
The New Girl

#Chapter1 The New Girl

Arabelle skipped through her class to the door giggling at her stupid imagination , Pigs in the sky ? what a sight it will be . She looked up at her locker and unlocked it getting a cold breeze from the now open doors of the hallway , as she started taking her notes out when her ears picked up her friends voice and she smiled widely .

/" Arabelle !/" Denna Yelled and dropped her hand on Arabelle's shoulder . /"I am so done already !/" she sighs . /"But it’s only the second period De /" Arabelle stated while Denna rolled her eyes . /" I know I know /" . The girls walked to their respective classes when Arabelle noticed a unknown girl walking through the hallways . She looked lost . She must be new .

/" Are you lost ?/" Arabelle asked her as she leaned on the lockers . She body immediately jerked towards Arabelle and she smiled . /" Yes I am . My name is Lucy /" they both introduced each other while Arabelle showed Lucy the class she was supposed to be in .

/"Thanks /" , /" No problem /" Arabelle replied to Lucy . /" If you like you can sit with us at lunch , we sit on the Very last table in the canteen /" Arabelle smiled before walking away while Lucy thanked her again .

Sitting with four unknown people was difficult for Lucy but they were all were sweet . /" This is Dena !!/" Arabelle said hugging Dean from behind . /" I am Dean , her brother /" The guy in black hair spoke pointing at Denna . /" No wonder you alike /" Lucy said . Arabelle sat next to Denna while Lucy sat next to Sky . Sky was a total flirt . But she didn't mind .

/"She is Caroline /" Arabelle said gesturing a ginger hair girl next to sky . /" Nice to meet you Lucy /" she spoke and Lucy smiled back . Lunch was more fun now that they had one more friend . Arabelle was happy as usual for no particular reason .

As the noon hit the sky they all were free to go home , /" I thinking we should all protest for the college to be in the morning or something /" Sky stated making Arabelle laugh while other sigh at his stupidity .

As Arabelle walked out and stood near the gates with others she munched on her chocolate . Being a chocoholic sure wasn't good but she loved it so who would stop her . /" Why are you guys waiting ? He will come soon you all should go home /" Arabelle stated . /" Who ?/" Lucy asked but her voice didn't reached through .

/" Ya but he is late today /" Denna stated and Arabelle nods . /" It’s okay . You can't miss your bus go /" Arabelle stated finally insisting and making Dean and Denna walk away but Caroline and Sky stayed with Lucy and Arabelle . /" Who are we waiting for ?/" Lucy asked and Arabelle beamed like a child . /" Archer /"she said .

/" And who is AR-/" her voice was cut by the sound of a honk . She saw a black Audi pull up in front of Arabelle as she laughs at one of Sky's jokes .

Lucy was startled as she saw a handsome breathtakingly hot guy hop out . Oh he is soooo good looking But he looked so dangerous. She thought . Must be her Brother ? Lucy was about to ask when Arabelle beamed up again ./" See Caro , I told you that jacket would look nice !!!/" Arabelle laughed as Caroline nodded .

She saw Him walking towards them when two senior guys started talking to him . They looked in a serious talk .

/" Who is he ?/" Lucy asked when Sky replied . /" He is Archer , Three years senior to us /" Sky muttered . /" Is he Arabelle's brother ?/" Lucy asked and Sky laughed . /" No /" he said . Lucy was taken away by him . She could feel the voices drop as he walked inside the gates and everyone go quite.

/"Hi !!/" Arabelle jumped to greet him like a child but he did not smile nor looked at any of her friends but her . /" You are late !/" She said hugging him . Lucy couldn't understand it . How could a funny witty dumb girl be talking to a hot yet dangerous guy like him .

She didn't mean to sound bad but , Arabelle was the overly excited girl and He . Archer was just quite , Almost like he hated everyone . /"How was lunch? is Mary coming tonight ?/" Arabelle rambled while Lucy stood their confused . But to everyone . It was normal , Obvious and that was how it was .

Archer suddenly leaned down and laid his lips on her making Lucy gulp . /" They ...They are together ?!!/" she whisper yelled . /" Yep , They have been together for Six months now , But even before that , he wouldn't let any guy take her /" Sky mutter near Lucy .

Arabelle bit goodbyes as Archer opened the car door for her . She smiled at Lucy but Lucy only nodded back still surprise .

The ride back home was quite . Arabelle knew Archer well then his own family . Archer wasn't a talk and smiled . He opened his mouth only in crucial moments . But when with Arabelle He would talk more . Arabelle bit her lip as his hand rested on her thigh . Her fingers played with his pinky .

/"You know Dad and mom are going to Germany next week /" She sounded sad . /" It’s only for ten days but I guess I will miss them /" she stated , /" Is your Aunt coming to stay over ?/" Archer asked taking his hand off her thigh to put it on the wheel . After a turn he slipped it right back into her hand .

/" Haven't asked yet /" she muttered . Archer couldn't handle his girl being sad . Hence he pulled up near the sweet shop and as soon as Arabelle saw it her eyes lit up . her hand slipped off Archer's and rested on the window . /" Archer ! Please ! pretty please ! I promise I will give you two from mine !!!!/" She started jumping on her seat and he laughed at her childish behaviour .

/" Only if I get a kiss /" He was immediately given a kiss on his cheek but he wasn't satisfied . He stopped the car but kept the doors locker . /" Here /" he said tapping his lips . Arabelle blushed red but moved near and peck his lips softly . Archer smirked Took her hand in his as his girl giggled like a baby .