
American Tycoon Reborn

Through a twist of fate, David Frost traveled back in time to 1995 Los Angeles, The City of Angels. The Internet era was just about to begin. Technology giants Apple, Yahoo, Google, Amazon, Facebook. All of them will pass through his hands. Hollywood, the destination of wealth, youth, and beauty, a place full of materialism and sex. Thousands of beautiful women travel here with hopes of becoming famous, and every one of them will know of one name, David Frost of Frost Pictures. With countless memories of many Hollywood blockbusters, David will journey through the realm of the Hollywood film industry, slowly growing his empire into an untouchable giant. This is his dream. Beauties everywhere, which one should I take home tonight? "Remember this, what's mine will always be mine, and what's yours will also be mine." - David Frost

GorathWebNovels · Urban
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45 Chs

Innate Greed

Back at the trading room, David was sitting in the front seat at the corner, listening to the short report of Alexander sitting on the right-hand side of the conference table. The rest of the traders waited for all the market orders to be completed.

David listened carefully to the latest developments and related news of Netscape.

The stock market is becoming more and more greedy, rising, falling, rising, and rising. It was not following any general rules, only continuously going up.

Any good rumors about Netscape can even push the price up, contributing more to the positive changes in the stock market.

David knows very well that this is caused by the innate greed of the people.

In the first wave, professional investors find a good company and make a lot of profit. At the second wave, news starts to spread, and here come the general investors who blindly follow the 'good news,' expecting to get a share of profits.

Everyone copies others without understanding what they are doing. They are only attracted by money. When this kind of greed and cheap rumors spread around, the stock will become too uncontrollable.

It will be difficult to know what will happen tomorrow.

"Mr. Frost, the Netscape stock had become too hot and has attracted the attention of so many people. A lot of people are coming to our bank to inquire about the news.

Although some people have doubts, the general consensus is that this is a good stock to bet on. But with so many people following, there are already some concerns in the market.

And from your orders, we have used all our current funds available, which is about $70 million, to join the fray once more.

On the second day of trading, we got all our funds in at an average price of $59.

The stocks are still very popular, and everyone is obviously optimistic in their own way about Netscape. It is estimated that with more people joining, this price will continue to rise within the next few days."

After Alexander finished reporting the latest situation, David looked at the detailed data on the table, news, trade data, and prices.

As expected, the general populace is now joining in, which will only contribute further to increasing the price.

During this time, most people probably don't understand what they are doing, but since it's helping his plan, then it is obviously good.

What he was doing now is to use all his funds to buy at the lowest price possible and sell it at the best time before Microsoft takes action.

David closed the documents. His lips curled up, showing a hint of a smile, seemingly very happy and interestingly curious about the minds of all these people.

"Haha, Alexander, let's hope it will go just like you said."

You know, the higher the price goes, the greater correction will be. Some will benefit from it, and a lot will only end up being the victims.

The market is very chaotic, and only a few geniuses have their own unique insights about how things would move.

Investors are greedy, and the people are greedy. When everyone becomes greedy, it is time to pull out.

Many people should be gambling on Netscape's growth, but the line between gamblers and genuine investors is very thin. It is almost negligible.

Most investments also have a certain gambling element, and the boldest speculations are also partly strategic investments.

Maybe these investments are no different than gambling. Some are just in your favor, while the others are not.

"Hehe, Mr. Frost. The scale of our investment this time is larger, but it is not much compared to the volume circulating in the market.

The market is also leaning towards us, and when it is time, we can release it back anytime.

Now that the stock is very hot, someone will definitely eat it all. This time, it will be much faster than the previous one.

This can already be considered a very successful investment."

Alexander still felt very weird about all this. He sincerely admired David's courage to put all of his available funds. You know this is a gamble worth almost half his entire wealth.

This is the third day since Netscape went public, and the trading price has risen all the way up. The market still is very confident about this company.

Today, the market opened at $75. The pursuit of money never stopped, and people remained positive about this particular stock.

Media all over the world never stopped updating their reports towards Netscape, singing songs of praise, pushing Netscape further into the limelight.

"Yes, that's right. Of course, this is inseparable from all your work during this period. Haha, don't worry, you will enjoy your large bonuses after all this is done."

David's words made everyone in the room cast their blazing eyes on him. After all, everyone sitting in this room knows about the huge sums of profits he will be taking home after this.

At the thought of their large bonuses, they couldn't help but be excited, filling the rooms with cheers and applause. In their hearts, they were extremely thankful for their generous boss.

"Hey, we are not done yet. You still need to work hard and make everything go as smoothly as possible."

David wasted no time attracting them with money, these bonuses are not much for his entire profits anyway, and in exchange, they will work harder, which also means a little bit more profits. It is the cycle of benefits.

For these bank traders, driving them with profit is undoubtedly the most appropriate prize.

Watching the joyful traders go back to their stations along with Alexander enthusiastically chatting with them, David nodded. This is indeed the right decision.

"Hey, David, haha, you look so happy."

David turned his head and landed his eyes on a lazy fat man enjoying a slice of cake on his other side.

"Oh, I almost forgot you are here."

David raised one of his eyebrows, looking at the smirking face of Allen nonstop, taking in spoonfuls of cake to his mouth.

"Haha, you're just jealous of my delicious dessert. No matter how long you look, I won't share this with you, you know? So how is it?"

"Well, there's nothing to worry about. The price has been rising, and I think this will continue for a while."

"Hahaha, that's great! We're so rich! I have already earned so many millions. But why can't I get enough of this? Hahaha!"

Allen laughed happily, fantasizing about the luxurious beach club that he was going to build after all this is done and all the beautiful women surrounding him day and night.

His face showed a wretched smile, and the fat in his body jiggled, and as if thinking of something, his saliva almost came out.

"Hey, are you listening to me? Do you know when you should start selling?"

"No, no, David, you're wrong. I don't have to know. Look there. Those two are my traders. I also used this bank's services to do the work for me. I only told them to copy you.

See, this is how you do it!"

Allen showed a proud face as if he was a genius for thinking about this. It was tiring to look at the stock market continuously and also very stressful.

For Allen, it was too stressful, so this is why he is here today. Let's just go to the same bank and copy David's movements. Then he won't have to do anything. Hahaha!

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