
Week 13: Unraveling the Mysteries of Magic

Unraveling the Mysteries of Magic

You express your desire for Kore to elucidate the workings of magic as you make your way to the arena.

Kore: "Certainly. Would you prefer me to explain it now or while we are inside the arena, witnessing it firsthand?"

You: "I'd appreciate an explanation beforehand. I want to be mentally prepared for what I'm about to witness, and it would be beneficial to know in case I have the potential to utilize magic myself."

Kore: "Very well. Let's delve into the fundamentals. Magic in this realm revolves around four core elements, two auxiliary elements, and the elusive realm of personal magic. The core elements encompass Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. The auxiliary elements consist of Light and Poison. Personal magic, on the other hand, comprises spells that fall outside these elemental classifications and can only be wielded by individuals blessed by the gods. Thankfully, for most adventurers, the spell to access their item box is bestowed upon them when they embark on their journey, provided their intentions are genuine."

Kore proceeds to illuminate the intricacies of magic, equipping you with the knowledge necessary to comprehend the forthcoming spectacle. As she imparts her wisdom, you realize the potential significance it holds for your own journey.

You: "It's fascinating to grasp the different elements and the concept of personal magic. So, even if one doesn't possess an affinity for a particular element, they can still cast spells from it?"

Kore: "Indeed. Regardless of affinity, one can harness the power of any core or auxiliary element. However, having an affinity for a specific element grants an advantage. It allows for easier spellcasting and conserves mana, the vital energy that fuels magic. The chances of possessing an affinity for each core element is 25%, while the odds for the auxiliary elements stand at 10% each."

The revelation of elemental affinities piques your interest, envisioning the possibilities that lie ahead.

Kore: "Mana, as you may already know, is the life force from which magic draws its power. This energy permeates all things, even the very air around us. However, the inhabitants of this world primarily tap into the mana within their own bodies, unaware of the abundant source surrounding them. Mastering the utilization of ambient mana can alleviate the strain placed on one's body, with the only residual burden being the mental focus required. This knowledge is crucial because, in this world, a body devoid of magic causes the soul to depart, leading to its demise."

As Kore concludes her explanation, you absorb the weight of this revelation, recognizing the delicate balance between magic, mana, and the preservation of life within this realm. Your journey into the arena takes on a new significance as you prepare to witness firsthand the manifestations of this mystical power.