
Chapter50 Bizarre attraction (1)

Chapter50 Bizarre attraction (1)

“Come on Amora, we didn’t even go that far. Will you stop crying already?. I hate it when you do. Please stop”

“This is all your fault too you know”

“I was gentle”.

“Gentle!! You want me pregnant or what? You weren’t anything like gentle. I hate how you make me feel. I hate it” The poor girl sobbed hard.

The man could not take her tears anymore. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and comforted her.

“I am really sorry, forgive me please” Cole pleaded. He was having trouble with her sad tears.

“You don’t even listen to me, what type of man are you? You are a beast, I don’t like you just get away from me. You have gotten what you want, now leave” She pointed her hand to the door.

Cole's heart quivered in pain seeing his beloved throwing him away. It was his fault he couldn’t control himself.

“I am really sorry Mora, listen to me please”

“Cole I will say it once again. Please get the fuck out of my room. I don’t ever want to see your face again, I hate you!!” She yelled, her face buried inside the pillow, her brunette hair scattered all over the bed.

Cole sadly picked the trouser and shirt he had thrown on the floor when trying to make love to her. He looked at the petite silhouette once again. Longing ness and regret flashed in his eyes.

“I am sorry, Mora but I won’t let you go. That can never happen, you are just mine and mine alone” With that said, he left the room.

Amora sobbed hard on the bed. Her chest hurt even her heart was not spared. She hated it when someone forced her to do something.

Seeing the faint blood on the bed, her cries increased.

He took it, he did. She sobbed.

Outside the door, Cole leaned against the wall, his lips curled upward. The sad and pained look was not seen again Instead it was one of mischievousness.

“Amora from this point onward you are my woman and I won’t spare any one that tries to separate us” His eyes dark as ever.

“My Mora” He called out with love. Remembering how she cried when he took her pricked him. I am sorry for not been careful and gentle in your first time.


Three days later after the incident, Amora felt depressed but that didn’t stop her from going to college.

She had all of the lectures of the day, when she turned to go home. She encountered Tristan, the light heart beat she felt before didn’t happen. In fact she was pissed off seeing him.

Since he pretended he didn’t know her, why don’t she also pretend. It was better that way.

“What do you want from me?” She hissed.

“Is that how to speak with me, Mora? How many years did I not stay with you for this attitude of yours?” He asked coldly.

Amora rolled her eyes in annoyance “I don’t know what you mean and I don’t want to know either. Just get out of my way” She told, her eyes fixed on the car not far away from her.

She could already feel the cold dark eyes glaring hard at her from there.

“Amora, you know I am no longer that Ni-Ki anymore right?? I will do anything to get you this time, I won’t be persuaded by your tears or feelings. Tristan gets anything he lays his eyes own” He ran his hand through her hair.

Amora froze on the spot hearing his words. Her body felt like running away as she felt the glare from the car.


“You heard me, Mora” Tristan continued playing with her hair. His course mate were so surprised with his behavior. In front of the building was Damien also watching everything. His hands clenched into a fist.

Why is she with him??

“Ni-Ki...I mean Tristan, you must be delusional. This is a prank right??”

Tristan smirked coldly “”So what if I am Tristan now, nothing matters anymore as long as you are mine. What?? You think I am still that seventeen year old guy you dumbed. Amora, the old Ni-Ki died and it is all because of you. You hurt me deeply that words alone can not explain. But now that you have dipped your own grave, I am never going to let you go. No one will be able to save you from me this me. Not Ni-Ki or you. Nobody” He yelled.

The tired Amora held her hard in pain. Why was this happening to her? Was she destined to never have a peaceful life?

It felt like a nightmare for her. Her head hurt terribly.

Damien who noticed her tired expression softened his heart. He thought she was sick and approached her bit at the same time, the car just five steps away from the scene opened with a freshed man in his suit stepping out.

When the ladies saw him, their eyes widened in shock.

“It is Mr Davies, oh my God, the business tycoon here” A girl gasped.

“Does her perhaps have a sister here?” A blonde girl behind her uttered, the rest nodded their head.

The man margestically walked his way to the little woman standing in between the two guys.

“He is walking towards that new girl, do you think he knows her? Is she his sister or family??”

“Well I heard she came from one of the richest families so it wouldn’t be a surprise of they knew each other”

“But my gosh, I am finally seeing the greatest Cole Davies. This feels like a dream”

The gossips made Amora frown. She lowered her head tiredly. Her eyes became blurr. She was just about to leave with Cole when she fell unconscious.



The three men called out together. Cole grumbled in anger when they touched his woman. Tristan blinked at him in surprise.

Wasn’t he the substitute teacher back then? What is this thing about Cole Davies?? He was quite confused.

“Mora wake up” When the other two were throwing death daggers at each other, Damien tried waking the woman on the floor.

Passers by rolled their eyes . The ladies could not help but feel envious.

“She is so lucky”

“How about I faint too??” A girl uttered. The girl next to her puffed her cheeks “Wait till a dog kisses you until you are finally awake”

“That was mean”

Cole took off his suit, wrapped it around the girl's body. He carried her princess style and left to his car.

“Wait!! How do we trust you are related to her?” Damien asked still feeling restless that Amora might be in the wrong arms.

Cole's lips twitched angrily, he simply replied “That’s because she is my girlfriend” He took her in the car and drove off immediately.

A scream rippled in the crowd.

“Girlfriend, unbelievable....she is just eighteen...she likes dating older men”

“Who cares about that, the real deal is that she is not just dating a random man but Cole Davies...she is damn so lucky” The rest agreed.

Damien looked at the disappearing car. He didn’t know what came to him but he turned around and threw a blow at Tristan.

“Didn’t you see she was tired? Why would you try to force her? So despicable” He left angrily after saying that.


Meanwhile inside the car

A certain man glared at the unconscious woman beside him. He wished to teach her a lesson but seeing her tired face, his boiling anger dissipated a little.

“You are turning me into a word beast, little woman...I warned you to stay away from them but now you have added another Pablo family to your life. I wish I could hide you somewhere you won’t be able to leave”

He thought

On the highway, he stopped by the side to calm the terrified girl beside him. He observed she was having a terrifying dream. Calmly, he touched her face and whispered “Shh, I am here, don’t be scared”

Amora stopped struggling when that soft hand touch her. She felt secure and safe. Unconsciously, she grabbed his arm refusing to let go. Cole smiled as he patted her hair.

Her bright pink lips lured him to have a kiss. At first he wanted to stop himself but when they brightened and were asking to be kissed, he couldn’t control.

He kissed her as if his whole life depended on it. Amora moaned, she wrapped her arms around his neck for a better access. The man entered his tongue inside her mouth. He was so happy, she was accepting his kiss.

Mora was losing it. In her dream, she felt someone touching her but unusually, she felt her heart beat loudly seeing the person. She couldn’t resist him and dragged him to herself.


Sorry about the repeated chapter. Will explain further in the next chapter.