
Week 39: Nightfall

You give a subtle nod of agreement, and the butler offers a brief, courteous nod as well.

You: "Sure thing. Extra hands are always good."

Bondal: "Much obliged. I'd be delighted to show you around the forest whenever you fancy an adventure, little one."

The butler, ever composed, interjects.

Butler: "Dinner is approaching. Perhaps we should return. Should I prepare a meal for Miss Bondal too?"

Bondal: "No need, my sustenance comes from dealing with the unruly monsters in the woods."

You: "Monsters? That's unexpected. Maybe we should head back."

The maid adds her voice, a reminder echoing caution.

Maid: "Monsters are why I advised against venturing alone, especially for someone as young as the princess."

Bondal reassures with a confident grin.

Bondal: "No worries about monsters with me around. Any foolish enough to challenge us will be dealt with swiftly by your butler and me."

Butler: "However, considering the time, returning might be wise."

You: "Seems like learning self-defense is in my future. And yes, I'm hungry. Let's head back."

The group begins the journey back to the castle, retracing the steps that led to the mysterious clearing.

Butler: "If you're interested, I can arrange for someone to provide basic self-defense lessons starting tomorrow. We'll keep it appropriate for your age." He hands you what appears to be a cookie. "Also, a little something to curb your hunger until dinner arrives."