find yourself grappling with a complex mix of emotions. The woman's remorse and explanation offer a glimpse into her true intentions, yet the weight of the situation lingers. A decision lies before you—should you continue exploring the worlds, delving deeper into the mysteries they hold, or engage in a conversation that may shed further light on the circumstances that brought you to this extraordinary realm? The choice is yours.