
Week 28: A Companion Found

Filled with a newfound sense of purpose, you express your desire to return to the fantasy world in search of a potential companion for your journey.

You: "Can I go back to the fantasy world to find a companion to join me on this adventure?"

Kore: "Certainly, I can take you to the dark forest. Don't let the name fool you; it's not dark because of a lack of light but because of the mysteries that lie within. No one who enters that forest ever returns alive. However, with my protection, you won't even be perceived by its inhabitants."

The spinning lights transport you to a forest that surpasses your wildest imaginings. Untouched by human hands, it exudes an otherworldly beauty.

Eager to explore, you survey the surroundings, searching for signs of unique creatures and possible weapon inspirations. Within the harmonious ecosystem of the forest, you notice peculiar green-skinned beings resembling humanoid figures. They wield glittering, albeit rudimentary, weapons such as spears and swords. Amidst this enchanting scene, you spot a lone animal resembling a cross between a wolf and a polar bear cub. It appears vulnerable and in need of assistance, yet the green-skinned creatures seem oblivious to its plight.

You: "How can I help the cub?"

Kore: "There are two ways to ensure its survival, but both require your explicit request. The first option is to make it your tamed beast, which would entail choosing either the Fantasy or Apocalyptic world. The second option is for me to heal it without any personal benefit to you. These are the only two choices that guarantee its survival."

Kore continues, offering a third option that she's willing to do without it counting as a request.

Kore: "As an alternative, I can increase the light shining upon the cub to enhance its visibility and improve the chances of the green-skinned beings noticing it. While this doesn't guarantee its survival, it significantly increases the likelihood."

The decision weighs heavily on your mind, requiring careful consideration.

You: "I choose to make it my companion."

Kore: "Very well, I'll heal it and bring it into our reality so that you can start bonding with it."

A warm light envelops the cub, and when it dissipates, it stands on all fours, wagging its tail and gazing at you with adoring eyes, its tongue playfully hanging out.

You: "Do you have anything I can feed Archer?"

Kore: "Of course, in this state, it's a simple matter."

She hands you what appears to be jerky.

Kore: "Even if you were in a physical form, you could safely consume this. However, I wouldn't recommend it for anyone other than a disembodied soul. In a corporeal body, eating it would likely induce an out-of-body experience lasting hours before returning to your physical form. Once you do return, though, you'd feel refreshed, and your body would function better than ever. But this effect only occurs on the mortal plane. Since you're in the divine plane now, you needn't worry."

Curiosity piqued, you take a bite, savoring a remarkable blend of flavors—apples, pears, oranges, pineapples, and ginger—despite its meat-like appearance. Satisfied, you offer the rest to the cub, who greedily devours it, then jumps on you, showering you with joyful licks.

You attempt to rub the cub's belly, and he eagerly rolls over, accepting your affectionate belly rubs. It becomes apparent that he is a male.

You: "I'm going to call you Archer."

Archer emits a sound reminiscent of a bear's purr and a wolf's bark, clearly pleased with his newfound name. With your bond forged and a companion by your side, you embark on this adventure with renewed determination.