
Chapter 1 - Baby Amy


"Push . . . push! " doctor Rim  says to Lynn, it has now been 9 months since we left off with a cliff hanger of what Amy and Billy would do knowing that their enemy's daughter is carrying their offspring.

    "Push, one more time, YOU'RE ALMOST THERE " says doctor Rim one more time. To Lynn, for a quick second there was nothing, as if after that last push everything had stopped. It was like the world had stopped and nothing happened. Then a sudden realization went in Lynn's head. The baby was crying, Russell was next to her tearing up in joy, the doctor rushing the baby to the little table thing to get them cleaned off.

    Everything seemed okay and everything was great in that moment of time. The next day, all 37 hours of precious labor was nothing but a memory.

    " Get her on the table now ! "

    " where's the IV? I need the IV "

     Russell wakes up in fear not knowing what has happened, as he glances over next to him, he sees the baby being covered up in a white blanket and the love of his life fighting for her life .


To be continued . . .  .  .  . . . . . .  .