
Week 10: Seeking Answers

With a sense of gratitude for the guidance you've received thus far, you turn to the woman beside you.

You: "Thank you for sharing all of this valuable information. I appreciate your assistance. Could you please lead me to the next destination?"

Her: "Certainly, follow me. We'll head to the hospital next."

Leaving the guild behind, you both make your way outside and set off towards the hospital. Curiosity tugs at your thoughts, prompting you to seek clarification.

You: "I'm curious, why is it important for me to know the way from the hospital back to the guild?"

Her: "Well, when the time comes for you to be incarnated, it will be into the body of an individual who no longer possesses a soul but whose body is still alive. And where else would you find such a person other than a hospital?"

The revelation sends a shiver down your spine, the implications of this revelation sinking in. The hospital, a place of life and death, would be the gateway to your new existence in this world. You realize the significance of understanding the route, not only for practical reasons but also for the emotional and existential journey that lies ahead.

You: "I see. The hospital symbolizes the transition from one state of being to another, a place where the soul is replaced and new life begins. It's a profound and transformative process."

Her gaze meets yours, filled with understanding and empathy.

Her: "Exactly. The hospital is where the delicate thread connecting body and soul is severed and rewoven. It's a pivotal moment in your journey, and I want to ensure you're prepared."

Silent determination fuels your steps as you continue towards the hospital. Questions and uncertainties swirl within your mind, yet a newfound sense of purpose grounds you. The path ahead may be filled with challenges and unknowns, but you're ready to face them head-on.

You: "Lead the way. I'm ready to embrace this next chapter and discover what lies beyond."

With her as your steadfast guide, you journey onward, drawn closer to the hospital that will mark a profound turning point in your existence. The mysteries of this world unravel before you, and with each step, you become more attuned to the extraordinary nature of your adventure.