
Amulet World’s king: The first Human

A young teenage Boy faces an adventure he never knew exists. He carries two worlds one on each shoulder and we should find out how long he can possibly last in the battlefield...............

AWK · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Ren’s palace

Isolated from danger, we soon reached Ren's palace, I was spellbound with the enormous mansion sized palace of his. "The place you were staying at was the savage land. That land is filled with savage creatures who attack people from Amulet world. So they are like protection. Trust me, the real Darklands is much better." Ren was explaining as we started to reach the main gates of Ren's palace. We stood outside and waited for someone to answer. I thought the gates would swing open, the gates haven't but the mini hole has. Only the single eye of a possibly small creature with wild scars all around it could be seen on the other side. This creature probably fought many wars and the scars were nothing but the healed bruises left behind. A high pitched voice erupted through the hole, with considerable slurring, this thing saw me first and asked, "which place did you come from?" "Ummm, Amulet World?" I fearfully replied rubbing my foot into the dust outside. "You are free to enter, but are you sure you can bear the suffering and consequences beyond these gates?" He slurred monotonously until he saw Ren. "Master Ren!" he exclaimed without slurring anymore. "Open the doors and let us in." Ren asked the gate keeper thing while I was lost in my thoughts. "Yes master Ren." The sluggy thing closed the lid and I could hear whips and screams. The gates creaked open.

Inside I could see some people wearing expensive armours and suites and were whipping other people who were nearly stripped wearing nothing but small pieces of cloth. The eccentric atmosphere made me feel like an intruder. I slowly walked close to Ren, as in his palace, I would lose all my power. "Who are the people in suites?" I asked while my voice went almost started to crack up. "Oh, the ones in Armours are people from my army, and the ones in suits are generals." Ren confidently smiled and walked across all the people while they were getting whipped to bend and greet their king. Back at Amulet world, people were free to roam and always had a smile on their faces, while here, I can only see the king smile. His palace was tall, really tall, it reached the dark clouds and had a slim shape. "So, what do you think?" Ren asked looking up trying to find the tip of his palace. "Yea, pretty good." I replied in a very sarcastic manner because the truth is, I am petrified. I don't know how this guy manages to stay happy with people suffering all around him, but I didn't say a word.

Ren asked again, "you wanna go inside? You are gonna love it." The outside itself made me petrified, I nodded, but I started to reconsider to go back and live in the savage land again. I slowly landed my leg into the inside of his palace. The floor was made with dark ice, it was smooth and slippery. The ice made the whole place cold. I started to shiver but I used my chi to keep going. Ren didn't shiver much, mainly because the armour on him was stronger than my armour as my armour is made out of pure daylight. Ren is wearing the pure eclipse armour. The walls were covered with blood and darkness mixed. The blood belonged to the people who they won against. It is a belief that if the other people's blood would mix with their power, it would increase their power. I was going crazy, crazy about their beliefs, their superiority, everything. I heard distorted voices coming from all around, "how dare you not only kill the Amulatian, but bring him to us." They were the past kings and queens of the Darklands, so it something like the void at Amulet world, just that these people do not have a sense of privacy. Ren was a little crass, but he might be the most kindest person I have ever met. He was kind to me, but he couldn't tell that as a reply, "Well, you see, if he dies, I die too."

I was pretty happy he didn't say he liked me, if he did, the ancestors of the throne would calumnies us. They surprisingly agreed and let me through. I had enough starving, we sat at a very luxurious table expanding across the room whispering weird noises, "the darkness is alive and speaks with us in this table." Ren clarified my doubt. Now I feel much better than The food I ate all this time in the savage land, but I cannot keep my hopes up. They gave a gross looking dish to Ren, I started to freak out if they were going to give me a few tastes of their such 'special dishes'. Fortunately for me, they knew some of Amulet Worlds food. So I have had a scrumptious dinner and decided to sleep. They didn't have a guest bed, so Ren arranged a bed in his own room. As we were chatting while strolling around, we reached Ren's room, the servant was dressed rather decently, like the way waiters are dressed back at Earth. I really started to freak out, as I didn't want them to know that I am an Earthling. Humans were never invited to either Amulet world or Darklands, mainly because they have both darkness and light, just that they cannot feel their chi. (Don't ask me how I can, perhaps because I am king) The servant greeted us with a slight raise of his hat and bowed down as Low as possible. We passed through without uttering a word.

The inside of his room was brilliant. Truly gorgeous, he had a series of colours and pictures of us (us because we look the same) Stuck on the bright walls. "I am guessing your room doesn't have any darkness," "No it doesn't, I didn't want any of that in my room" He left out a lot of breath with a smile when he said 'no'. I quietly rested my exhausted back slowly onto the bed and snored to myself.